As the queen who will rule the nine Free Cities, Daenerys will not watch her people suffer, especially these people are women and children who are tortured by slaves.

For the safety of the woman and the child, Arthur rode a dragon to Valantis and asked Landau Tali to send a troop to Oros to protect them and establish an investigation in the land of long summer. Valyria's outpost.

Wait for Irana to wake up nervously.

Arthur has returned from Valantis, and Daenerys also reassures the worried and worried woman and child.

Seeing that the woman and the child have not suffered injustice and abuse*|Treatment, my friend ran towards him with a smile, and found that there were no guards around to take care of him, mastering the Power of Darkness, and having many bad experiences since childhood. Lana relaxes too.

"Ina, you are awake, come with me to see Your Majesty and Your Highness!"

Lisa is everyone’s joyful fruit, let alone hurts herself, hear At this, Irana hesitated for a moment, and let her friend pull herself over.

For the time being, investigating the situation of Valyria.

When Arthur rushed to Valantis, he had the experience of going to an orphanage and school. Daenerys quickly became acquainted with the women and children of Oros.

After understanding.

Everyone also knows about Oros.

There are no men and old people, because it was killed by pirates.

The aborigines living in Oros were either killed by pirates, or they were captured and sold to slave merchants. Lisa and the group of women and children, because they were all escaped slaves, got nothing from Oros. The news of people's residence was protected by Irana and came here to hide.

Seeing that Ilana was brought by Lisa, Daenerys stopped telling stories to the children and looked at her with admiration.

After all, taking these disadvantaged women and children, avoiding slave masters and slave merchants, and protecting their safety is not easy. Having such determination and ability is very admirable.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Irana is here."

"Previously, Irana was rude to Your Majesty, Your Highness, and the adults. Please also Your Majesty, Your Highness, and Masters forgive me."

Although she is a slave, Lisa has received some education and is very polite.

I almost started fighting before, but now I have to bow my knees and look at the dragon queen and the prince and the others. Irana, who salutes her friends, is still a little unwilling.

For her offense, Arthur didn't care, Daenerys thought it was justified.

"Since you know our identity, you must have heard of the school we held in Mill?"

Heard the queen’s question, and heard some of them in Mataris It is rumored that Ilana is nodded, but she does not believe that there is such a good ruler, who will teach untouchables and slaves for free.

"Then I want to bring all the people here back to Mill, so that they can live a safe and comfortable life without being displaced, and arrange stable jobs so that all children can go to school Go to school.

As their protector, do you have anything to say?"

hearing this, Irina browses tightly knit up.

After pondering for a moment, he looked at Daenerys and said: "I have been to Meerin, but you didn't make it better, and finally abandoned it..."

These words made Malwyn and Jolar a little angry, but they were irrefutable.

Knowing that she had been naive in Meerin, Daenerys, who was hearing this, was not surprised and angry. If she was wrong, she was wrong. She dare to admit it!

"I do have too many shortcomings about Slave Bay."

"However, Arthur and I are now managing Mill, Land of Strife, and Pentos very well, and I have done everything I promised!"

"I also guarantee that there will be no mistakes that have occurred in the past in the future!"

Irana is not convinced to let her The dragon queen who was disappointed once, but she believes that she has a vast body of holy light. Although she is rejected and disliked by Power of Darkness, she can perceive the true kindness and kindness of the child of light.

Lisa also said: "Ina, we have heard the propaganda of the Lakhlo church, those priests and monks will not lie to us."

The Lakhlo church controls the tile. During Lantis’s period, he never stopped preaching to slaves and civilians how beautiful the reign of the Son of Light and the Dragon Queen are. Although Arthur and Daenerys have a mutual use relationship with the Red God Sect, both parties have been able to do it on the premise of benefits. Good to work separately.

Arthur and Daenerys provided missionary opportunities for the Lakhlo Church, squeezing local churches such as Mill, Land of Strife, Pentos and so on.

The Rahlo Church promotes them to slaves and civilians.

There is no need to go to any tavern. The escaped Irana has also heard of Mill’s policies and knows how happy the freed people in the liberated land are.

But with too much knowledge and experience, Ilana is very vigilant and does not trust people so easily.

"I know that Daenerys Your Majesty and Arthur's policies are good for all of us."

"However, I don't believe in your officials, nobles, and wealthy people."

"There are good people and bad people in this world."

Arthur understood what Irana meant, shook the head and said, "If you don't trust our appointed officials, you can also learn knowledge. Becoming an official, as for the nobles who have rights, they may be wealthy and unkind. You don't need to worry about these for the time being."

Irana was stunned by these words.

She has indeed heard that many students who used to be slaves have passed the assessment to become officials.

However, after a turn of his thoughts, he asked: "Why don't you have to worry about rich people who have rights and nobles and are unkind?"

Daenerys: "Arthur hasn't made up his mind to confess the nobles, so big The Mill and the disputed place in Beijing are governed by officials who have passed the assessment, not the nobles.

We have also re-enacted the law. Anyone who breaks the law will be severely punished, whether it is the rich or the noble!"

Malwin was lightly coughed and reminded: "In this world, no matter which country or city-state it is, their laws are not as perfect and fair as ours."

Lisa:" We've all heard of it."

Because of the Holy Light Church, Arthur and Daenerys fell out with the Lakhlo Church. There was no Red God priests and monks to help publicize. They simply sent spies to the Nine Free Cities. Promote everything about them.

This also includes the law.

Seeing the look on Ilana’s face, Daenerys said with a slight smile: "Irana, I know you have approved us."

"Well, would you please Willing to follow me loyally?"

Hearing this, Irana opened her mouth and her expression became solemn: "I am willing, but I hope to get the promise of Your Majesty."

This was within Daenerys's expectation. He chuckled and said: "We promise that the future will only get better and better, and that the oppression and slavery will pass forever."

"If you violate it, you can abandon it at any time. I will go."

Mastering Power of Darkness, but not being blinded by this dark power, guarding the kindness in the heart, and insisting on protecting the weak. Talents like Irana are worthy of Daenerys. For your own use!

Give Irana a position as a consultant.

After arranging the woman and child of Oros, Daenerys is busy exploring Valyria and the seabed of Yanhai.

To be precise.

It is Arthur who is busy with these things.

Blessed by the holy light, he plunged into the boiling sea of ​​smoke and repeated the same tricks as diving down the bottom of the Lorne River. He quickly saw the seabed of the sea of ​​smoke in the deep sea.

There is no volcano or lava!

Under the shining of the holy light, he quickly discovered that there was a huge red hot meteorite in the seabed, exuding endless terrifying high temperatures, constantly evaporating the sea water in the sea to create smoke!

It's no wonder that Valyria's destruction was so complete, it turned out to be caused by an alien meteor!

Thinking that the negative energy meteorite of Lands of Always Winter can be used as the basis for the ancient Ability God to descend on the mortal dust and devour the world. The meteorite in front of me weighs hundreds of tons and has been hot and red for countless years. It would be normal to destroy Valyria...


To restore the sea of ​​smoke, how to deal with this meteorite suddenly became Arthur's biggest problem.

Go back to the ground, tell everyone what happened, and then take the seabed to check.

Seeing the huge meteorite lit up with red light in the pitch-black seabed, and perceiving it contains terrifying energy and high temperature, Ambrosia Xiuston frowned: "His Royal Highness, we may not be able to restore Yanhai. "

Marvin nodded: "Even if we can move the meteorite, we have no place to put it..."

Awakening True Dragon Bloodline, possessing the physique of the unburnt , Daenerys also holds extraordinary powers.

Although they can’t mention on equal terms with Arthur, Malvin, and Ambrosius, nor can they compete with Jaina and LeBlanc, they have the knowledge and experience of the old magician. Several improved perception spells.

She also knows how terrifying the energy contained in meteorites.

"Smoky Sea appeared because of this meteorite?"

"I walked around the seabed and only found this large meteorite." Arthur said, "It should be because of this meteorite. It."

With a giant dragon, even if it’s a little troublesome, you can move the meteorite away from the seabed of smoke, but where to put it is really the biggest problem.

Helplessly sighed.

Daenerys: "Let’s visit Valyria again."


Many people have been to Valyria to explore , But none of them returned. Only one Euron Greyjoy claimed to have entered the ruins and brought back the useless Dragon Horn.

For an ordinary person, Valyria is indeed dangerous.

But Arthur, they are all transcenders, they have holy light, magic, and giant dragon!

Knowing that the smoke from the sea of ​​smoke is harmful to humans, the Valyria volcano erupts all the year round, which is an unsuitable environment for human existence, and everyone is fully prepared for the expedition.

Holy light guard.

Magic isolation has a poison qi body.

As the giant dragon flew fast, the ruins of Valyria’s Freedom Fortress came into view in a blink of an eye. Below the cloud of volcanic ash, active volcanoes spewed fireworks, and raging flames shattered the sky above the island.

If the seabed meteorite is removed, the sea of ​​smoke can be restored to normal.

Then the difficulty of rebuilding Valyria will be changed thousands of times.

Extraordinary power, there is no way to suppress the erupting volcano. If you don’t have Legendary or Spiritual God level magic, don’t want to let the volcano cool down.

Away from the terrifying volcano, everyone on the dragon’s back, circling around the periphery of the ruins of the Freedom Fortress, Daenerys sighed with helplessness: "It seems that I still take it for granted. ." be continued...

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