Arthur they moved towards the sea of ​​Dothraki, away from the flames of war in Westeros.

Since King and Hand of the King broke out of King's Landing and fleeed across the sea.

Eric Maester spread the news that Joffrey was not Robert bloodline and did not have the right to succession to the throne. Stannis and Renly summoned soldiers and horses in an attempt to fight for the iron throne in King's Landing!

Eddard was convicted of treason by Queen, and then there was no news.

Lannister has not been able to capture the Hand of the King alive for a long time, the big fatty King is not dead, and they have lost track of them.

The self-proclaimed clever Cersei thought about it and launched a fake Lord Eddard Stark to be tried on the stage of the Great Saint Hall of Baylor.

Let him perform a good show of pleading guilty and begging for mercy to the people of King's Landing.

Pour all the dirty water, and beheaded for treason!

Received a message from King's Landing.

Robb Stark really thought that father was killed, so he no longer sent troops to support House Tully, but went south with The North's troops!

——To avenge my father!

Facing the young wolf lord who commanded the army of The North.

Even if Jaime Lannister was defeated and captured in the Whispering Forest, Lannister, the first family of Westeros, still has an incomparable advantage.

——Money, connections, fame!

The battle situation has fallen into a disadvantage.

Tywin Lannister is not in a hurry to make a comeback, even if he is afraid of suffering untold hardships, the family developed by this has dropped a thousand zhang in one fall.


Lions never show weaknesses!

Here, Tyrion gained the trust of the father who always hated him, was appointed Hand of the King, and returned to King's Landing as the Kingdom Hand of the King to handle government affairs.

In King's Landing, the two daughters that Lord Eddard worries most are the same as the original history.

Arya got help from Raven Raven Ulun, but failed to return to King's Landing, and met another bastard Jandley from King Robert, the fatty hot, and the mysterious Jakun Hegar.

Three silly Sansa in Red Keep, Joffrey, who was enthroned as the emperor, forced to confirm that the beheaded was not his father.

But those who worked for House Stark and she was familiar with, all had their heads cut off and put on the tip of a gun to show the public!

The innocent and innocent girl finally started to grow up, no longer giving the Crown Prince a necklace to be an idiot.

Dragonstone, Stannis.

As the owner of the first succession to the Iron Throne, he received a letter from Eddard Stark Hand of the King, confirming that Joffrey is a chaotic lun hybrid.

He did not immediately raise troops to attack King's Landing or contact allies.

Instead, he accepted the guidance of the red robe female Mei Li Shanzhuo, burned the widely worshipped The Seven, announced to the ministers to convert to the Lord of Light, and became king with the help of the red god Priestess!

Then issued a statement to all the nobles of Westeros that all the blond Prince Princesses in King's Landing were born of Lannister’s sister and brother Luan, and had no right of succession to the throne. He was the orthodox heir. He also stated that he would be ruthless. Destroy all enemies who prevented him from regaining the throne!

No one likes Stannis like the stone in the pit.

His remarks embarrassed Robb, who had risen to declare independence.

Obviously he can be an ally, but he is too tough and doesn't give others face at all, so others will not give him face!

Stormlands, Renly.

With excellent personal charisma and interpersonal skills, he has received the support of most of the Stormlands family.

By marrying Margaret Tyrell, House Tyrell of the High Court and his vassals completely stand on his side.

House Tyrell, who sits in the high court, is not as rich as Lannister!

The battle between wolves and lions is in full swing.

He holds an army of 100,000!

The military strength is more than the two wolf lions combined.

There is no need to press King's Landing immediately, just march slowly along the Rose Avenue.

Adopt the strategy of sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, waiting for the best time to attack, distribute the benefits for the casters, and continue to win the support of more people.

Renly is the king and gets the loudest voice!

After careful consideration, Robb also asked mother Lady Catelyn to go to Reach, hoping to negotiate an alliance with Renly.

Of course, the young wolf owner who hoped to gain allies also did a very stupid thing-let Theon Greyjoy go to the Iron Islands.

Stannis meets Renly.

The king sees the king, they don’t accept anyone!

Stannis has the support of a magical red robe female, and Renly's end in the footsteps of the original history is inevitable.

Westeros, which is full of flames, will soon erupt to determine the victory or defeat, and then usher in a short and touching peace!

Back to Essos.

Daenerys, the stupid remnant of the former dynasty, was deceived by Priestess Mili Maz Duermon of Lazarin and killed his husband Zogo, killed his child, and killed Dothraki at sea The largest tribe fell apart.

Finally, under the night sky passing by the red comet, she lit the dragon egg and the crematorium on which her husband’s body was placed, and walked into the flames alone.

However, House Targaryen has the same blood and fire.

Own the bloodline of the dragon!

Daenerys in the flames is safe and sound!

The dragon egg disappeared next to her husband's corpse. Instead, three newly hatched small dragons appeared in green, white and black!

True Dragon reborn from the ashes in the flames!

To witness the miracle, Dothraki, who was reluctant to follow her before, chose to be completely loyal. All men, women, and children in the tribe are willing to follow her with all their heart.

Call Daenerys "Unburnt" and "Mother of Dragons"!

Actually, the night that Comet Red crossed the sky.

It is the time when Arthur fully awakens holy light!

It also symbolizes that the magic of this world has begun to recover!

In Daenerys, avoiding the unfriendly Dothraki tribe to the north and west, and the hostile Lazarin people to the south, they finally went through hardships to get to Quills where they could settle down.

The same goes all the way east.

Arthur they bypassed the ruined city of Charjoen, away from the mist, surrounded by sad collars of stone people with gray scales walking around, they turned to the north reluctantly.

The people of the small Dothraki tribe originally planned to exchange slaves for supplies.

With hundreds of people.

Robert, who was trying to form an army, soon worried about supplies.

In order to train the soldiers, the animals originally grazing by Dothraki are basically killed. If they don't go north to the Novos hills, they will be starved to death!

No territory, no money, no logistical guarantee.

To build an army that can fight against Dothraki is simply a fantasy story.

However, the militant Robert has not yet woken up from his dream, he is still thinking about finding the Dothraki tribe to raise the battle!

Eddard and Heinlikai trained soldiers only to ensure safety, and never thought of provoking Dothraki on their own initiative.

Even small tribes do not want to fight.

How could the slaves, herders and farmers who have only trained for such a short period of time have been able to beat the fighter Dothraki?

The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall.

Eddard and Heinrich will not agree with Robert to take the risk.

The village encountered on the way to looting?

Sorry, the right leg injury was cured by Arthur with holy light, and the left leg was restored to bits and pieces. You can move on crutches. The noble Lord Paramount of the North is not allowed!

The silent northern man was not like a woman to persuade Robert, but instead said nothing, just like that and acted to stop his friend with a stern face.

A look of non-violence and non-cooperation!

Robert is not beating, and cursing is useless, only sulking.

The Dothraki Sea is not all of Essos. Just like Westeros, there are mountains, waters and woods. In the hills of Fonos, there are many wild boars, brown bears, wolves and other animals in the dense Black Forest.

He has returned to a thinner body and is no longer skinny, Arthur has a meal that can be compared to eating a cow directly.

In order to get enough food, the people who were hunting in the hills while marching were very tired.

It is not easy to live a stable life on this continent where Dothraki is rampant! be continued...

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