Return to Oros.

I have seen the ruins of Valyria in the sky, seen the power of nature, the horror of active volcanoes, and everyone does not have much joy in exploring.

Besides, they have not really embarked on an adventure.

Under the stars.

The faint moonlight sheds on the earth, allowing the faint mountains and trees to be seen in the dark world.

The well reflects the shadow of the moon.

But the vast sea, because of the plumes of smoke, formed a misty fog, which completely blocked the only light of the stars and moon at night.

Arthur and Daenerys and the others arrived on a giant dragon without breaking Oros' peace.

After investigating the seabed of the smoky sea and the ruins of Valyria, Daenerys didn't have much idea of ​​rebuilding the land of the ancestors, but Arthur picked up Valyria's idea.

Because Valyria has volcanic ash!

Although *|Cement has been researched, with the current level of technology, the cement produced at this stage can be used to build roads and buildings without any problems, but it is impossible to build tall buildings or build bridges.

If you build nine Free Cities, you can use volcanic ash too much...

Ride a dragon to Mataris, see Lancelot, Before Lan Mallok led the cavalry to the position, Arthur told Daenerys his thoughts.

Know the importance of cement to construction.

Daenerys agrees with Arthur's idea of ​​using volcanic ash.

"But the sea of ​​smoke and the ruins of Valyria are the land of the devil. Even if the merchant ship dares to transport volcanic ash, can our people stay in Valyria safe and sound?"

"This is indeed a problem."

Thinking about it, Arthur had a crazy idea: "Dani, I plan to move that meteorite out."

Daenerys rolled the eyes: "Where to put it?"

Arthur said with a smile: "Lands of Always Winter first."

"No, it's too far, you want to be exhausted Zhuo Geng and Lei Ge?" Concerned about his child, Daenerys objected without thinking about it.

"Then...the seabed moved to the open sea?"

hearing this, Daenerys poured wine for her husband while pondered then said: "Perhaps."

"But...I received a message from Varys."

"From Westeros."

"Udyr and Bron were sent back?" Arthur After taking a sip from the glass, he frowned and asked, "What's the bad news again?"

"Udyr and Bron have returned to Westeros, and they are probably on their way back outside the Great Wall." Daenerys said: "Varys is not sending bad news this time."

"It is good news, your brother is getting married."

"Ryan found fiancee?"


In the War of Winter, a large number of nobles were poisoned by ghouls, and Fiancee, who was married to Ryan, lost track at that time.

"No." Daenerys shook his head and handed the note that the raven had brought to Arthur. He also said, "He didn't find the fiancee. Robert chose another one for him. It was from Stormlands. The Karen family in Nightsong City."

"The Frontier Commander?"

Nightsong City is very famous in Stormlands, and Arthur knows the Karen family.

"Didn’t the Karen family support Stannis during the Battle of the Five Kings, even Bryce Karen count died in the Battle of the Black Liquid River?"

"I remember the Bryce Cullen countless queen, and a bastard brother, why suddenly a collateral eldest daughter appeared?"

Daenerys laughed: "I don't know this anymore. , I guess Varys did not find out so quickly, but you can look at the following."

"Varian is going to get married?"

Arthur was a little surprised: "I still take Sansa · Stark..."

Seeing the content at the back of the note, he even couldn't believe it: "Varian and Sansa are still in free love..."

"Do they have a common topic?"

Daenerys: "Ryan and Varian are both getting married, but my stomach still doesn't move. You really got rid of me Curse?"

Arthur was a little speechless: "You know it's not easy for transcender to get pregnant."

"Then why don't you take the initiative?"

Normal The man is such a flowery wife, the monkey is absolutely anxious to change into a wolf at night, but Arthur is a little cold on this aspect because of holy light, even if he tries his best to deal with it every time, he still feels boring and never takes the initiative.

He is still a normal person in thinking.

Hearing this, Arthur immediately let go of his spirit strength, sensing that there will be no disturbance from outsiders, and immediately hugged his wife...

The madness for the queen.

The old wizard, the old magician and the Queen Iron Guard and the others are used to it.

Just stay away.

Annie, Jaina, LeBlanc, they are a little depressed, but they are more happy. After all, as a transcender, Arthur physique is powerful and powerful, and only the queen can't handle it.

Being a slave.

Hearing the voice of the Queen of Dragon, Irana was in a bad mood, and she even regretted letting Lisa serve Daenerys as a maid.


They all know that they are also gluttonous.

This situation is normal.

It's just that the voice is so loud that it evokes a physiological reaction. How do you tell them to spend the long night?

Sworn allegiance to Daenerys, so that women and children who no one to rely on can have a bright future, but Irina finally knows where the bad things are...

Noon the next day.

Seeing the black-eyed maid, Lisa, and Irina, Daenerys laughed, and immediately began to arrange work for them, so that the woman and child from Oros got together for class.

To integrate into their country.

The queen will not neglect education and cannot teach them to become talents. They must learn knowledge and then go to school to learn a skill.

The Queen Your Majesty personally taught knowledge, and Ilana and Lisa studied very seriously.

I came here in a flash.

Arthur flew again to find Lancelot and Lanmalocke, who has returned, and then summoned Ambrosius, Marvin, Annie, Chora and the others to launch against Mataris Military meeting.

There are dragons and transcenders, which can strategically despise the enemy.

The cautious Arthur never underestimated the enemy, and paid more attention to the enemy tactically.

After dinner.

Daenerys asked Lisa to call Irina and asked: "Irina, you have extraordinary powers, are you interested in joining the battle tomorrow?"

" What fight?"

Irina was a little confused.

Daenerys: "The battle against Mataris."

Irina, who was hearing this, was stunned, and it took a long time before she regained her senses: "I do!"

"Then you find Arthur tomorrow, he will be responsible for your safety, and you must obey his command."

"Then Your Majesty?" Irina.

Daenerys: "I want to stay here to teach everyone the basics."

"Can you do what I asked for?"

Considering the light The son attacked Tylosi, Mill, and the Land of Strife. He also defeated the Free Cities hundreds of thousands of coalition forces. Knowing the military talents of the queen's husband, he felt that he would not let herself go to death. Irina nodded: "Yes!"


Bravos was turned into ruins because of the battle of God.

Nofus, Rollas, and Kohor couldn't stop the giant dragon and guns. Nobles, wealthy merchants, slave owners, and slave merchants fled.

Valantis was betrayed by the Lakhlo church and fell into the hands of the Jagged General of Westeros.

Mataris had already been alarmed by people.

Although there are many transcenders in the city of monsters, these people have gained status and wealth because of their power, but many people have not forgotten their experiences as freaks and slaves.

Nobles, wealthy merchants, slave masters, and slave merchants can escape.

The status, wealth, and slavery acquired by them soon after becoming masters will also disappear with the wind.

Knowing that the Drowned God Church and Lahlo Church are both the Dragon Queen and the Son of Light, I don’t know the inner story of Braavos’ battle, and believe that the enemy has God’s help.

It is clear that mortals cannot be enemies of God.

Those who can escape have already left Mataris, and the rest of them, watching the stupid*|stupid*|desire*|moving slaves in the city, and the civilians who are eager to learn knowledge to change their own destiny, are also clear. They are doomed to fail.


The huge Mataris impossible hand in hand!

What if you win a miracle?

Looking at the few cavalry outside the city, the Mataris nobles, merchants, and slave masters who were unwilling or unable to leave organized an army, thinking that there was still a possibility of victory.


As the dragon roars to the sky.

The Black Giant Dragon descended from the sky, and the Mataris who had just given birth to a glimmer of hope returned to despair.

Complete the routine surrender.

"Lancelot, Lanmullok, you are ready."

On the back of the dragon, Arthur immediately gave an order to the two cavalry regiment leaders to let Zhuo Geng fly high. , And then fall into a meteor.

The flames are raging out.

The city wall of Mataris immediately became a piece of fire sea.

Jaina waved her hands to create a cold wave and froze the city gate of Mataris into ice. LeBlanc condensed a spell mark, and as she released it, there was a crisp sound of ice breaking.

Mataris' defense is gone!

"Cavalry regiment, attack!"

The prepared Lancelot immediately launched a charge. The cavalry torrent was unstoppable, and Mataris’s final defense was just like paper, easy Be war horse breakthrough.

The light cavalry under the command of Lanmarok follow closely from behind, shooting and releasing arrows behind the heavy cavalry, easily releasing the soldiers who are trying to counterattack.

The slaves in the city have risen in response to the offensive of the righteous army.

Even so, if everyone wants to take Mataris, it is not enough to break through the city gate. They must completely eliminate the stubborn enemies!

Arthur: "It's time for us to go down."

Jaina used the teleportation technique, and the Blue Devil magic flashed with brilliance, and everyone fell in front of the stopped Qingqi.

"Lan Mallok, send three hundred people to follow us."

Hearing the prince's order, knight couldn't wait to stand up and dismount immediately.

"The rest, follow me!"

Send someone to follow the prince. Seeing Lancelot once again attacked the enemy, Lan Mallok was not far behind and raised his hand. The spear commanded the light cavalry to open the way.

Strong crossbow, can't break the holy light guard Arthur blessed to soldiers.

Equipped with muskets and crossbow arrows, the enemy can't even approach the light cavalry. The battle is going on one side. Seeing such a big advantage, Irina really doesn’t know, the powerful son of light. Why bring extra self.

The slave of the uprising was contacted by Varys' spies.

Seeing Lancelot and Lan Mullok, who led the cavalry on a rampage, they had hurried over to join.

Mataris's army retreated steadily, shrinking to the castle in the center of the city.

"I will look at you next."

Looking at the castle as the center of Mataris city administration, Arthur looked at Ambrosius, Jaina, Love Lan and the new member Irana. be continued...

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