"Kill him!"

For the sudden violent Arthur, the sailors did not panic, the commander gave an order and surrounded him with swords and spears. The sailor immediately launched an attack!

cold glow flashes in the morning sun.

Arthur's intention to kill has never been so strong. He wants to kill all these enemies to protect Annie, Heinly Kai and the others!

On this one thought, regardless of the blade, blade, and spear tip, the two swords are made like two Flood Dragons for the guardian!

The faint golden light appeared on his skin again, just like the night when the ship was captured, the sharp weapon could not cause the slightest injury!

"Damn, he clearly didn't wear armor, why can't the knife cut in?"

The opportunity is here!

As all the sailors were attracted by Arthur, Robert, Barristan, Ryan, Annie and the others under the fishing nets all got away and killed the enemy.

In the middle of the crowd.

Ignoring the attack, Arthur hadn't noticed that countless weapons fell on him, but he didn't feel the pain, indicating that he had entered the state of swords and guns on the night of the ship's capture!

Since the enemy can't hurt himself, what else need to be afraid of?

Use an unfavorable style of play, no longer block dodge, the knife moved towards the enemy’s vitals, hello!


The era of cold weapons.

Morale determines the outcome of the war.

Faced with Arthur with golden light impervious to sword and spear, the seamen of Lannister, like the seamen of House Elizabeth, were so shocked that they were protected by War God!

Fear spreads everyone's heart in a blink of an eye.

A bull like a bull is not afraid of getting injured and constantly attacking. More and more people are hit by the knife. Arthur will not take advantage of this, but King Robert, Hand of the King Eddard, Kingsguard Captain Balistan, Commander of the 3rd Legion Jack Claude They will all!

Capture the thieves first, capture the king. The Lannister fleet commander was quickly spotted by the brave crowd and died in a siege.

"Your commander is dead, surrender and don't kill!"

Eddard cut off his head, Robert thrust it high with the tip of his sword, and shouted loudly.

hearing this, Lannister's seamen looked around blankly.

"We have many people, don't be afraid of them!"

"Quickly catch King, we can use him to threaten that kid!"

"Want to catch I'll be here, the scum of Lannister!" The fat King must be furious*|Zhang, holding a longsword in blood and violent, the ordinary sailor of martial arts did not dare to get close.

The fearless Barristan stood beside him, never stopped, and killed three sailors in such a few words.

Heinlikai, who was protecting Maria, Liana and Aisara back into the cabin, lit the torch and suggested to Annie, "We are going to burn their ship!"

" Good." Annie swift and decisive, holding the torch that Heinlikai handed her, followed Arthur impervious to sword and spear with a sword, and slew towards Lannister's battleship.

"It's on fire!"

"Let other battleships come and support!"

"No, I don't want to fight that monster!" Someone hacked After Arthur didn't know how many times, he couldn't hurt him until he finally collapsed. He dropped the sailor's knife and jumped into the sea.

There are two, because Arthur's flustered sailor quickly lost his fighting intent.

Then some people have a blind obedience effect, thinking about jumping into the sea to escape, thinking that there is a Lannister battleship around, and the seamen on the ship will save them!

When everyone saw this, they immediately took the opportunity to drive all the enemies who refused to surrender into the sea.

Just when Jack was thankful that the enemy was not the kingdom and navy, but the private soldier of House Lannister, Arthur, with golden light skin, fell on the deck with black eyes.


Annie yelled nervously and checked his body for injuries, but did not find a wound, not even an old one!

"How is this possible!"

"What's wrong with boy Arthur?" Robert strode over and asked.

Heinlikai said strangely: "He passed out, but there was no injury at all."

Robert turned the unconscious Arthur over and found that there was indeed no one on his body. A little bit of the wound, unlike the appearance of a series of battles, he was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and said: "This kid will not wake up for a while, bring him into the cabin and let him rest.

We haven't Safe, there is Lannister’s battleship around, they come at any time!"

Jack looked at the unmanned Lannister battleship next to him, and said intently, “Your Majesty, I think we can break through separately.”


The unmanned Lannister battleship ignited fire, and the sails burned out long flame tails.

"How to break through?" Eddard asked puzzledly.

Jack looked at the fire ship, pondered then said: "We are on the ocean current, without sails, we can sail along the ocean current."

"You mean operating Lannister on fire. battleship?" Ryan hearing this shook his head in astonishment, "No, you are committing suicide like this!"

Jack glanced at Annie, then resolutely said: "Your Majesty, only I can operate that one. The fireboat sails along the ocean currents. This is our only chance. Otherwise, when the fire becomes stronger, we can only wait to die."

When he heard what he said, Robert looked towards his friend Eddard, and both of them were silent No words.

They really have no other way.

Annie understands Jack's painstaking efforts, so she opens her mouth but stops talking, and it's useless to blame herself.

Jack reached out and patted her shoulder, and said to King: "Your Majesty, please take good care of Annie."

After that, he walked towards the fire without looking back. Lannister battleship, while steering the helm, endured the fire and shouted: "Quickly let the ship move and follow me!"

His voice quickly disappeared.

Disappeared in the fire...

Annie wiped the corners of her eyes and quickly manipulated the sails with everyone. The silent Eddard limped towards the rudder, cautiously The control ship followed the fire ship.

The ocean currents are surging, and there are fire boats with raging flames opening their way. They dare not get too close.

Threw the hooks and tried to hold the ship to the ship, but Barristan did not to be trifled with. The silver light rose and fell, and all the hooks were cut off.

Then watched the ships following the fire ship get farther and farther away.

Out of the encirclement of the Lannister battleship.

But they are still catching up.

Jack Claude sacrificed himself to control the fireboat to clear the way, only allowing King and Hand of the King to get a slim chance to escape!

"Eddard, look, you are so kind and noble. See how embarrassed we are now." Big fatty turned his head and looked at the Lannister battleship, his tone surprisingly calm.

Eddard focused at the helm: "I don't regret it."

Robert hearing this, who had just tied up his sails calmly, couldn't help but burst into anger: "Damn it, but I Regret it!"

Actually, after boarding this boat, all of them knew that if they could not escape, they would die.

To capture it alive, it's just that Queen Cersei wants to be tried in a large court, to consolidate Joffrey's throne and win people's hearts.

There was not much food and water on the boat, and when Arthur woke up, he ate the last bit of food.

Just now they were injured in the battle. They didn't even have time to bandage to escape.

In such a situation, it is really hopeless.

So there was silence on board.

Lannister battleship sailed along the ocean current, Yang Fan, failed to form an encirclement, but steadily chased after them.

Can't directly connect to the ship, they also have long-range attacks.

Let the arrow!

In order to avoid the feather arrows, King could only take people to hide in the cabin, and then watched the hooks thrown by, one by one the enemy jumped from the enemy ships on both sides to help.

Feel the sight of the Hand of the King friend, the big fatty expression on his face: "Hit it."

...to be continued...

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