Not even the blood on his body was cleaned up, because he cared about King and Annie, and Arthur went out immediately.

This is the hotel.

But it was a little unusually quiet.

Don’t forget, this is a backward ancient world, people don’t have a so-called nightlife.

Although I live in Red Keep most of the time, Arthur knows the night at King's Landing very well. No matter where it is, there are no special events. Basically, there are only women.*| Call.


This is a hotel, more or less there will always be girls and girls*|scream!

Impossible so quiet!

And Robert is not a peaceful person. When he comes to a foreign country, will he not find a woman?

Try to open the door of the next room and find any one of Robert, Eddard, Barristan, Ryan, Varian, Annie or Heinrich.

I searched the entire floor, and there was no one guest in the many rooms.

Although I am not sure what is going on, there must be something wrong here!

Robert and Eddard are both in danger!

Go down to the first floor.

The exotic atmosphere here didn't attract Arthur's attention. The big lobby, which was laid out like a pub, only had a pudgy middle-aged man sitting in a chair.

When I saw Arthur, the pudgy middle-aged man was a little surprised, but he quickly reduced his expression and continued to drink red wine alone casually.

Arthur asked in the past, but the pudgy middle-aged answered... Was it Valyrian or Dothraki?

What should I do if I don’t understand at all?

The depressed Arthur had to leave the hotel and found blood and dead bodies on the long, silent street.

Worry about everyone.

He hurriedly searched for traces to try to find everyone.

But when I left Long Street, there was no more blood or fighting marks.

Oops, Robert and Eddard will not be captured, will they?

So Annie, Heinrich, Aisara are they not very dangerous?

For a while, he panicked a little.

The long street leads to two roads.

He was a little dizzy when he was hungry, but he still ran towards the dock.

I don’t speak the language, and I don’t have any money. Who will kill him?

So, Arthur found nothing in the end, so he could only stomach rumbling with hunger to return to the hotel where he woke up.

At this time, the hotel was different from the deserted when he went out. The lobby on the first floor was as lively as a tavern, full of guests.

The stocky middle-aged man still sits and drinks alone.

No one can be found.

The worried Arthur's obsessive-compulsive disorder calmed down. When he couldn't think of a way, he decided to solve his hungry stomach first.

No money to buy.

Arthur uttered a compelling sentence: "All mortals are mortal!" Then he grabbed the butterfly sword and photographed it on the table, snatching the red wine and meals in the hands of the middle-aged chunky man.

While eating, he asked him, "Do you know where my companion is?"

The high-level Valyrian phrase "every mortal is mortal" is Arthur's only expert Valyrian.

In Essos, many people have heard this sentence, the hall fell silent in a blink of an eye, and they all looked at Arthur who was sitting across from the pudgy middle-aged.

I feel the sight of everyone.

Arthur ate his meal and calmly said: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a handsome guy?"

Feeling that the meal is not enough to eat, he took the person next to him again The broth just served: "Don’t worry, you won’t grab your food in vain. This knife can be sold. It’s made by King’s Landing’s Forging Master. It cost me ten Golden Dragons, enough to pay for my meal. "

"I believe someone here can understand Westeros."

There was silence for a while, and a sailor-like young man stood up and asked: "You are the God of a Thousand Faces Believers?"

"Oh, you know Westeros? It's really good. I'm Arthur. I want to ask this gentleman if he knows where my companion has gone." Arthur pointed to the pudgy in front of him. Middle-aged, to sailor.

The sailor sneered: "Why should I help you?"

Arthur said: "I can give you money, you know Westeros, you should have heard the name Arthur Blackeye, you know Soap, perfume, paper, printing, these things, right?"

At this time, the pudgy middle-aged sitting in front of Arthur spoke, using the awkward-sounding Westeros language: "I don’t need him to translate, I I understand you.

As for your companion? Sorry, I don’t know."

Arthur shook his head: "I don’t believe it. If you don’t know, why did you come down? Will show a surprised expression?"

"Did Lannister's people buy you? How much did they spend? I can pay three times!"

Pumpy middle-aged laughed: "Pay three times? How do you pay? Who do you think you are?"

"I can make soap and print, of course, I can create more valuable things, and the sacred Lorraine King is My father, although it is bastard, I also have the Imperial Family bloodline!"

"So, you are very unusual." A strange light flashed in the short, middle-aged middle-aged eyes, and his face was greedy. The smile made Arthur foresee that the danger was approaching.

"Don't use your brains!" Arthur said solemnly, "Answer my question!"

The short and fat middle-aged man sneered and did not speak, and silently picked up the glass and sipped it. Enjoy the taste with a sip of red wine.

The hotel staff have quietly retreated, and the vicious man came out, and the many guests in the lobby looked at Arthur with unkind eyes.

He regrets saying so impulsively and radically without asking clearly, he hasn't asked everyone about the information yet, and I'm afraid he won't have the opportunity to ask again after he has done it.

Follow the people who quietly walked behind you to do it.

Arthur, who had prepared for a long time, noticed that the short and chubby middle-aged man had a vague look in front of him, and he immediately got up and took a backhand.

The screams and blood appeared, like the sound of a signal gun, causing the players in the hotel to do it!

Not full.

But after all, there was something in his stomach. After fighting to death, Arthur was no longer the weak chicken before.

A lot of fighting experience and flexible use of skills.

To solve the first few people who were the first to kill and threaten, the first thing Arthur didn't let go was the short, fat middle-aged man who was separated by a table.

The table was knocked down, the plates and wine bottles fell on the ground, and the blood-stained blade pierced the short fatty's back. He let out a painful cry, and Arthur, who swung his knife to drive back the many enemies, shouted in a deep voice: " Stop it, or I will kill him right away!"

"Dare to kill Mr. Mohal, you will never get out of Taloxi!" I asked Arthur earlier if he was a sailor for a believer in the God of a Thousand Faces.

"Taloxi? It turns out that I arrived in Tylosi, where did King and Hand of the King go? I was in a coma and they were impossible to leave anyone to take care of me."

"Tell everything you know!" Arthur, who was worried about everyone, was really fierce, and his face was grim, and the knife that was placed on the neck of the chunky middle-aged Mohal began to use force.

The injury on the lower back caused Mohal's blood to continue to drain, and his limbs began to weaken, and he felt the sharp blade on his neck. As a big businessman, he did not panic much, took a deep breath and said: " Kill me, you will find them more."

"You really know where Your Majesty they are." Hearing this, Arthur would not let him go!

Mohal: "Of course I know, as long as you let me go and hand over those money-making techniques, I promise you will know where they are."

"hehe, you think I am Are you stupid?"

Continuously dragging this short fatty into the aisle, and seeing someone moving, Arthur immediately glared at him, and burst into an unprecedented fierceness: "What do you want to do? Give me a step back. ! Otherwise you will be the first to die after he dies!"

"If you can't find them, I guess it will be difficult to survive. If you don't want to die, tell them whereabouts immediately, otherwise I will cut you off. Injuries on your neck and waist will also cause you to lose too much blood and die!"

Back to the dark corner of the aisle, Arthur leaned against the wall and spoke coldly to the hijacked Mohal, keeping his eyes on all. around, trying to find opportunities to get out. be continued...

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