They were constantly chased and blocked, and the road to escape was very difficult. After three days of running, everyone who ran wildly still failed to leave the emperor.

The encirclement of the Garrison and the House Lannister army is shrinking.

About tomorrow night, they will be surrounded by water, King can't escape death, Hand of the King can't escape the accusation of being framed for rebellion against the king.

The remaining third army soldier will be buried in the wilderness with Legion Jack Claude.

Ryan, Varian, Arthur, Heinlikai, Maria Arnold, Lianna Elizabeth, and Aisara Waters are no exception.

No one wants to die!

Maria Arnold has a Corps Head father, and Lianna Elizabeth also has a family dependency.

As a branch of House Windsor loyal to House Tyrell, House Elizabeth has a lot of business achievements.

Without Legion's response, they inquired about the good news and dispatched ships to try to rescue them from the sea, so they knew that someone had come back to rescue them, Lianna and Aisara were not nervous.

But they can’t guarantee that the ship will arrive in time...

"Can’t run like this anymore."

Jack reluctantly ordered that there is not much left. , The exhausted soldier stopped.

Varian frowned: "My lord, Lannister's army is only half a day away from us. We can't stop."

Jack coldly snorted: "I have my own decision. Until you talk more, hurry up and rest."

After all, Jack Claude is one of the youngest Corps Heads in the kingdom. With his military merits and advancement in pacifying the Greyjoy rebellion, his ability is beyond doubt, even if he has paid a heavy price to break through. The giant dragon door, but it can rescue King and Hand of the King who are trapped in the siege, without giving wrong orders.

By doing this, Varian can guess that he wants to stake all on one throw and fight the chasing soldiers!

But he is the Corps Head of the Third Army, just a petty officer of 1st Infantry Regiment, Varian can make comments, but he is not qualified to object.

"Jack Corps Head wants to break through?"

Back to the carriage, Ryan immediately asked the younger brother.

Varian nodded: "Did you rest well?"

"Can you say no?" Ryan's body was all wounded, bleeding stopped, no infection, but connected There are no scabs, but the warrior is the warrior, and the battle is impossible to accommodate him.

Varian looked at Arthur in a daze: "How are you?"

Arthur reluctantly said with a smile: "It's okay."

" Arthur, if I break through later, I am entangled by the enemy and cannot escape, I hope you can take my mother and Lianna Aunt to escape to the beach." Varian looked at him seriously.

"House Elizabeth has a boat, Lianna Aunt contacted them, we will try our best to drag the enemy, let you get on the boat."

Ryan hearing this frowned, he asked intently: "Does Jack Corps Head know?"

"Yes." Varian said: "Lianna Aunt said."

Ryan: "Well, I hope we can tow the ship Come."

Lannister dispatched three thousand troops afterwards, combined with the first thousand troops, and the guards from King's Landing. They have formed a huge encirclement, and shrinking can kill them all!

Because I see this.

Jack Claude, who had been turning in, had to stop.

Looking at the Lannister soldiers in red cloaks, armed with spears, large shields, and longsword-equipped enemies approaching step by step.

The faces of everyone who assembled on the hillside were solemn.

The unconscious King, Hand of the King, and Kingsguard Captain were all supported on their horses and tied to the rider. Maria Arnold, Lianna Elizabeth and Aisara, the ladies who had no power to bind the chicken, also rode Get on the horse, ready to rush out of the siege with everyone.

Looking up at the night sky, Arthur felt the moonlight a little bit cold for no apparent reason.

Heyin Likai next to him coldly said: "Don’t look around, concentrate, war is not a joke, it will kill you."

Annie shook her head and sighed:" Heinlikai, you can actually be friendly to him."

Heinlikai suddenly rolled the eyes: "I know you want to match me with him, but this is impossible."


Hearing her words, Arthur suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "Annie, do you think I have such a need?"

Being protected like the three Aisara hearing this lightly coughed in the middle, opened the mouth and said: "It seems we shouldn't talk about this now."

"Don't be so nervous, we will leave the emperor alive." Heinlikai said .


"Give me a straight spear!"

The Lannister soldier of the red cloak is getting closer and closer, Jack Claude waved the longsword, Take the lead in riding a horse!

There are less than 50 people left in the third Legion, and with the 30 elite 1st Infantry Regiment led by Varian, it is impossible to form a torrent of steel with less than 100 people.

But it is a decisive charge!

Without the power of Transcendent Saint, the ordinary person is really pitiful in the war.

Poor riding skills.

Tie yourself to the horseback with a rope and run.

The enemy is getting closer and closer, the long spear is like a forest, the shield is like a wall, and the sword is cold.

The running war horse hooves sound like thunder, carrying the wind, like a phantom, carrying a warrior holding life-threatening steel, and plunged into the gun forest of Lannister soldiers!

The spear shaft broke and the shield wall opened.

Some sharp spear points pierced into the horse's body, or pierced into the warrior's body!

One by one fell down, there are enemies and friends!

I have never seen such a scene. Arthur, who killed someone, still had cold hands and feet. Looking at the enemy who was about to stab himself with a spear, he instinctively swung the spear used as a tasseled spear away. , And then take it back and give it away suddenly.

The horse is still running, unabated, trying to seal the throat with the spear blade, but sends the spear into the enemy’s chest and breaks the breastplate, but his strength is not strong enough to throw people away. open.

The spear finally let go!

"Draw your sword!"

Arthur lost his weapon in the battle and was stunned. He swung his sword to block a few spears that were trying to kill him. Annie shouted when he saw it. .

Shocked in a cold sweat!

Although he is protected by the soldiers in the middle, there is no safety in the enemy line!

Under the horse's hoof that the torch can't shine is a corpse, invisible but you can smell the rich blood and sweetness!

"Don't be stupid, kill the enemy you see!" This stupid child didn't even take any action when he drew his sword, and Heinly Kay suddenly roared.

There are fewer and fewer people in the front.

If you don’t kill, the horse will definitely stop, and you will definitely die by then!

Don't want to die, Arthur can only grit his teeth and brandish the longsword to attack every Lannister soldier who appears in front of him!


Following Jack Claude, Ryan, Varian and the others as the pinnacles, Arthur, covered in blood, suddenly found them circling!

There is no breakthrough enemy line at all, and it is still surrounded by Lannister!

Now it's turning around!

"Don't slow down!" Seeing that the speed of Arthur's horse was slowing down, Annie immediately cut off the horse's tail fiercely and made the horse run wild again.

Soon all the enemies were thrown behind and disappeared.

Before, there was the sound of waves faintly.

Ninety percent of the soldiers died, but they still failed to break through, and Arthur knew that they had gone to ruin.

Is there no way but to wait for death by the sea?

Can prayer make miracles happen?

Is it because my strength is too weak, so there is such a dead end?

"White*|Idiot, don't be stunned!" Heinlikai, who was next to him, threw a scabbard, so that the distracted Arthur was awake again, "We can live on!"

"House Elizabeth’s boat is coming!"

"Where?" Hearing this, Arthur was overjoyed. He looked at the pitch-black sea ahead and occasionally a small area of ​​the moonlit sea. He did everything. did not see.

Heinlikai said: "I won't lie to you when I say that, and prepare to dismount!" be continued...

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