The swords were cut sharply.

This small Karratha has no living Dothraki warrior, none of them surrendered, and each of them fought bravely to the last minute!

But a few cowards escaped on horseback.

On horseback, Arthur was so tired that he didn't want to move a finger.

Robert is very happy.

Drinking Dothraki's milk wine, asked Maria to bandage the wound, and talked to Eddard loudly about the hearty battle.

Varian, who was not able to participate, looked very resentful.

Heinlikai rests next to Arthur. No matter how great her battle strength is, she is only an underage girl after all.

Ryan, Barristan and Annie are taking over everything in this small tribe.

Including those slaves that Dothraki looted from, and Dothraki women and children.

King's Hand of the King is still so expressionless, but everyone can see that he is very upset.

After all, he is also a warrior.

Five people defeated the small Dothraki tribe with more than 100 people. This record is very dazzling no matter where it is!

Eddard, unfortunately, was injured and failed to get involved.

Therefore, one of them, who didn't listen to King, worked hard to take over the work of the tribe.

"By the way, I think we can learn from Dothraki to raise the battle, and even recruit them to form a powerful army!" Robert, who had a thought, said excitedly.

Eddard shook his head: "Impossible, Dothraki will not listen to outsiders."

hearing this, Robert is not discouraged, a big shot*|Think of a good idea: "I can use Ryan is here to marry a certain Kao!"

Maria, who was packing up her medical tools, was so frightened that she immediately retorted: "No!"

Robert hearing this one Frozen, then continued: "Then Varian, it's Arthur if it doesn't work, I'm King, I will always get what I want."


Who made this bastard is King?

Maria was also helpless, so she had to pack her things and find two treasured sons to talk to them about this matter and warn them not to be stupid.

It is not difficult to gather slaves captured by small tribes.

The Dothraki women and children who surrendered are also very cooperative.

Ryan and Varian, who finished their work, told their mother to return. Annie walked to Arthur and asked: "How are you?"

"Very tired." Arthur was tired. He slowly got off his horse and sat next to him: "I want to sleep comfortably."

Annie pulled him up and said: "I have someone set up a tent. Let's take a rest."


There are Robert, Barristan, Eddard.

There is no difficulty in controlling a small Dothraki tribe and the captured slave, and Arthur does not need to worry about it.

Night falls soon.

Go quietly again.

The morning sun illuminates Aomori, green grass and yellow land.

Arthur, who slept comfortably, felt that he was very energetic, and he was so hungry that he could eat a pillow of cows.


When Arthur woke up, someone immediately delivered it.

The slaves who were caught.

Find the tent where Robert and Eddard are located. They are already discussing the itinerary.

Robert: "Boy, how about it, have you got enough sleep?"

Arthur nodded: "Are we ready to go?"

"Yes, Hurry up and finish eating.” As Robert said, he left the tent with everyone, and ordered them to pack up and leave here.

"Immediately." Arthur immediately gobbled it up, but his eating speed was not as fast as that of the crowds, so he rode on the horse and walked with the dried meat.

Welcome to the sunrise.

Barristan came over at this time and frowned: "Why haven't you eaten yet?"

"Uh, I don't know why, the appetite suddenly became very large." Arthur explained road.

"Hurry up and finish eating, your training should begin." Barristan shook the head and returned to Robert to guard.

When he has time, Arthur, who hastened to eat the jerky, observes his attribute panel.

But it is still so ordinary.

The word "holy light" appears on it, but there is no way to improve it, let alone strengthen it. I can only let him see and know the situation...

Well, it's such a pitfall The golden finger is nothing to look forward to.

Get used to it.

Everything still depends on yourself!

But I don’t understand the method of cultivation holy light, and I can’t improve my strength systematically. I am afraid it will be a long way to become stronger.

Connecting to the women and children in the Dothraki tribe, Robert has more than 400 people in his hands at this time.

He has never been a man of peace. Let Annie and Varian count the number of young and strong, and immediately form an army!

Although this so-called army is only composed of farmers and herders who have just picked up their weapons, the big fatty King has high expectations for them.

I dream of using them to fight Essos!

A few days ago, I was worried that I would be sold to who as a slave. They were called up to become a warrior in the next second. They were still at a loss after being trained by Ryan and the others.

Hein Likai’s speech was very inspiring.

However, they are accustomed to being bullied, how can they have the courage to fight against Dothraki?

Protect the safety of your family?

They are willing to die for it, but they know very well how powerful an experienced Dothraki grows up on horseback.

Training? Without three or five years, they can't even stand up*|Live the Dothraki Cavalry for a charge!

Arthur, who is riding a horse and waving longsword to practice, can clearly feel that these people are not suitable for soldiers.

Barristan, Ryan, and Varian all think so.

But they can't defy Robert's orders.

Eddard did not stop. Heinlikai was willing to teach the "soldiers" to use bows and arrows because Essos was too dangerous, and there was no harm in having more manpower.

"Arthur, you learn quickly and are very serious. It can be said that I have seen the best child of talent, and I have learned all the sword skills that I should learn." Barristan who pointed his sword skill "So all you lack now is experience."

When he heard this, Robert was a little relieved for the growth of bastard: "Relax, Barristan, he will experience more battles. Then become a qualified warrior."

Becoming a qualified warrior is definitely not simple. Salted fish Arthur felt that he might not be able to do it in his life.

Moreover, Others that will appear in Westeros are by no means an ordinary warrior can handle.

There is no chance to learn magic for the time being.

Faye or something, as expected, only in beautiful imagination.

For holy light...

He was actually full of puzzles and doubts, and never thought that he could become a holy knight or a priest.

That's it.

Arthur tried to experience it carefully, but he could perceive that his soul has coexisted with the holy light!


I can feel countless holy light energy particles floating between Heaven and Earth!

They still like to be close to me!

Joy around!

It seems that I have a high affinity with holy light...

So, he is determined to understand the most suitable way of holy light!

Becoming stronger cannot be done overnight, just try to actively communicate the holy light energy that travels through the world, and then try to condense the Holy Light Power as a sharp arrow to attack, or study how to use holy light to treat injuries.... ..

"What are you in a daze?"

Seeing that Arthur no longer needs to practice swords and ride horses, Hein Rikai is a little uncomfortable to teach the soldiers to be annoyed, and points to him. The trainee archer who followed her said: "Come and supervise these idiots to practice bow drawing when you have time!" Arthur explained: "I'm not in a daze, but I'm actually thinking about how to use holy light."

"holy light?"

Heinlikai raised her brows: "The kind of power you master is called holy light?"

Arthur nodded: "Yes, I call it holy light."

hearing this, Heinlikai's face was a little weird, and he asked intently: "This name sounds good, but it will remind people of religion. Are you sure Haven't received any Oracle or enlightenment?"

When Arthur heard this, he wanted to laugh, but saw that she didn't look like joking. Realizing that there was a problem, he frowned and said, "Why do you ask? ?"

Heinlikai: "Because I am afraid you will suddenly become a religious lunatic." be continued...


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