Dirty, tangled and complicated alleys.

Faced with the chase and interception of the Braun family soldiers, Arthur could only follow Heinlikai and fled left and right in embarrassment.

The flea den is different from other districts in King's Landing. Not all the slums are hiding from Arthur, Heinrich and the others who are armed with weapons, and even a lot of stupid *| stupid*| desire *|Move, want to catch them to receive rewards!

human beings will die for riches.

After all, some people can't restrain the greed in their hearts.

In this group of disability, although Heinlikai is a woman, she has snatched Arthur's longsword, and has repeatedly pushed back the conspirators. Not many people have dared to trouble her.

The House Stark guard holding King with Arthur and holding the longsword tightly. The imposing manner is fierce, and it is not easy to provoke at first glance.

So only Hand of the King Eddard, who is walking and limping, looks the best to be bullied.

Even though his right leg was injured and he was inconvenient to move with a cane, Eddard was still the "silent wolf" of House Stark, and the cold glow in his hand was blood flying!

The soldiers of the Braun family chased very tightly, and the steel gate could not go anymore. Heinlikai, who was leading the way, now led everyone to run desperately towards the giant dragon gate.

Passing through one after another narrow alley, you can see the Renis hills, and you will soon be able to leave the flea den.

But Arthur knows very well that the giant dragon door will not be guarded by no one.

Everyone's physical strength has reached the limit, and if you continue to run, even if you can reach the giant dragon gate, you will not be able to leave King's Landing.

"Everyone, stop." Loosen the unconscious Robert, with the butterfly sword in his hand, and said solemnly: "You guys will take a break."

hearing this, Heyin Likai He opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but seeing his firm eyes and understanding the current situation, he could only silently nodded and agreed.

"Your dagger is too short, take my sword." Eddard handed out the sword in his hand. After fighting, the wound on his right leg cracked. The blood loss and pain required him to use all his strength. You can stand firmly on a walking stick.

"No, my two knives are very difficult to deal with."

As Arthur said, took a deep breath, he turned and walked slowly towards the braun family soldiers who were following him .

The shelf is put out.

In the face of longsword, in a narrow alley, Arthur has the advantage of holding two close-to-hand butterfly swords.

There is no need for complicated moves, the most important thing is to be fast! allow! ruthless!

Imagination is the same as normally.

Block, pierce! Chop! Swing!

It seems that Arthur, who is weak and weak, has such a skill. The Braun family soldier who is chasing after him with a sword completely didn't expect. From the moment he turned around, he killed a person in one face!

I have seen blood, and today Arthur has no discomfort of killing.

The biting blade is stained with bright red, which is particularly conspicuous under the sunlight that passes through the alleys in the sky.

"Good job." Watching Arthur kill four Braun family soldiers in a blink of an eye, and he was unscathed, Eddard couldn't help but praise, "You will definitely become a good warrior in the future."

When Arthur heard the words of Hand of the King, Arthur shook his head.

Less than as a last resort, I really don’t want to kill, because other people have family and friends. Maybe if you think so too Holy Mother, you will be scolded, but his nature is like this.

Looking at the Braun family soldiers and golden robe appearing in front of the alley, Heinlikai moved his arms and said, "They surrounded us."

The people fell down one by one, and Arthur couldn't stand it and was also used to it silently, but he really didn't want to see anyone killed in battle.

However, there are Braun family soldiers and golden robe block in front, and chasing soldiers at the back, the world is so helpless.

I don't want anyone I know to die, I can only kill the enemy!

"Give me to the person behind."

Bloodly, the young man said to his companion, and immediately brandished a short blade to attack the rushing soldier, pushing away the sharp blade like a poisonous snake. , Opened a scarlet wound on his neck.

Because it has to be captured alive, and there are not too many people left.

Barristan and Ryan are not dead yet, they killed all the enemies, and quietly followed Norman Braun.

Learning that King and Hand of the King were blocked, and hearing the sound of fighting, after a short pause, they once again exerted their powerful military force, swaying silver snakes to harvest heads in the narrow alleys.

"Damn, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and get rid of that humble bastard!"

Cursing the family soldiers, and found that things were not right behind him, turned around and saw that he was killed behind him The two who came, Norman Braun suddenly turned pale in fright, "Bally Stan's old bastard is not dead yet?"

"Quickly stop them!"

Compared with the famous knight, warrior, and Swordsman in the kingdom, the soldiers of the Braun family are really far behind.

Even Kingsguard can deal with it like cutting a cake.

Even if Barristan was exhausted and approaching the limit, he and Ryan killed five or six people in threes or twos. Upon seeing this, Norman Braun quickly got into the side alley and ran away without a trace.

With two major battle strengths coming, Arthur was relieved immediately.

Heinlikai and Eddard are about to be captured alive, Braun family soldiers and golden robe dare not kill them.

All the way back, everyone left the alley and onto the street leading to the giant dragon gate.

A few dozen people came from golden robe, and Hound chased him.

Barristan and Ryan were not physically strong enough and ran out of explosives. Apart from desperate efforts, Arthur couldn't think of any way to leave King's Landing.

What should I do?

Is it going to die...

As a salted fish, not a big hero, with a compassionate heart of saving the world, without the corresponding ability, he will surely kill himself.


Arthur does not regret it!

"Lord Eddard, Lord Barristan, Brother Ryan, Hein Rikai, it is my honor to fight with you."

Recover the butterfly that is not suitable for fighting spears. With sword, Arthur picked up the spear next to the golden robe's corpse on the ground, recalling the Liuhe big spear he had seen on the Xingyiquan fist sheet, and stood in the three-sana pose and prepared for a stab.

Xingyiquan evolved from marksmanship, so it is also called spearboxing. It is specially used for war and killing. The twelve-shaped Five Elements is simple and easy to learn. It claims that it can kill people in three years.

I haven't learned from a master specifically, I only read boxing scores in the library.

The clumsy marksmanship of picking up the spear is not to give up the proficiency of the butterfly sword, but because one inch is long and one inch is strong, and short weapons are too bad for the battallion pikemen.

Barristan shook the head: "Your swordsmanship is too bad, I hope your spear can pierce it on time."

"I regret not taking you to train the swordsmanship before. ." Ryan played a sword and walked in front of the crowd, "We will kill King's Landing!"


"What's the matter?"


"It seems that the cavalry is charging."

"It's the city gate, someone is attacking the city gate!"

Listening to the voices of the golden robes discussing, Eddard Suddenly overjoyed: "Hold on, someone will come to us!"

Ryan was so excited that he took up the shield at his feet and roared and led the charge: "It must be my grandpa who has received the news. Let's kill the giant dragon to meet them!"

He is a good warrior worthy of praise.

Thinking, Arthur shook his spear vigorously, opening the spear tip of the golden robe, and Barristan confronted Hound on horseback.

Arthur and they huddled together, trying to move towards the giant dragon door slowly.

The sun in the sky gradually sets westward, and a beautiful sunset glow appears.

The dim light reflected on the streets in King's Landing, a corpse, a pool of blood, and a bloody warrior painted an epic picture.

A loud noise came from the city gate again.

Then the scene was chaotic, and the golden robe who was going to block the way hesitated and kept looking back towards the chaotic rear.

Ryan has quite the trend of the more fights the more brave is: "The giant dragon door was breached, and it is too late to surrender, otherwise you will all die!"

"Hound, Put down your weapons, I allow you to put on black clothed to be the Night's Watch." The right leg is no longer conscious, and he struggled to deal with Hound's offensive with his left hand swinging the sword. Eddard said solemnly with his right hand leaning on a crutches.

With the rapid sound of horseshoes, the flying Griffin flag was raised high by the knight, and the golden robes hurriedly dropped their steel swords and spears and fled.

Under the dog helmet, Hound's face is full of unwillingness. Barristan and Eddard are exhausted, and they can take it all with more effort. At this point, there are people who come to rescue.

...to be continued...

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