There is no wind, the sun is shining brightly on the earth, and the heat is evaporating.

The battle is sweating, but you can't feel the blood, because the moment of death is like a shadow!

For protection!

Unprecedented conviction was condensed in my heart.

Arthur finally felt the power of holy light again.

Perceiving that Arthur, who was under siege, was playing more and more calmly, the Dothraki warriors no longer used horsepower to strike, and simply pulled the armistice horse closer and wielded the scimitar.


At the crucial moment when swords and swords fought, gold and iron cried together.

Trying to consolidate Holy Light Power's fists successfully, Arthur immediately faced the Dothraki warrior strikes in front of him-the fist of heaven!

The light fist fiercely hit the cheek.

The powerful force burned his skin and deformed his face. He fell two meters away before screaming.

The other Dothraki warriors were stunned when they saw this, and all were stunned by his glowing fists.

This move is just to condense the Holy Light Power into the fist. It is not a real heaven fist, but Arthur is already very satisfied!

"Come to fight!"

"Death!" The astonished Dothraki warrior returned to his senses, bursting out with 200% power, fierce and unafraid of death besieged Arthur. .

——Holy Shield Technique!

The sacred light appeared, covering his whole body.

The sharp scimitar that slashed on the mask suddenly couldn't get any more!

longsword swayed a beautiful silver moon.

Blood splashes at the same time.

Then Dothraki warrior fell helplessly.

"Ryan, I'll help you!"

The holy light that enveloped his body didn't last long. Arthur felt tired, but he could still continue to use the holy light.

holy light follow your heart.

Hover over Ryan and protect him from harm!

I had a personal experience of the Holy Shield technique once, and the bed crossbow was all right. Ryan immediately ignored the Dothraki warrior who was besieging him and killed him with a scimitar.

"Go help Your Majesty!"

Feeling that he is not at the limit, Arthur should immediately hit the horse and rush to the fatty who is swinging the longsword, waving his hand and letting out the holy light enveloped him. .

Whether there is the Holy Shield technique, the big fatty fought violently.

But with this spell that kept him from harm, he didn't care about defense, and immediately killed the Dothraki warrior who was besieging them like melons and vegetables.

"Sir Barristan! Varian!"

With the holy light that protects them impervious to sword and spear, the shrouded battle immediately becomes extremely simple, plus Shanghai Yinlikai archery , None of the Dothraki warriors who came to kill ran away.

To solve the enemy, Heinlikai did not clean up the spoils of war, and found Varian on horseback and asked: "How many people are there in that small tribe?"

Varian frowned. : "I saw seven or eight hundred people, but many of them were slaves they caught." Hein Likai calculated in her heart: "So, this small tribe has at least three-four Hundred Dothraki?"

Varian asked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

Heinlikai shook his head, didn't tell him much, and ran towards the wound being bandaged by Arthur. The big fatty King said: "Your Majesty, we and Sir Barristan are going to see the Dothraki tribe."

Robert was stunned, wondering why she didn’t clean up the battlefield quickly, and then dodged others. Open the coming tribe.

The puzzled Barristan asked: "Why?"

Hein Likai: "It's too dangerous to detour Dothraki Haiguang. We are such a little bit too dangerous, so I want to hit this little guy. Tribal idea."

"Grab them?"

When Robert thought of Arthur letting him impervious to sword and spear's holy light, he became excited immediately, regardless of the wounds that were not fully bandaged. Pick up the longsword and turn on the horse.

"Let's set off now!"

Barristan smiled bitterly, glanced at Arthur, and followed King's footsteps.

Ryan: "Although it’s a bit adventurous, it seems to be okay, but what about Lord Eddard and my mother?"

Robert: "Annie, Heinrich, you stay here ."

Heinlikai: "No, I am an archer, I have to go."

"Then Annie and Varian, you stay here!"

Ryan said not to let the younger brother and Annie retort, and immediately pushed Arthur on his horse, dragging him to follow Robert and Balistan to the small Dothraki tribe in front of them.

"They are right in front."

On Xiaopo, Robert pulled the truce horse, ready to let it rest and then charge.

Barristan looked at more than 700 people in front of him, and found that most of the slaves had their hands tied: "Dothraki seems to have only more than 200."

Ryan: "Then we What are you waiting for?"

Robert looked at Arthur: "Boy, can you still use that kind of power?"

I just rested for a while, my body is still tired but It’s not too heavy. I guessed that the holy light in my body had recovered a little bit, and he said in a deep voice, "Maybe I won’t use it many times later."

"How many times do I need?" Robert asked with contempt on his face. Said, "Is it all right once per person?"

Arthur: "It should be possible."

"That's enough!"

"Listen to me later Command to use." Robert said, and once again swung the longsword to charge.


He consciously manipulated the holy light to strengthen his own mind. Arthur, who followed King and rushed towards the enemy, felt the holy light in his body slowly recover on its own.

The holy light in the body may not be enough to hit the end, but it is definitely enough to use at the critical moment!

Facing twenty or thirty Dothraki warriors who screamed and screamed.

Arthur didn't feel any waves in his heart.

Even though there are hundreds of them, he who has experienced iron-blood and war-torn baptism has no regard for him.

The kind of mortal battle can now be greeted with a sword!

This small tribe has just been established. They were once a member of the invincible and invincible Zogokao ruled by the tribe.

It's a pity that Zhuo Gokao married a stupid Calixi.

Killed their invincible leader!

It also caused the Kalatha tribe, the largest in the Dothraki Sea, to fall apart!

And the Kou under Drogokao began to fight for power. In the end, Bono and Giako became Kao. Their small tribe was built by the wrong team.

They had no choice but to ran away and looted several places, so they decided to take the spoils of war to exchange for supplies.

Find Varian as a scout.

Find Arthur and the others.

The total number of them does not exceed ten.

It's normal to win all with no difficulty, and you will lose some warriors if you are tricky.

However, no one would have thought that the warriors who were chasing the scouts did not come back. They were supposed to be prey and would madly attack the tribe!

Just a few people trifling.

Everyone has to manage the looted slaves. How can you say that you can get it done after 20 or 30 people are killed?


When Arthur raised high longsword, he shouted: "holy light, please give me strength!"

The cognition of Dothraki warriors was immediately affected!

That skinny boy is actually shining!

The big fatty, old man, and longsword of the young man beside him can actually cut the warriors in half with people and horses!

This is Arthur's explosion of holy light using the power aura!

At this moment, Robert, Barristan and Ryan feel that they have infinite power and invincible!

Dothraki Scimitar?


War horse?


Dothraki warrior?


No one can stop them!

"It's evil witchcraft! Kill that boy!" The experienced warrior reacted and shouted to make the tribe comrades recover from their consternation.

But Heinlikai, who was hiding behind Robert, Barristan, Ryan, and Arthur, shot an arrow*| out.

The warrior who tried to stabilize the Dothraki warrior was killed immediately!

Twenty or thirty people were killed like a plowing hole.

In the face of Dothraki whose soul is shocked, they will not show mercy. Arthur is the same, because the slave caught as a spoils of war defines these Dothraki's crimes.

Kill all the rebels holding weapons! be continued...

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