The weather at sea is unpredictable.

The entire group was tired and operated the sailboat to move with the wind, and Arthur fainted again when his body reached its limit.

I opened my eyes again and found myself in the violently shaking cabin.

"What's the matter?" Arthur hurried out to the deck and saw that Robert, Eddard, and Barristan, who were unconscious, had all awakened and were working as sailors on the boat to help adjust the sails.

Annie, who was busy adjusting the sails with everyone, said: "It's rainstorm."

Arthur tried to stand firmly and asked: "What do I need to do?"

Jack Claude hearing this at the helm said: "You don't need you to help us sail, go behind and stare at Lannister's fleet!"

"How many Lannister's chasing troops have come?"

The visibility was not high during the rainstorm, and the boat was shaking again. Arthur grabbed the guardrail to the stern with all his strength, but because he was too far away, he couldn't see clearly, so he asked Aisara who happened to be observing here.

Aisara said: "Six ships."

"Hehe, they really value us." Arthur couldn't help but smile, "Go back to the cabin, it's dangerous here. Yes."

Aisara shook her head: "I'm afraid I can't grasp it and fall into the sea? I'm not as weak as you think."


Arthur took out the rope he had specially found and was about to tie him, "but you should add a layer of insurance."

"Should I tie it?" Aisara immediately stared at him, and said uncomfortably, " Do you think I am you? It’s not the first time I'm caught in a storm on a boat!"

"Don’t forget that this boat belongs to House Elizabeth. I ride once a year and return to Windsor from King's Landing!"

"Uh, okay."

Since it made her feel so unhappy, Arthur suddenly gave up his plan to tie her up and paid attention to the Lannister battleship that was chasing after him.

"In fact, there was no such storm. They have caught up to us."

Aisara sighed: "We have too few people. It is not easy to operate such a large ship. Except for Jack Corps Head, none of them are familiar with maritime affairs, but after the storm passes, they may be able to surround us in less than a day."

"How many days have I been in a coma?" Arthur asked in a deep voice.

Aisara: "Three days."

Arthur frowned: "No one has come to rescue Your Majesty for so long?"

"No." Aisara Shaking his head, "Furthermore, we are blocked by Lannister's fleet in the direction of Dragonstone and Storm Collar. We are sailing across the Narrow Sea."

Arthur: "Too bad."

Aisara : "No, there is something worse."

"The storm is about to pass."

The hard way to escape is not so easy to end.

To be honest, Arthur actually regrets changing the plot because he is familiar with plot and the advantage of knowing what happens will disappear!

Without this advantage, he is really not much better than the natives of this world.


There is no saltpeter mine, just making nitrate is disgusting and troublesome.


Just need a lathe and steel to make a good spear tube.

So, Arthur thought about it and went back to the golden finger.

He hasn't seen the tasteless attribute panel for a long time, and he has never expected any surprises.

But this time I opened it, and there are a lot of skills on it: fighting technique (Intermediate), swordsmanship (Elementary), archery (Elementary), shield technique (Elementary), butterfly sword (Intermediate), Xingyi gun (Elementary)!

And the talent column shows that he is awakened-holy light! ! !

Some moved the golden finger finally came into play.

But I am also puzzled. I am an ordinary person. I am afraid of death. I have never believed in holy light. Why do I awaken holy light?

Does this world also have creatures like naru?

Forget it.

Thinking too much is useless.

I noticed that I was temporarily unable to use the power of holy light, the blowing storm and heavy rain became smaller, and the waves on the sea began to calm down, indicating that the storm was about to pass.

Lannister's battleship is about to catch up.

No time to try how to master holy light!

"Aisara, go report the situation."

Soon, the fatty King who heard the news of Aisara ran over and looked at the Lannister battleship that raised the speed and cursed: "seven Hells, why didn't these damn Lannister battleship sink in the storm?"

"Leave them alone, come to the front to help."

Lack of long-range strike weapons.

I stayed at the stern and reported that the enemy was coming and preparing to face off. It didn't help much. It's better to help control the sails and raise the speed of the ship.

"Your Majesty, what happened to your injury?" Arthur asked the fatty King next to him as he listened to the arrangement.

Robert: "I can't die."

Barristan said: "Your Majesty's injury is crusted, and there is nothing serious now, but Lord Eddard's leg injury is still very serious. "

Looking at Eddard Stark, who was helping with a crutches, Arthur asked, "Then should I check the wound for Lord Eddard now?"

Eddard: "No need , Wait until we escape Lannister’s chase."

The storm is over, the rain is still falling, the sun is dim in the sky, and the dense dark clouds are not illuminated. There are chasing soldiers approaching, whether it is the environment or the soul, Arthur felt depressed.

Very uncomfortable.

But I can only mechanically follow the commands to operate the sailboat, and pray that the sailing speed will be faster and faster!

Gloomy weather.

Except for the clouds being burned red by the setting sun at dusk, darkness enveloped the earth in a blink of an eye.

No ignitions, no lights, no gleams of light on the deck, because it will guide the chasing troops, so they can only work in the dark by the faint moonlight.

But Lannister’s battleship did not lose its goal!

By the wind, follow the ocean current.

When the morning light came, they had already formed an encirclement, and then suddenly approached to connect the ship under the morning light!

"Kill all these Lannister bastards!"

The war-thirsty Robert never fears death, even if the abdominal wound is scabs, there is still the danger of splitting, lift the spear to Stabbed at the enemy fiercely.

Injured and exhausted, they can still show their bravery against a hundred. Arthur really admires them.

The crisis has been resolved several times.

The hopeful Arthur does not believe that life will stop here!

Facing the sailor of the Lannister battleship, with a spear in his hand and a six-and-a-half stick technique, the stabbing method of the Xingyi spear, instantly harvested two heads. The ancient Chinese arms have always had spearmen, even if they were used as Cannon fodder is not without reason.


The enemy is not stupid!

Knowing that they have beaten the besieged record, the commander will not continue to fill it with human lives.

Since it’s a sea boat, they don’t lack a tool to catch people-fishing nets!


When the fishing net he got acquainted with came, Arthur was in a hurry, trying to open the fishing net, but the enemy rushed in.

Being covered by a net, the spear cannot be used at all, and there is no chance to draw the sword.

"Catch them!"

Listening to the cheers of the enemy, Robert's cursing and Ryan's roar, Arthur, who was added by the sword, dared not move anymore.

"My lord, do we have to kill all other than King and Hand of the King? I think it's too wasteful to kill those women like this."

" Let's have a good time. Of course, the adults must be the first to go!"

The flattering sailor uttered a **** laugh, looking back and forth between Annie and Heinlikai with his fans’ eyes. , Aisara, Lianna and Maria.

Women have long thought of the tragic experience of being caught, and the poison is always ready, and they will not let themselves be fucked by their strong women!

Thinking that Annie, Heinlikai and others would take poison to commit suicide.

Arthur can't hold his breath anymore!

Suddenly drew a knife to cut the ropes of the fishing net, like a domineering tiger, pounced on the enemy.

"Be careful!" be continued...

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