ride a dragon and head south.

Arthur and Daenerys soon arrived in Loena's homeland.

There are Gawain, Lancelot, Lan Mallok and the others stationed with troops, and the workers in a frenzy are busy with Na Sa Sing, Chajoen, Ah Noy and Ge. There have been no accidents in the reconstruction projects of cities such as Duohe.

With a sound political system and training enough talents, Arthur and Daenerys only need to make sure that the direction is right, and pay attention to the main points, then they can rest assured that they can leave the affairs to the people below.

Mataris is located in the long summer land, close to Valyria.

Taking advantage of this trip to learn about the situation in the Devil's Land, Arthur simply ordered Lancelot and Lan Mulok to lead the cavalry to attack.

No guns are needed to attack the city.

There are two giant dragons, and the monster city Mataris is doomed to fall.

The cavalry marched at full speed and couldn't catch up with Zhuo Geng and Lei Ge. Seeing that there was still time, Arthur and Daenerys flew to the south of Long Summer to investigate the situation in the sea of ​​smoke.

Although I cannot mention on equal terms with Spiritual God.

But Arthur already has the strength to deal with all dangers.

The ruins of Valyria that made countless explorers smashed into the sand and never returned, everyone with extraordinary strength did not have the slightest fear.

Go through the land of long summer.

Sea Territory surrounded by smoke appeared in front of everyone.

Zuo Geng and Lei Ge lowered their altitude and flew over the boiling sea. Daenerys curiously looked at the smoke all around.

"Arthur, will it be like the bottom of the Lorne River, but also sealed the monster like the King of Fire?"

"I didn't perceive it."

hearing this Arthur shook his head.

"I perceive that there are volcanoes and lava below."

Understanding that volcanic eruptions are natural changes, and mortals cannot deal with nature, Daenerys has not much thoughts about rebuilding Valyria NS.

"His Royal Highness, the sea water in the smoky sea has no temperature, and the volcano will not always be in a state of eruption. When the lava cools in the sea water, it will become a Fire Mountain Cliff..."

Marvin said: "Smog appears in the sea of ​​smoke. Could it be the cause of volcanoes and lava?"

Arthur: "You have to dive into the seabed to see this before you know it."

Thinking that there is still some hope for the reconstruction of Valyria, Daenerys raised an eyebrow: "I heard that Oros and Tria are inhabited."

"We will ask someone to ask. Just ask."

The promoted LeBlanc can listen to the sound of the wind, perceive it for a moment, and then determine the direction faster than Arthur, Ambrosius, Malvin, and Jaina: "Go If you fly six or seventy miles to the northeast, you should be able to reach Oros."

"Go straight south to reach Tria."

"Then turn around and head to Oros."

Daenerys gave an order, Zhuo Geng and Rego immediately turned, because they were strengthened by the Lord of Light, the strength and size of the two giant dragons changed again, both exceeding 300 meters.

Flying speed has increased several times.

I arrived at the dilapidated ruined city in a blink of an eye.

The giant dragon appeared suddenly, taken in Dragon's Might, and the dazzling holy light, the residents living in Oros did not dare to show up.

But there is a sorcerer.

Arthur and the others can determine the location of the hiding residents with a little bit of perception.


Arthur and Daenerys just got off the dragon's back. Before looking for someone, the woman wearing a black robe walked out of the shadow of no one under the rock.

"Can you put away your Holy Light Power?"

I heard female voices full of disgust and disgust, Arthur, Daenerys, Jaina, Ambrosius, Mar Wen, LeBlanc and the others were a little stunned, and then secretly used their power to make preparations.

Because, most people who hate and dislike holy light are in control of evil or Power of Darkness!

"You are going to shoot at me?"

Coldly snorted, dark energy overflows from the black robe woman, exuding a shocking power.

"Evil Mage?"

Jaina, Ambrosius, Malwin, LeBlanc without the slightest hesitation released the spell they prepared, but wind, water, The four spells of ice and thunder were easily blocked by the dark shield of darkness. Arthur exploded with Holy Light Power, and the second golden sun immediately appeared on the clear sky!

In an instant, the darkness was dispelled, and the black shield on the black robe woman was eliminated.

The golden light forms a rope, restraining her out of thin air.

"Unfamiliar female mage, please don't be too short-tempered, we have no malice against you, Jaina, Ambrosius, Malwin, LeBlanc, don't be so impulsive."


Stop the black robe female, Arthur sighed: "Although she has mastered the dark spell, she has no evil aura on her body."

"It should not be a bad person."

"hehe ."

"Do I need you to speak for me?"

I was subdued for an instant, and the black robe woman was still not convinced, but she did not follow her Power of Darkness. Bright confrontation.

Vanessa appeared silently beside her with a dagger: "Speak carefully."

"I am not as good-tempered as your Highness."

Daenerys walked over: "You know, you shot a queen and a prince, I can put you to death without a trial."

Black robe female coldly snorted: "Come on."


Arthur shook his head: "Why make it so unpleasant?"

"We just came to ask about the situation, I can feel that she has no malice towards us, just because of her Power of Darkness rejects holy light before asking me to put away my skills."

Daenerys glanced at his husband irritably.

Then she looked at the black robe woman and asked: "Who are you?"

"Don't you dare to say your name?"

black The robe woman stared at the Dragon Queen without fear: "What's not to dare? My name is Ilana Shadow."

"Arthur, since coming to Essos, it has been a long time since no one dared to talk to him like this. I spoke." Daenerys looked at her husband and asked, "Are you sure she really has no harm to us?"

Arthur let go of the holy light shackles and put away the holy light sun in the sky .

Recovering freedom, Illana ignored the dagger on her neck and coldly snorted her arms bound by the holy light rope a few times: "Child of Light, Arthur Holy Lorraine, I know. "

"I also know you, Queen Daenerys, the mother of dragons."

"I also know that you want to liberate all slaves, but...I still have nothing to you Good impression."

From the old black robe on Ilana and the torn boots, Daenerys can tell that the girl who masters Power of Darkness is not a rich person, she must be uneducated. At the bottom, so I didn't care too much about her rudeness.

Arthur: "Can you talk about it?"

"We want to know the situation here in Oros."

"Oh, the dragon queen and the son of light have already Expanded to the land of long summer, I wonder if Mataris's slave master has been killed?" Ilana said.

"pay attention to you manner!"

Arthur and Daenerys don’t care, but Jorah, Annie, Selena and others can’t understand Ilana’s presence in the queen and prince So arrogant in front of you.

Irana shrugged, put down her black robe hood, showing a pretty face and full of anger, without fear of all provocative eyes: "You want to do it?"

Have never seen Daenerys doesn't have a good temper for such a dead person.

Arthur said: "I don't know why, I seem to be able to perceive your mind. You are actually a bluff, and I am terrified of us in my heart."

"We are not Bad guys, there’s no need to be like this, and don’t be afraid."

Illana's expression stagnated when she heard the prince’s words, but she quickly returned to her provocative expression of death. Coldly snorted said: "You Don’t you want to know what's happening here in Oros?"

"I can tell you, there is no who lives here."

"If nothing happens, leave immediately!"

Unfathomable mystery can perceive women’s mental fluctuations. Arthur shook his head and said: "You are lying."

Ambrosius: "We can perceive that Oros is more than you."


"What are you hiding?"

Daenerys asked, looking at Jaina and LeBlanc, receiving the queen's eyes, LeBlanc immediately used a teleport.

Seeing a female sorcerer disappear suddenly, Ilana immediately became nervous, but Vanessa put a dagger on her neck, and she was so excited that she bleeds from the blade.

"Your Majesty, it's a group of women and children."

Before Irana decided to do it, LeBlanc teleported back, her expression a bit complicated.

"The residents of Oros I perceive are all women and children."

Everyone who heard this suddenly understood why Ilana had such an attitude, let alone Essos here, Even in Westeros, a group of women and children must also be careful.

Daenerys: "Are you protecting them?"

Irana did not speak.

Annie said that she opened her hand in a friendly manner and walked over: "We will not hurt you."

Irana still didn’t speak, she just looked at everyone and all around nervously, Obviously, he still didn't let go of his guard, and was thinking about how to escape, even attacking them.

For her vigilance, Daenerys understands Dothraki burns, kills, and loots.

Otherwise, a group of women and children cannot survive.

The blue magic gleamed, Jaina and LeBlanc both teleported away. Upon seeing Irana turned pale in fright, regardless of the dagger on her neck, she quickly burst into Power of Darkness in her body, but Vanessa not to be trifled with trained by the Faceless.

A strong slap with the other hand knocks people out.

In less than a moment.

Jaina and LeBlanc came back with hundreds of children and a few girls.

Jaina: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the thousands of people hiding in Oros here are all women and children. I only brought them back, but others saw us all run away."

They are all women and children who are struggling to survive here.

It's okay to meet them.

If you encounter slave merchants, their end will be very miserable.

Furthermore, everyone still found Valantis' slave marks on the faces of women and children.


Seeing that Ilana fainted and was supported by Vanessa, the dirty woman in the crowd immediately ran out nervously.

The woman is unarmed.

But Vanessa wouldn't let people approach casually, and immediately raised a dagger to warn her.

The woman who saw this suddenly stopped.

She was at a loss for what to do, she suddenly heard a dragon roar from the sky, and then found Daenerys's iconic silver golden hair and purple eyes. She immediately decided her queen's identity, and quickly knelt in front of her, begging. "You must be the mother of the great dragon who liberated the slave!

All of us are slaves who escaped from the Land of Strife, Valantis, Mataris, Rees, and Slave Bay... ...

Irana is to protect our safety and has been helping us deal with malicious people. If she offends anything, I beg you not to blame her...


Lisa, I am willing to be punished for her!"

Daenerys, who was hearing this, looked at the crowd, with a smile on her face: "Are you Lisa?"

Woman Quickly answered: "Yes."

Daenerys: "Don't worry, since you know who I am, then you should know that we will never hurt you."

"But...Irana did offend us."

The words immediately scared Lisa look pale.

Daenerys: "Then...I will punish you to be my maid in the future."

...to be continued...

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