"Let me go, or you can't escape."

The blood loss made Mohal weaker and weaker. He was really just a The businessman, not the warrior, regretted letting Arthur sit across from him so easily.

In the face of death, it was difficult for Mohal to remain calm.

"Shut up!"

Arthur ignored what he said and stepped back cautiously up the stairs.

"Don't get too close, or I will cut off his head and kick the ball!"

Refrain from shooting at the rat for fear for Mohal. of breaking the vases.

Don't dare to move!

Up to the corridor on the second floor of the hotel, Arthur, who looked around, was sure to escape alive.

Almost to the end of the corridor, seeing that there were not many people in the street below, he immediately pushed out the kidnapped short and chubby middle-aged, then turned around and jumped onto the street.

Walk through the street again.

Landing and rolling unloading force will rush in in the direction moved towards the alley on the ground.

Sounds of footsteps.

Mohal will not let him go!

Run wildly.

Since saving King and taking him out of Red Keep, Arthur feels that he can run a marathon to win prizes.

The narrow terrain is most conducive to the use of butterfly sword!

Feeling the enemy behind him approaching, Arthur didn't hesitate to stop holding the two swords tightly to face him.


Annie covered in dirt, covered in blood, appeared in the alley behind her. After she ran out of the hotel with Varian and Heinrich, Has been dealing with the chasing soldiers in the city of Tyrosi.

Taloxi is an island city, the port is blocked, and they have nowhere to escape.

I couldn't get rid of the enemy several times, so I ran away separately, because I was worried about Arthur, Annie quietly came back stealth.

Seeing the crowds on the street and murderous-looking rushing into the alley, she turned around and ran not far away. At this time, she heard the sound of fighting and stopped to observe, and found that she was worried. juvenile.

"Don't pester them, come here!"

It was Annie's voice. Arthur slashed a Talothian's neck and immediately turned to follow.

"We went to the pier, Lord Eddard contacted the Mandalay family ship." Annie whispered while pulling him to run.

Arthur, who was hearing this, was overjoyed. "But we don't have any news about Your Majesty yet." But because of her words, he was extremely depressed.

"Ryan, where are they?"

Annie led him through the alleys, avoiding enemies who were chasing after him, and constantly approaching the pier: "Ryan goes to Your Majesty I don’t know the situation yet. Hein Likai found a small boat. Varian and Maria Aunt are also there, but Liana Aunt and Aisara are missing."

"I have been in a coma for a long time? "Arthur ran a little panting, and a lot of exercise caused a strong feeling of hunger in his stomach.

Annie: "It's been a long time indeed. Your Majesty said that it was a miracle that you were alive. But don't worry, we only came to Taloxi today and there was no danger. Heinrich guessed that it was Lannister's. I contacted the local luxury merchants and wanted to use the Tylosi merchants to arrest us."

On the dock, the Telosi and Lannister soldiers joined forces and surrounded Eddard’s Mandalay family ship.

Heinlikai, Varian, and Maria, who were observing by the firelight of their boat on the shore, have watched them engage in two battles.

Maria sighed: "I'm afraid we won't be able to leave."

Hein Rikai hearing this shook his head: "Lady, don't be so pessimistic, we will definitely go back safe and sound."

Varian, who heard the movement behind him and did not want to pay attention to the situation at sea, quietly drew his sword, so that the two of them silenced: "Someone is coming."

There is no torch, the light is extremely bright. Dark, only by the moonlight in the sky.

Annie came over according to her memory and saw not quite clear. Are the people hiding here Heinlikai, Varian and others, and asked: "Heinlikai, I will bring Arthur back. Now."

Varian relaxed: "It’s too dark here."

"Then let’s get on the Mandalay family’s boat." Annie pulled Arthur to help The boat was pushed to the surface.

hearing this, Heinrich, Varian, and Maria were silent for a while.

Arthur asked in a puzzled way: "What's wrong?"

Heinlikai pointed to the boats that were playing in a frenzy on the sea in the harbor: "We can't get on. "

"The ship under siege is the Mandalay family?" Arthur didn't know whether to cry or laugh asked.

The three were silently nodded.

Annie was a little at a loss: "Then what shall we do?"

Seeing a few ships parked in the harbor surrounding the harbor, Arthur frowned and asked:" What happened to those ships?"

Heinlikai shook his head and said, "Those are pirate ships. It's not clear what is going on."

After pondering for a moment, Arthur decided to take a risk:" Why don't we talk to those pirates?"

Varian: "No!"

"They are pirates, they are not good people who speak credibility!" Heinlikai and Maria Neither agreed with Arthur's attention.

Arthur: "You can't go back in this boat, right?"

"Then what's a good way for you?" Heinlikai asked.

"No, but we must find Your Majesty, Sir Barristan, and Ryan first." Arthur said.


Ryan is very unlucky.

Swimming exhaustedly in the sea, I found the shallows to go ashore. Brothel headed to King, but King and Kingsguard Captain who were assassinated broke through and ran to the pier.

Reluctantly return to the dock.

However, after searching several times, I did not find the silhouette of Robert and Barristan!

Ryan, as a pure warrior, can only speak a few simple Valyrian words, and can’t get news at all if he doesn’t understand the language.

I have no choice but to return to the hotel to find the younger brother and mother.

But they found out that they were all going to the building. The boss of the hotel and the Tyrosian merchant Mohal also talked to a Westeros nobleman to catch someone.

I want to hide and observe.

Didn't expect was discovered by the people of Mohal, and then found Varian and the others who were also running away.

So Ryan attracted the attention of the hunters for the safety of the younger brother and mother.

——Set fire in the city!

While everyone was fighting the fire, the younger brother and mother, as well as Hein Likai and Annie, were all gone.

"What should I do?"

"No, the Lannister battleship on the dock is moving. Could it be that they caught Your Majesty?"

the thoughts got to this point, Ryan ran to the pier without the slightest hesitation, and then watched the Mandalay family ship besieged by the Lannister battleship.

Occasionally, he found a familiar silhouette on a ship at the pier.

——It’s Lianna Aunt!

Unable to determine.

But Ryan really couldn’t find anyone, and planned to try that luck, but unexpectedly found someone: "Your Majesty, so you are here."

Robert is very impatient Drinking wine, looking at the Mandalay family ship worriedly, not in the mood to ignore him.

Barristan asked: "Where are the others?"

Ryan sighed: "We are lost."

Aisara comforted: "Big brother no Worried, Maria Aunt and Varian’s big brother are all right."

Ryan reluctantly nodded and asked: "By the way, what is this ship?"

Lianna smiled and said: "It's our House Elizabeth. Don't worry, this boat belongs to me and there is no danger."

Ryan relaxed: "That's good."

Said: "That I will find Mother and Varian, and then think of a way to rescue the Hand of the King and go back to Westeros."

Lianna: "Then you must hurry up. The ship that blocked the port is a pirate ship, Sarah. Do Xun turned to Stannis to help him fight for the throne. I am afraid that the pirates will not let us go.

So we must rush out of theirs with the merchant ship we contacted tonight. Blocking to leave the port."

...to be continued...

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