It was not Kingdoms 1st Infantry that broke into King's Landing, but the Kingdom's third regular army!

Seeing Sa Shuang's heroic posture*|riding and swinging his sword, Arthur was moved to tears when he heard the familiar voice.

"It's Annie Claude?!"

It's not Kingdoms 1st Infantry of grandfather Francis Arnold, Ryan is a little disappointed.


Now it's safe.


As the tense spirit slackened, Ryan was helpless and fell to the ground. Arthur hurriedly checked his injuries when he saw it.

Fortunately, there is a heartbeat, there is no direct death.

It's just that my body is exhausted to the limit, coupled with injuries and blood loss, I can't support fainting.

Following Ryan, Heyin Likai couldn't hold it anymore, and asked Annie to support her horse, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Sir Barristan, don't think they fall asleep like this, they might not wake up!" Seeing Kingsguard Captain leaning on the longsword and trying to close his eyes, Arthur hurriedly called out.

"Sir Barristan, it's not time to rest yet." Corps Head Jack Claude of the third Legion rode over and said, "Our people are almost all gone, we must leave King's Landing."

hearing this, Barristan looked nodded resolutely, but wanted to stand up, but he had no strength.

Jack hurriedly instructed his opponent: "Find two carriages right away."

"How about Your Majesty?"

Arthur helped Balistan, Just replied: "Still in a coma, we need treatment."

Annie: "Don't worry, we have a doctor outside the city."

Sit on the carriage that Jack Claude made his men rush over. , Everyone did not stop at all, and immediately marched towards the outside of the city at full speed.

Carriage on.

To treat the wounds to King Robert, Hand of the King Eddard, Barristan, Ryan, Heinrich and the only remaining House Stark guards, Arthur turned his head and looked at spears, steel swords, and shields. , Streets full of stumps and corpses.

Under the shining of the setting sun, the blood is not obvious. Those corpses that fall down and cannot move because of the darkening sky, most of the faces can be seen, and some of them can’t even see the outline of the human figure, as if they are immersed in the The earth became part of it.

Just as the front foot walked out of the giant dragon door, the back foot was equipped with a griffon breastplate, saber around waist, and the guardsmen with spears and square shields were running and chased under the leadership of Hound.

Jack Claude arranged soldiers and siege equipment outside the city.

Seeing the chasing soldiers immediately command the soldiers to launch an attack, stop them for a while and then bring all the people in. The expensive crossbows, catapults, and ladders and other equipment are thrown away.

Jack said that it’s not a joke for his subordinates to quickly fight the light. The third Legion is the full legion. Even though the troops who brought King Qin only have a thousand elite, they are considered to stay outside the city and guard the siege equipment. The number of soldiers is less than fifty.

The royal collar borders the Lannister collar to the north.

Cersei releases the raven. I believe that in three days, House Lannister’s army will encircle the undead King, and then take the hand of the King Eddard to kill the king, so that Joffrey will succeed to the throne.

"Annie, it's me, Varian Waters, is my big brother with you?"

After entering the city, there is no news of Ryan, knowing that Lannister is going to rebel, as the younger brother's tile Li'an is very worried about the safety of his big brother. The city gate is completely blocked, and he can only wait anxiously if he can't get in.

After inquiring about the fierce battle that broke out in the giant dragon gate, he immediately led people over.

At this time, I saw my acquaintance Annie and Jack Claude of the third Legion, and immediately asked out loud.

"Yes, he is injured." Annie said.

Varian: "Take me quickly."

"Sir Barristan." Said hello to Kingsguard Captain sitting on the carriage, and saw the one lying on the carriage. Fatty and The North guy: "Your Majesty and Hand of the King are also injured?"

Barristan is very tired and has no energy to deal with him. To ensure that King and Hand of the King are safe and unable to sleep, he You can only lean back on your seat.

Ryan and Arthur are lying in a carriage, and their two big men are not as lucky as Hein Rikai to be able to enjoy a carriage exclusively.

"Eric Maester is still at my house. Why don't you stop by my house and ask him to check the injuries of Your Majesty and Hand of the King?" After watching the lethargic Ryan's injuries, Varian found Jack Claude discussed.

After thinking for a moment in silence, Jack nodded agreed.

For Lannister's rebellion, Maria Arnold and Lianna Elizabeth both have reservations. Queen is not a good person, and the two are not less angry with her. It is not a day or two to have hatred with Cersei.

So when I heard the death knell from the city and the news that I found out, I immediately sent ravens to send letters to their families.

At this time, King was in a coma with his injuries under control. None of Hand of the King, Barristan, Ryan and Arthur were intact. The two immediately released the raven again, and by the way Joffrey and Tommen It was the news that Queen and twin brother lunatic bastard released.

Maria wants to tell the whole world about this news.

Because of this, Ryan and Varian will most likely be inherited! Even if it is not the first and second pick, it would be great to be a legal bastard!

Moreover, as the father of Kingdoms 1st Infantry Corps Head, he rescued King and Hand of the King. This thing is done properly and it is not impossible to become a legal bastard!

Eric Maester quickly did his due diligence to check everyone's injuries.


The uninvited guest also chased him.

The garrison regiment, like the Kingdoms 1st Infantry, are heavy infantry.

The movement speed is not as fast as the third Legion soldiers who are all riding horses, but it does not mean that they cannot catch up when they stop.

"It's Hound, he is chasing with the garrison." Jack Claude said solemnly.

Maria Arnold said: "I have sent a letter to my father, let's go to Sanshan City together."

"I agree." Can be protected by 1st Infantry Regiment, Balistan One agrees.

I didn’t even have time for dinner.

Everyone hurried on their way under the starry night.

Forests, grasses, bushes, unknown trails, smelling the fresh air, Arthur on the carriage woke up from shaking himself, opened his eyes and saw the stars in the night.

"Wake up, do you want to drink some wine to refresh yourself?" Ryan, who was sitting next to him, handed the wine sac.

Arthur, who was hearing this, shook the head with a wry smile: "No, I want to drink water."

tone barely fell, Hein Likai sitting on the carriage behind will throw one away Water bladder.

"The girl's choice." Ryan murmured, and then returned to seriousness, "Arthur, we are in a very bad situation."

"Hound was chasing after him with a garrison. There is no news from the First Army and Second Army groups. Lannister has sent a thousand people to hunt down. At our current speed, even if we go to the agreed meeting point, we may not wait for the 1st Infantry Regiment."

"And...they deliberately rushed us to the beach."

Arthur didn't quite understand, he shook his head and frowned and asked, "I slept for a few days, Your Majesty and Hand of the King. Are you awake?"

Ryan said: "I slept for three days, and also woke up today. Your Majesty and Hand of the King have not awakened yet, and Sir Barristan has also fallen into a coma."


"Do we have a boat?" Arthur asked musingly.

Ryan smiled bitterly: "If you have a boat, you don't have to keep finding ways to escape."

"So we still have to escape."

"That's right." be continued...

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