Cross the Mill Sea to Mill, one of the nine Free Cities.

In this city renowned for its excellent craftsmanship, lace, glass and glasses have been created by them.

Manufacturing industry is very popular here.

But most of the craftsmen here are slaves!

Compared to the backward Westeros, Essos is more backward and barbaric because they still retain the slave system!

I blame this world for being too dangerous, and my golden finger is not strong, and I can’t open a plug-in to make money, so I can only find a way by myself...

His earning power, would he still be like that in his previous life?

I hope God will bless you, so that those advanced economic concepts can play a role here, so that my efforts can be rewarded!

Feel the exotic style of Essos continent architecture.

Arthur finally thought of peace and tranquility again.

Not easy!

Unfortunately, he got rid of the danger, and he has to enter his busy work again.

In Essos, not being able to speak Valyrian is too inconvenient.

Arthur, who was in a busy state, found a place to live with everyone, holding the books that Lianna Aunt bought to learn advanced Valyrian, low Valyrian, and the nine freedoms Free Cities Different dialects and Dothraki language.

The task is heavy.

But there is no need to kill, Arthur enjoys it!

Leanna Aunt arranged everything. Without him, he immediately went to the market in Mill City, reading a book and observing the prices in the market.

The market is bustling.

The level of liveliness and prosperity is no less than King's Landing.

However, most people here do not see any hope but numbness.

They are slaves.

There is no future, even life belongs to someone else’s slave!

Watching prices and preparing to play finance, Arthur, who was doing two things at the same time, suddenly discovered that since he and Annie left the hotel, harboring malicious intentions were quietly followed.

Hey, how do I know that person harboring malicious intentions?

Is it possible that the holy light that I haven’t mastered can help me judge my enemy and friend?

If so...very good!

"Annie, do you remember when someone tried to take me away at King's Landing and Taloxi Hotel?" Arthur, who had an idea, whispered to Annie who was next to him.

Annie: "What's the matter?"

"I found someone following. This person may also want to catch me." Arthur: "We are like this..."

Arthur took Annie around the market for two times to complete the price record. As if no one was found following him, Arthur returned to the hotel for fun.

As they approached a certain alley, the two suddenly turned in, and then kept turning around pretending to be lost.

With his extraordinary memory, Arthur knew exactly what he had walked, and soon attracted the stalker to appear in front of them.

"Aren't you tired after you have been with you for so long?" Under the shining evening sun, Arthur stood between the light and shadow and looked at him, pretending to be a faint smile.

Annie, holding the sword, pointed the sword at his neck and solemnly asked: "Why are you following us?"

The stalker was found without panic, and tried to use high-grade tiles. Lellian pretended to be confused: "I don't know what you are going to say, let me go."

It's only advanced Valyrian. After reading for so long, Arthur, who has improved his learning ability, can understand it. Quite a lot, how else would he talk to people in the market?

"Don’t pretend, it doesn’t make sense to do this."

I don’t understand Valyrian, but Annie will look at Arthur’s eyes, and the rapier will immediately stick to his neck, low shouted: "If you don't say it, you die!"

hearing this, the stalker quickly rolled his eyes and glanced at the two of them, before squatting down*|, avoiding the rapier, turning around and running.

He moves quickly.

But Arthur is not a waste, so he stretched out his leg and immediately tripped him into the mud.

Annie stepped on his neck immediately, and the sword edge of the rapier pressed into his skin: "Don't want to play tricks!"

Seeing that I can’t run away, the stalker stares. Annie, let out a dull*|Hum, blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and she rolled her eyes to death.

This style is completely a choice that a killer or a dead man can't escape!

He is not only stalking, is he also planning to kill?

Who has such a big hatred that he is looking for a killer to deal with him?

Faced with Annie’s astonishment, Arthur didn’t dare to stay in place any longer, and immediately took her back to the hotel: "Let’s go back and ask Hein Rikai’s opinion!"

King Robert rarely went out and was in the hotel, preparing to enjoy the food with everyone.

Suddenly, Arthur suddenly felt that the killer might not be just for himself.

"Everyone, don't eat yet!"

"What's the matter?" Robert frowned and put down his wine glass unhappy.

Arthur quickly explained: "We just met a killer!"

Hein Likai: "You mean someone wants to assassinate us?" With that, she looked towards The waiter waiting by the side asked for something to test the poison.

However, the waiter who turned and left the corner speeded up and tried to escape.

Someone has indeed poisoned it!

Hearing the footsteps of the waiter running, Heinly Kay suddenly understood what was going on: "Your Majesty, someone wants to assassinate us, we can’t stay here!"

Eddard pondered then said: "In fact, we can detour north and return to White Harbor. It doesn't matter if we haven't recruited the mercenary group. The soldiers of The North will fight for Your Majesty."

"Eddard..."hearing This, Robert, who is an asshole, is actually very sorry in his heart. For his friend to become the Hand of the King in King's Landing, he rubbed farts for himself*|shares management of the country, and was framed of treason and murder of the king. Now he is seriously injured and a leg may be crippled.

He owes Eddard so much.

"Leave first and then speak." Heinlikai said.

Continuously rush to the dock.

On Lianna’s merchant ship, there was no crew member, and all the sailors who left to guard the ship were gone!

"We can leave without a crew!" Heinlikai immediately judged that the danger was coming and could not stop in Mill.

The mercenary group is certainly not as important as life, Robert immediately agreed with Heinlikai's words.

Arthur: "No, I don’t think we can get on the ship!"

There are not enough sailors. Just us, even if we can barely operate the sails to make the ship move, It can't run fast at all.

I'm afraid to catch a turtle in a jar on board!

Heinlikai knows that the sailor is missing, and the boat left is a trap: "We have no other choice!"

"Yes!" Arthur: "We can reverse it Go by the way!"

Robert frowned: "How to go the other way?"

"Essos is very big, as long as you escape from Mill, I believe no one can find it easily. We." As soon as Arthur finished speaking, Hein Likai objected: "This is not Westeros, there is only a dead end to leave the city!"

"Enough, don't fight!"

Eddard in a wheelchair noticed that there were fewer and fewer people on the dock.

"We really have no other choice. Get on the boat right away!"

The quiet dock, only the sound of the waves and the sea breeze blowing on his cheeks, brought coolness to Arthur.

"I'm a little curious, whether Lannister has such a big energy, has come to Essos, they can still chase and kill all the way..."

Go to the merchant ship , While he was busy manipulating the sails, he muttered.

Robert hearing this frowned tightly: "Do you mean someone else is going to kill the king and treason?"

Hein Likai: "Your Majesty, this is obvious. "

"Who is it?" Robert asked furiously.

Eddard: "It's not the time to talk about this!"

It's not time for everyone to argue again. Under the dimming dusk, there are still a few rays of glow on the sea, elsewhere. All belong to the night.

On the silent unmanned dock of the merchant ship drifting away, sporadic torch began to approach.

"Let’s move the merchant ship quickly." Barristan tone barely fell, and he saw the torch on the pier shining on the top of the flag with a bright item.

That is the golden skull!

And those who use gold skulls to decorate the flags—only the gold group!

The disputed place between Mill and Taloxi is the main battlefield of the Golden Group. It is not surprising that they will appear at Mill’s dock.

But the golden group, which has always worked for money and spoke like gold, seems to be coming to us today! be continued...

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