Looking at the high-spirited and vigorous Hein Likai.

Arthur felt the effect of the powerful protagonist's aura.

People are really more angry than people.

Think about the mercenaries who spend money on recruiting. They spend so much money every day to raise them. In the end, most of them are rebellious!

And Heinlikai, in a few words, can make seafarers who have never known each other obey orders obediently...

Why is the gap between people so different? Big?

Arthur thought depressed, and found that a merchant ship approached a pirate ship, and also took the initiative to engage in a battle.


The big fatty who led the charge on the pirate ship seems to be Robert!

"Heinlikai, I saw Your Majesty!"

Hearing Arthur's yelling, Varian immediately rushed over: "Where?"

"Behind, did you see the pirate ship that was initiated by the merchant ship to start the battle?" Arthur pointed.

"Turn right away!" Heinly Kay immediately issued an order to the sailors, "Don't tell me you don't want to seek revenge from the pirates who drove you to the sea!"

"Don't worry. , I don’t ask you to kill all the damn pirates, I just want to attack them to get back the place!"

"Okay, fuck*|His female horse!"

On board The sailor was immediately mobilized to revenge, and the merchant ship turned around and rushed to the Robert, Barristan and Ryan, trying to rescue the pirate ship that had captured the Hand of the King Eddard.

Taloxi's port is extremely chaotic.

The fire in the city is still burning, echoing the chaos on the sea at the port, like two beacon lights, illuminating the battlefield of crime and disaster while illuminating the battlefield of killing!

Very convenient.

The ship approached, and the experienced sailors in naval warfare carried out a gang-jumping raid!

Learning from those sailors, Arthur, with a shield on his back, jumped to the deck of a pirate ship with a sword, and immediately found Ryan who was fighting alone with seven or eight pirates.

"Ryan, I'll help you!"

"Whoo~" Arthur didn't kill the pirates. Hein Rikai, who opened the bow, has already targeted the enemy he wants to attack. Kill with one arrow.

This is robbing?

Arthur was stunned for a moment, and the pirates around Ryan, with the cooperation of Heinlikai's remote support, were able to kill thoroughly!

"Stay and go." For Arthur, who was skinny and fell as soon as the wind blows, Ryan was a bit disgusted in the battle, afraid that he would not kill the enemy, but would kill himself.

Arthur: "..."

Sword skill is getting better and better, Annie, who can easily handle seven or eight good hands, comes over and stretches out a hand He said: "Follow me!"

The revenge sailors are like wolves.

Under the leadership of experts like Barristan, Ryan, and Varian, the battle will soon end!

Eddard was lifted out of the cabin by Robert.

He hurt both legs.

The station is unstable.

"Arthur, are you okay? That's right, come and see Eddard's injury." Seeing Arthur, Robert immediately instructed loudly.

Is this positioning me as a logistics or a doctor?


Tucao is useless, Arthur still obediently checks Eddard Stark's injury.

His left leg was broken.

Interrupted by a blunt tool.

Looking at Robert playing with the wolf fang club *| in his hand, he understood what caused it.

Bone connection is not easy.

Especially Eddard's left leg bone was broken into several pieces. If one is not handled well, he is basically disabled.

Robert also noticed Arthur’s face, and said in a deep voice, "Lianna has a boat. Let’s get back to the boat."

Heinlikai said: "Your Majesty, I The sailors are recruited temporarily, so I hope to divide the spoils of war gained from killing the pirates."

To the comrades who are facing the enemy, Robert never treats him badly, and he said with a wave of his hand: "Whatever you want. How to appreciate it."

When he heard the words of big fatty, the sailors immediately cheered loudly, and at the same time, the scraping of Heinlikai's permission was quickly completed.

Pirates can have more than one ship.

After scraping the spoils of war, everyone left the Telosi Seaport without any hesitation.

The sea breeze blows the sails and hunts.

Arthur went up to Lianna Aunt’s merchant ship, and her merchant ship specially invited a doctor for Your Majesty, which happened to be able to deal with Hand of the King Eddard’s thorny leg injury.

Heinlikai’s rewards were so rich that the sailors were moved to tears.

The whole ship was given to them!

On Lianna Aunt’s merchant ship, Heinlikai was not at ease with the pirates and Lannister, and said to the big fatty King: "Your Majesty, I don’t think we can return to Westeros for the time being."

"Why?" Robert who wished to go back to kill all Lannister immediately frowned, "Give me a reason!" The strength of the troops is unknown.

And Lannister has gathered all the soldiers and horses to start the war. Even if they have difficulty dividing the troops in the war, they can still attack when we gather our troops.

They will not Let us assemble, just one raid and encirclement, we may fall into the situation where we are now fled in embarrassment."

Robert: "Your worries are correct, but Eddard has already contacted the family of The North. , They will support us."

Heinlikai: "But Your Majesty, don't forget those pirates. They will catch Hand of the King Eddard, and they will definitely not give up."


The sea is a paradise for pirates, and they are extremely powerful.

With a single boat and not familiar with maritime affairs, it is not easy to go back smoothly.

Lianna said at this moment suggested: "Your Majesty, we can go to Mill to recruit mercenaries."

"Mercenaries?" Robert hearing this suddenly eyes shined: "Yes. , We can kill back with mercenaries!"

Hein Likai: "But we don’t have money."

Lianna cast her eyes on the bandaged Eddard’s leg injury. The skinny boy on the deck: "Arthur must have a way."

"What way?" Arthur asked puzzledly.

Robert: "I want to hire mercenaries to fight back to King's Landing, you help me get the money."


Hearing this, Arthur felt depressed in his heart.

When what happened to me?

A cash machine?

Do I have so much money to hire a mercenary group?

However, he can't refuse the call yet.

I can only say bitterly: "It takes time to make money..."

Robert: "I don't care, I am King, and I will get what I want!"


The truth of this statement is straightforward.

What a bastard, what a rascal, and a king who owes Bian!

Arthur has to work hard to restrain himself from hitting him!

Several thousand Golden Dragon's salary is not difficult, and it should be earned in a few months, but after hiring a mercenary group, they eat, drink, shit and piss don’t need money to raise the army?

Don’t pay for the ship returning to Westeros?

Without tens of thousands of Golden Dragon around, can you please move the mercenary group?

So difficult.

It’s like catching a duck on the shelves, I’m really tired!

Exhausted physically and mentally!

I don’t have the protagonist's halo, such a difficult task...Is it really okay to leave it to me?

I got used to salted fish in my previous life, and I suddenly took on heavy responsibilities. It was because of Robert, the bastard King, that the depressed Arthur couldn't help but constantly complain.

But in order to return to Westeros as soon as possible, to stop the war from expanding.

He has no hesitation after complaining!

Soap, perfume, papermaking and printing are all taken out. It is estimated that there is not much profit in Essos, and without power and strength, the industry can easily be taken away.

It's time to consider other ways to make money.

No matter which world it is, there is no money impossible to move a single step!

On this trip to Mill, we can’t just use money to recruit mercenary group, but also steelmaking and army building!

I don’t believe that Westeros will be messed up when the guns and artillery are out!

For Others, the musket may not be able to kill, but I hope you can hold the gunfire!

...to be continued...

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