Leaving King's Landing, I ran all the way to the west. After being blocked, I changed to the south. Now I am forced to continue to the east.

When I finally reached the beach, the enemy was chasing after him.

I didn't see any boats on the black sea, no igniting lights or shadows of sails.

The horse's tail was chopped off, and the horse ran endlessly, rushing directly into the sea, and then struggling, thumping until it was weak, and Arthur seemed to see his end when he saw it.

The fast-moving Jack, Ryan, Varian and the others have pushed several small boats into the sea.

Loss a large number of soldiers, but after all, they protected King Robert, Hand of the King Eddard and Kingsguard Captain Balistan, and the three weak women Maria, Lianna, and Aisara boarded the boat intact.

Sitting on the boat, Arthur missed the sentence: Rowing a boat without oars and relying on the waves.

Unfortunately, the reality is exhausted, and I still have to row hard with my almost unconscious arms!

The chasing soldiers have reached the coast. They hold the torch, which is very conspicuous in the dark night and seaside fog, reflecting the battallion silhouette.

"Are they not chasing anymore?"

Seeing that the chasing soldiers stopped and seemed to give up, Arthur was a little pleased, thinking he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Heinlikai: "Do you think this is safe?"

Arthur has a bad premonition in his heart, and his face is bitter: "You mean...no The boat will come to pick us up?"

"No." Heinlikai said solemnly: "The boat is here, but we may not be able to get on."

Speaking of which Arthur also understood that he couldn't get on the boat because of chasing soldiers. They stopped and didn't chase because the people on the boat had already thrown into Lannister, or it was Lannister's boat that came.

I don’t want to swipe anymore.

Because seeing that ship is the time to die...

Annie shook the head and whispered: "I am also very tired, but we still have Chance."

"Kill that ship." Heinlikai counted the arrows left in the quiver and said, "Then live!"

Everyone Give up rowing and don't want to waste any more effort.

The boat is floating on the surface at a moderate pace.

The sea breeze is slow, with a salty smell, and the fog is thick. With the moonlight, I can barely see the shape of the coast when I look back.

The shadow is approaching!

It was the ship looking for the fire to find it.

The physical strength has not recovered, the arm is sore*|Can't lift the strength, Arthur is at a loss, can only hold the shield tightly to provide him with little sense of security.

"Where is Your Majesty?" the person on board asked.

"Let us go up first."

As Jack said, he brought his men closer to the ship.

For a moment of silence, the people on the boat put down the rope ladder: "Okay, you guys come up quickly."

With a shield on his back and a sword on his back, Jack quickly climbed onto the boat, and then Stand by the rope ladder and let everyone go up.

The sea waves are swaying, no matter the big ships and small boats are swaying with the waves.

So the rope ladder is very difficult to climb.

Looking at the people standing still on the deck raising the fire, they faintly surrounded them, and their eyes were even worse.

First of all, on the deck of the sea ship, there are warriors who can fight with swords. Maria, Liana and Aisara are still taking care of the unconscious King underneath, so don't be afraid of being affected.

Jack stood casually, scanning all around the crew: "I am the kingdom Commander of the 3rd Legion Jack Claude, who of you is the captain?"

"The youngest kingdom’s Corps Head I know you." A lean middle-aged stood up, and Arthur could see his hand holding a weapon behind his back.

The voice fell, and the atmosphere on the deck was deadly!

It’s time to do it.

Arthur looked at the sailors surrounding them, and showed his weapons almost at the same time as them.

"Let's release arrows and kill them!"

Without blade light and sword shadows, Arthur who drew his sword saw a crossbow appearing in the hands of these sailors, and then a series of bowstrings vibrated. The sound, the sharp arrow flew suddenly!

Arthur, who is not strong enough, never expected to be super god with a sword.

He suddenly raised the shield he held tightly, trying to protect everyone behind the body protection and under the boat.

The killing is not intended.

He picked up the sword just to live, and the people on the side of body protection, to protect!

Guard your own life, guard the side of body protection!

The previous life was ordinary and ordinary, and the biggest setback was the loss of a loved one.

Coming to this world with Song of Ice and Fire seems right but actually isn't, he has relatives, and friends who are sincere and caring about himself. He really feels very happy and happy. .

So, in order to protect those who care about it, it is up to you to pick up the sword!

In fact, there are not many great thoughts in my heart.

The charge roared and roared, and the soldiers around him fell down one by one, wailing and screaming.

Arthur, holding a shield to defend against crossbow arrows, shrank like a tortoise, but there was a burst of energy in his body.

Very subtle.

Only so little.

But this energy contains*|Hopeful, full of light!

For protection!

A thought arises in my heart.

The tired body hiding under the shield suddenly gains strength!

The noisy deck seems to be suddenly quiet.

Arthur stepped forward, the shield slammed into the crew of sailors, and the longsword in his hand was swung fiercely, acting like a tiger.

"Knock him to death!"

"We have more people than them, don't be afraid!"

After all, it is a swordsmanship.

Even though holding a shield and facing a large number of enemies, feeling the pain appear, Arthur quickly added two more scars.

However, the action of swinging the sword did not slow down at all, and the surface of the skin gradually appeared golden light!

When the sailors saw Arthur's body glowing, and the sword could not cause damage, everyone was shocked!

"seven hells!"

"How could this be?"

"The Seven is on, what's the situation?"

Not paying attention to the enemy's distraction and panic, the longsword in Arthur's hand continued to attack, taking them all as targets.

In the dark environment, light people appeared on the ship, holding the shield tightly in one hand, and waving the longsword in the other!

The soldiers were fierce and chaotic, and the hostile sailors were astonished for a moment. They came back to his senses and dealt with it seriously when they saw so many companions fall.

No one cares much about this.

After two hits, he was not injured again. Arthur didn't know what was going on. He still held the longsword and shield intently, trying to kill every enemy who wanted to put their entire group to death.

I saw the shock on their faces, but I had no time to find out what was going on.

The technique of butterfly sword was suddenly inspired by swordsmanship, and it became more and more comfortable for attacking most enemies with sailor swords and longsword.

Shield block, progress is approaching, longsword is tricky and stab, without the three main players of Jack, Varian and Ryan.

He has more than 30 sailors in the tail section alone.

Soon, the enemies on board were cleared.

"I just saw a bare man. Is it too tired to cause dizziness?"

I looked at the face after the battle and did not breathe. I also helped to use a wooden board to coma The three Kings pulled up Arthur, and Varian, who sat on the deck, browsed tightly knit, and said to the big brother beside him.

Ryan can take care of the younger brother during the fierce battle, and all the enemies in front of him are the limit. Where there is time to see some naked people, he is lying on the deck and is about to fall asleep, hearing this very impatient:" There are no naked people. Don’t be stupid. Let me take a break."

Annie is dressing up the gloomy Jack and escaping into this ship. The third Legion of the kingdom is already In name only, and there is nothing left. Three cats and two kittens.

Take Robert, Eddard, Barristan, Maria, Liana, and Aisara all onto the deck with wooden boards.

Arthur sat on the deck and recalled the situation.

The energy that suddenly appeared in the body seemed to be an illusion.

Because it has now disappeared without a trace.

The body is still so tired, weak and drowsy.

But in the state just now, it’s like War God possessed, those enemies can’t hurt themselves, and golden light faintly emerges from the body......

Are you okay?" Heinlikai, who was also tired, came up, "We must operate this ship away from here."

I can’t figure it out for the time being, and I don’t want to think about it. Hearing this Arthur is tired. Bluntly got up: "I know, but any of you can sail?"

Heyin Likai: "I don't know, but Jack Corps Head once served in the kingdom navy, he should be able to sail."

"It is not easy to distinguish the direction at sea. With such a small number of people, it is difficult to operate a sea-going ship. This sentence of you should be worrying." Arthur hearing this sighed.

Because of extreme fatigue, he didn't realize that he didn't have much blood on his body. Although it was not clean, he didn't want to go through a battle at all, and the injuries he had suffered before were quietly recovering!

...to be continued...

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