Getting the money from Heinlikai’s weapon sales, everyone immediately found a hotel with a high level of decoration.

This is Taloshi, one of the nine free cities.

Taloxi people like flashy things. The high-level hotels have a very good appearance, which immediately attracted Maria, Liana and Aisara.

The big fatty, who likes to enjoy himself, never likes to treat himself badly. Even though he may encounter danger here, he still lives in spite of his friends’ objections, and then shouted, he has to take one third’s money to find woman.

With such a King, Eddard, who is Hand of the King, is really helpless.

But as a warrior, he was afraid of becoming a cripple, so he didn't have time to care about the ridiculous fatty. Let Ryan follow him, go to find a doctor, and find someone to send him a letter.

Contacting the nobles who are loyal to King and their own family is also a top priority!

Annie, Heinlikai, Aisara and King were very dissatisfied with finding a daughter and daughter as soon as King left the ship, but Maria and Liana could only stay in the hotel to rest, and Varian stayed.

Resting is not all.

Eddard asked the doctor to examine the leg injury and re-treat the wound on his body. Without forgetting the people in the hotel, he also asked the doctor to go to the hotel to check and deal with the injuries.

They thought they could enjoy a moment of peace.

But didn’t expect. After Lannister’s people escaped the pirates, they immediately contacted and found them. This is Telosi, not Westeros, and it’s not where Lannister can do whatever he wants. The clever commander can bear it for the time being. Can't live.

So witty contact with the powerful and wealthy businessman Mohal.

He is the owner of the hotel.

Also have relatives with Maharaja Tyrosi!

Lannister must pay off debts. This is not only circulated in Westeros, but people on the Essos continent have also heard it.

In addition, Joffrey, the son of Cersei Lannister Queen, became the emperor.

A deal is good!

At dusk, the night is approaching, and the hotel becomes very quiet.

In the room, the first thing that noticed something was wrong was Hein Likai, who was the first to sleep and rest after eating and drinking.

Wake up Annie, who is guarding Arthur, and whispered: "Go to Varian, there is a situation."

Annie hearing this immediately wakes up, holding the sword and going out, I saw a few sneaky people on the sidewalk trying to come over.

There was a mistake, but I didn’t let it go!

The longsword is unsheathed, and the cold glow is ruthless with blood.

Hearing the movement on the aisle, Varian immediately opened the door and came out. Seeing that Annie was under siege, he immediately drew his sword to support.

The comatose Arthur couldn’t control it, and Maria was panicked. In the next room, Varian, who cares about her relatives, yelled, “Heinlikai, protect my mother and Likai. Anna Aunt and the others!” Hein Rikai did not hesitate, and clenched the teeth closed the door, rushed to Maria’s resting room, protecting her to find Liana and Aisara.


Leanna and Aisara's room is empty!

They are gone!

King and Kingsguard Captain are out, and Hand of the King and Ryan are also out.

Unsurprisingly, they must be in danger.

"We must get out of here!" Heinlikai guarded Maria and slew to Varian and Annie.

Annie looked at the room worriedly: "But Arthur."

Varian, with a gloomy face, said firmly in a low voice: "We attract the enemy's attention, first get out of danger and then Come back and save him!"

"Okay." Heinlikai didn't let Annie hesitate, took the lead and rushed towards the few remaining enemies, jumped directly from the second floor behind the courtyard, broke the back door and smashed out of the hotel.

Varian is protecting his mother, and said to Annie, who was livid and worried about Arthur's safety: "Keep up!"

"Everything waits for safety!"

I thought that more than a dozen people were enough to catch Varian and one of them, one man and four women, didn't expect to die in a blink of an eye*|Light, Mohalton's face was gloomy and dripping, and he immediately ordered everyone in the hotel to chase him.

Then a word, let all the people outside the whole street be dispatched!

In Taloxi, they can't run away!

Not long after, another Westeros noble came to find Mohal to talk and trade in interests.

brothel on the other side.

King has an injury on his body but is still happy, Kingsguard Captain who has worked hard for his duties.

But avoided a catastrophe, finding a woman is indeed the best way to relax.

Of course, with Barristan as a person, I won’t be stupid at this time to listen to King’s words and play a part.

Drinking a small wine, half-squinted leaning against the back of the chair to rest as much as possible, keen Barristan noticed that there was a killing intent around him!

Opening your eyes, several fierce men with sharp weapons suddenly swung their swords to kill.

The sword does not leave the hand, and the armour does not leave the body.

The silver light flashed in the hand of the vigilant Barristan, avoiding the attack while solving an enemy, then counterattacked, shouting to the happy big fatty in the room: "Your Majesty, there is assassin!"

Robert, who was lying comfortably, a shivered, immediately took his sword and put on his pants to get up.

"Seven hells, damn Lannister is soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!"

"Run, Barristan, don't bother with them, let's go to the dock to find Eddard !"

Quickly put on his pants, put on his shoes, and had no time for clothes. Robert went out with a sword, killed two assassins and left Brothel with Barristan.

Eddard has already seen a doctor with King and asked the doctor to go to the hotel to check and treat the injuries for everyone.

Then one of them is doing business and the other is looking for happiness.

Send the letter to find someone.

Eddard is now anxious how to get back to Westeros, back to The North in House Stark!

On the dock.

Contact the trading ship of the Mandalay family.

Eddard had already talked to the captain and returned to White Harbor as soon as they replenish the supplies. However, as soon as they left the ship together, Ryan found that there were people around them watching them.

"My lord."

Eddard leaned on a cane, and said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous, let's go back to the boat."

"They want to run !"

When I saw cripple, he signaled everyone to step back, and those who followed them immediately chose to do it.

A wharf surrounded by dozens of people, Eddard could only take people back to the ship.

"Get out of the dock!"

Ryan is worried about the cheap father, beloved mother, younger brother, and Lianna Aunt, younger sister Aisara and cheap younger brother Arthur, hesitated Then, he said: "My lord, I want to go back and see!"

Hearing this, Eddard immediately agreed with his idea: "Be careful, sorry, I can't help you out."


"It's okay, my lord, please wait for my message."

As Ryan said, he took off his armor and jumped into the sea to swim across the shore from the other side.

The blockade of the port was returned to the pirate ship.

Someone discovered that a ship with a beard and tail and holding a black Trident white mermaid flag was attacked on the dock.

"Don't worry about them, just be optimistic about Lannister's ship."

"That is the Mandalay family ship, Eddard Stark was captured by Lannister, will it be from The North? Saved him?"

"They are going to leave the port sooner or later, we are here, they can't escape."

Eddard Stark didn't know that besides Lannister's attention, he also Targeted by the pirates thrown at Stannis.

Lianna and Aisara were the first to disappear.

Ryan swims in the sea alone, bypassing the pier and returning to the hotel.

And Heinrich, Annie, Varian and Maria have escaped from the hotel because of the sudden appearance of enemies.

The enemies chasing Robert and Balistan are Lannister’s soldiers and Mohal’s men. They run out of brothel is just the beginning!

As one of the nine most prosperous city states in Essos.

Taloxi is really big! be continued...

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