It wasn't cold yet. Feeling the cool sea breeze, Arthur woke up on the carriage in a coma that made people accustomed to.

Lord Eddard, who was sitting next to him in a daze, asked: "Where are we?"

Eddard: "On the way to the Dothraki Sea."

"Dothraki Sea?" Arthur became even more confused, "Why are you here?"

Heinlikai, who drove the car, explained: "The encounter between Tyrosie and Mill, close to Westeros The nine Free Cities of China are too dangerous."

Seeing two people missing, Arthur suddenly wrinkled and asked: "Where are Lianna Aunt and Aisara?"

"They are all right , They go to contact the people of House Elizabeth, they must first go back to Westeros to find allies for us." Eddard said.

hearing this, Arthur was silent for a moment and asked, "By the way, where did our horse come from? It wasn't stolen, did it? Going to the Dothraki Sea, is there enough food and water? "

Ryan hearing this suddenly came over with a smile: "I got these, there are supplies that can cross half of the Dothraki Sea, how about it, your big brother, am I good?"

"Ryan, looting is not a glorious thing!"

The noble Eddard hates him for reap without sowing, and he is complacent about hurting others for no reason.

Ryan was only shrugged and didn't take it seriously, because his royal father recognized it.

"How many days have I been in a coma?" Taking the bread, jerky and water from Annie, Arthur continued to understand the situation while eating.

Annie said with no surprise: "It's also three days, we are all used to it."

Heinlikai said: "How many horses we have, go to practice riding. Well, your riding skills are poor. In the Dothraki Sea, impossible allows you to sit on the carriage all the time."


Lying down with a little sore body, Arthur really didn't want to Then sit on the trembling carriage.

Seeing Arthur who woke up riding his horse and listening to Annie's teachings, Robert asked: "Boy Arthur, is the price of your luminous ability costing you three days of coma every time you use it?"

Arthur's face is a little embarrassed: " shouldn't be."

Don't mention it, I also know this golden finger pit!

Robert said: "If I had your ability, even if I was in a coma for three days after the battle, I would become an invincible War God!"

"... .." Arthur is very clear about the beauty of imagination, but how cruel reality is.

Robert: "So you brat learn more about swordsmanship from Barristan when you have time. Your swordsmanship, riding skills, and spear skills are not as qualified!"

Arthur hearing this was stunned Frozen, then he looked at Annie smiling next to him: "Really? When did you start?"

"Now." Kingsguard Captain, who was riding a horse behind King, said: "Sword-drawing kid, practice riding I can also practice swords while performing skills."

"Annie, go with Maria. I will teach him how to ride." Robert sent Annie away and directly picked up his whip and moved towards Arthur. The mount fiercely swung fiercely to get the horse Suddenly rushed.

"Boy swing the sword, don’t panic, you won’t be killed, you will practice all the swordsmanship movements, practice makes perfect!"

Such a rough teaching method, Arthur only I was so scared that my body was stiff on the back of the rushing mount, where would I dare to practice swinging a sword?

After running far, under Ryan's supervision, he ran back again.

After finally being able to barely sit firmly on the back of the galloping horse, Heinlikai once again shot him with a wooden arrow without an arrow as Robert asked him to practice sword-swing!

Arthur became skinny.

Robert and Barristan thought that he would not last long, didn't expect Arthur to be thin and thin, but physique was not weak, and even high-intensity training was mentioned!

But the food consumption is huge.

So the way they trained Arthur became more brutal!

By detouring the Dothraki Sea and going straight eastward, everyone is still a long way from the Dothraki prairie.

The route of Essos continent is never safe.

Leaving Mill, avoiding the disputed place to the south, and not taking the Valyria Avenue known as the "Devil's Way".

But danger will appear at any time!

Soon, Varian, who was exploring the way, found a small Dothraki tribe, driving the sheep and slaves over.

This is the Essos continent.

As an infantry officer, Varian, a part-time scout, has done a good job, but he still cannot avoid being spotted by Dothraki!

Varian returned to report on the situation.

Dothraki's warrior also rides a horse and quietly follow closely from behind!

Three women, one old man, one fatty, one wounded lying on the carriage, one thin boy, and two young men with strong strength are the main battle strengths, less than ten people. Team, bring two carts of supplies!

When I saw Arthur and their Dothraki warrior, I suddenly thought of looting!

Unable to avoid this small tribe of Dothraki, the warrior whizzed in with a machete, and Robert was worthy of them.

"Kill them all, don't let them go back to report!"

There is no weapon in hand.

Robert still took the lead with a spear and hit the warrior of the Dothraki tribe head-on. With his amazing arm strength and the sprint of the horse, he hadn’t participated in a spear-riding contest for a long time, and he could still make the cold glow glow and make Dothraki. The scimitar cannot block the enemy directly!


Heinlikai is shooting arrows!

After the past few days of training.

Arthur can already sit firmly on the galloping horse in battle.

China’s martial arts and martial arts are mostly created for the purpose of simulating horse fighting, improving riding skills, and recalling the Eight Extremes Fist that Li Shuwen was interested in.

The big opening and closing, Zhongzheng's heroic eight great guns, with the blessing of horsepower, Arthur's thrust is the same as Robert and Balistan, Dothraki's warrior cannot resist!

The spear pierced life-threateningly.

Driven by the charging horses, people were pierced and spears were mostly difficult to use. So Robert and Balistan gave up their spears and drew their swords after they succeeded in one blow.

But Arthur knows that there is a special throwing method in marksmanship!

The Dothraki warrior was stabbed to the ground, let go along the momentum, the horses crossed it, and then backhanded, the spear was intact and held in his hand.

The horse warfare marksmanship is more fast, accurate and ruthless!

Don’t go head-on, in between the two horses, shooting out like lightning, the unarmored Dothraki warrior will be cut out immediately.

Having hit the key and basically no fighting power!

However, the spear shaft is quickly broken as a consumable for Song of Ice and Fire World.

After all, we still have to draw the sword.

If you want to be a white horse silver spear King Arthur, you must first let the blacksmith make a good long spear.

Longsword can assassinate the enemy like a spear, but if you kill, you will lose your weapon, so Arthur's hard-practice sword skill came in handy in time.

Fearless Balistan pointed out the sword skill. He has made rapid progress. Facing a long and narrow scimitar, no matter how skillful or powerful, he can always take the upper hand in battle.

The majority of Dothraki warriors rely on their bodies to eat, fight with brute force, and learn the most suitable killing techniques based on experience.

They are never good to bully!

Without the advantage of a spear versus a scimitar that is one inch long and one inch long, the situation of one strike certain kill did not reappear, and even Arthur became more and more stuck with the enemy in Vietnam.

"Arthur, use your power!" Annie shouted.

He also wanted to use holy light, but he couldn't grasp it, so he could only rely on his feelings, just like the last time he thought of protecting everyone, there is no effect at all!

It's not working well at times, what a pit!

Heinly Kayla’s bow was placed next to the carriage, and the lady Maria also pulled a crossbow to support the injured Eddard.

But Dothraki warrior killed them, and they were suddenly dangerous.

"Arthur, you hold these people." Upon seeing this, Annie hurried to rescue her, turned around in the battle, and handed his back to him.

If it weren't for the quick response, the danger and the risk of blocking the Dothraki warrior's scimitar, she might separate her head and head.

But after saving like this, Arthur was in danger of being besieged.

What should I do?

As he fought harder and harder, Arthur saw Robert, Barristan, Ryan, and Varian all falling into a hard fight.

The power of holy light must be used.


holy light.

I pray for help!

For protection! be continued...

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