"Your Majesty, come out, stop resisting."

The crowd huddled in the cabin took advantage of the terrain to circulate from dawn to dark.

On the deck, a commander of the Lannister battleship yelled loudly. He has lost more than 30 people. The cabin passageway is full of corpses, but King and Hand of cannot be attacked. The King is captured alive.

There are five commanders standing here, they are very impatient, and even want to set fire to King and Hand of the King hiding in the cabin.

Hungry, tired, and bruised.

The King and Hand of the King in the cabin are not good.

As women, even with the beards and beards who can go on the battlefield, Annie and Heinlikai are too tired to sit still.

There was silence.

They are so tired that they don't want to say much, they must reserve their strength to deal with the enemy.

Even the two ladies, Maria, Liana, and Aisara, also took the crossbow to kill.

Among so many people, only Arthur, who is unconscious, is sleeping at hu hu. If you don't mention his unusually hot body temperature and sweating body, then he must be the most comfortable of them all.

"If we don't come out again, we will set fire!"

"We don't have to catch it alive!"

Listening to the clamor, Barristan is worried Looking at King and Hand of the King.

Warrior King Robert hearing this coldly snorted, roared in response: "A bunch of unkind cowards, burn if you want, don't think I will be afraid!"

Play with roaring, everyone After waiting for a while, I only heard a riot outside, but no fireworks started.

At this time, the ship swayed a little bit and seemed to be sailing. Barristan frowned and said: "The speed of the ship seems to be speeding up."

Eddard: "They want to take us Back to King's Landing."

Varian headed out of the passage carefully, and took a look at the deck: "It's not like going back to King's Landing, they look a little flustered."

"And. .. I heard that they were running away, and they seemed to have encountered an enemy."

Ryan Barristan nodded with closed eyes and rested: "I heard it too."

Barristan: "Is it trying to trick us out?"

"It's possible," Robert said.

Outside the cabin.

In the night and the waves, the speed of the boats has increased to the extreme.

"Commander, those pirates are still in hot pursuit, so they refuse to give up!"

"Damn!" Without listening to reports from his men, the commander also saw the menacing sea robbers. .

King's Landing sounded the death knell, announcing the death of King to the world, and Hand of the King Eddard Stark conspired to rebel.

There is no evidence, no trial.

Who would believe Lannister's one-sided words?

Eric Maester, who had treated King, Hand of the King, Kingsguard Captain and the others in Villa Maria, did not flee with everyone.

Because of Maester's identity, he left the villa immediately after treating the injuries for everyone, and then spread the news that Joffrey was not King bloodline to Westeros.

Hand of the King sent someone to send a letter to Dragonstone before Cersei, Joffrey, and Tommen were to be caught.

There is no news for more than ten days. Everyone thinks that King and Hand of the King are dead.

After receiving the Hand of the King letter, Stannis immediately assembled his troops and prepared to take back the King's throne belonging to House Baratheon!

Renly, who escaped from King's Landing before the coup, also intended for the throne.

King and Hand of the King are not dead.

Lannister impossible to let them escape alive.

So, the news was revealed to Stannis and Renly who wanted to compete for the crown, and they soon cooperated to block the Sea Territory.

And all the ships appearing on the sea rush to Essos opposite the Narrow Sea!

The pirate king Sarado Sann was drawn to Stannis.

Even like pure iron, the black, hard and strong Stannis didn’t want to kill her, but with the red robe female Melisandre by her side, he was still ruthless in order to become the co-owner of Westeros. Heartbroken!

The Hand of the King was not caught alive.

The people of Lannister can only helplessly lead them to avoid the pursuit of pirates.

This run is almost to Essos!

Robert, Eddard, Barristan, Varian, Ryan, Annie, Heinlikai, Maria, Liana, and Aisara, they take turns to receive food and water from Lannister.

One person has eaten without problems, and only the second person eats. Each time only two or three people are full, and the rest are hungry.

Arthur is basically only fed a little water by Annie every day, because he has not woken up because he is fainted, and he is very thin and skinny. If it is not for the ups and downs of his chest and breathing, everyone I thought he was dead, and the big fatty King who was losing weight wanted to divide the meat on his body.

The sailing ship finally stopped at this time.

Barristan observed from the passage and found that the Lannister sailors on the deck were still in a panic, rushing off the ship in a swarm, feeling too strange, so he indulged and said: "They don't seem to want to trick us out."

"It seems that something really happened."

Robert has no longer wanted to stay in the cabin: "Then go out and have a look."

"Let me Go." Today it was Ryan's turn to eat, and he stood up without hesitation.

"Child, be careful." Hearing the royal father's instructions, as a bastard, Ryan, who has never been loved and cared by his father, was very happy in his heart. When he mentioned the sword, he decided to create opportunities even if there is no chance. Get out of this damn ship.

"I will."

Out of the deck, looking at the strange port, looking around all around, Ryan immediately made sure that they did not return to King's Landing!

All the people on the surrounding Lannister battleship ran away.

A ship blocked the port behind.

"Your Majesty, there is no Lannister on the boat, you can come out!"

No matter what the situation, it is best to leave this damn boat first.

Barristan, who came out first, looked at the port, and frowned suddenly and said: "We came to Essos?"

"Essos?" Robert was a little confused.

Eddard looked at the sea where the harbor was blocked by the ship, pondered then said: "Maybe Stannis's fleet is coming to rescue us."

"Really?" Robert didn't have anything to say about it. What does it mean, "Why didn't he come to see me?"

"We don't know which city this is yet." Maria suggested to her lover King: "Your Majesty, why don't we go to the port first?" "

In this way, their entire group, Ryan and Varian carried the unconscious Arthur onto the strange Essos continent.

Fortunately, Heinlikai brought the spoils of war swords gained from killing the enemy to the smithy to sell, otherwise they would not even have the money to eat.

Checked in at a hotel and looked for a doctor for Arthur who was unconscious.

Everyone was finally able to eat a delicious meal and sleep comfortably.

Suddenly sleeping.

Arthur was suddenly frightened.

Suddenly awakened by the anxiety in my heart.

There is no sound of waves, no smell of the sea, in the dark room.

Immediately, there was a burst of weakness, and I felt so hungry that I could eat a cow!

The moon outside the window is very round.

The strange streets were quiet, and occasionally there were waves of women*|screaming, lighting candles, and Arthur was surprised to find that there was a person standing in front of him!

This person is dressed in the clothes opposite the Narrow Sea, looking at him with an expression on his face, making him feel palpitation.

"Who are you?"

"You shouldn't wake up."

As he said, this man immediately took out the rope and rushed towards Arthur, trying to He caught it!

The body is skinny, weak and hungry, but after so many Life and Death Battles, Arthur is no longer the salted fish.

The butterfly sword I carried was not taken away.

Falled down by him, Arthur immediately drew his sword and put it on the man’s neck: "If you don't want to die, let go!"


Seeing that Arthur was as thin as a wood, this man was thrown down by himself. He must have no strength, so he stretched out his hand and tried to seize the knife!

The knife is a weapon to ensure his own safety. Arthur will not allow it to be taken away and then used by criminals to threaten his life.

After all, I'm still afraid of death.

As soon as the wrist turned, he sent the knife into the man’s neck.

The bright red blood splattered on his face, and Arthur was a little afraid that he would become a bloodthirsty murderer in the future.

After all, bad guys also have a chance to get better.

With the heart of Holy Mother, Arthur envied Naruto vortex's mouth.

That's the best skill to lead people to good!

If there is such a rant, maybe he will make this world very beautiful, and there will be no bad guys who are full of malice towards him.

...to be continued...

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