Nofus Hills.

Feel the mountain breeze blowing.

Arthur moved slowly, carrying his bow and arrow, and followed behind Heinlikai.

They have already stared at the wild boar groaning in front of the ground.

Heinlikai’s archery can make it into the top ten archery competitions, and Arthur, who is guided, has benefited a lot.

Draw a bow and arrow, aim attentively.

With a sound of "sou", the feather arrow pierced through the air, immersed in the eyes of the wild boar with a single blow!

"Not bad."

Heyin Likai was too lazy to look at the guy with the biggest appetite next to him, and went up to carefully draw out the feather arrow in the wild boar's eye socket.*|

They are in short supply, and they have to pick up an arrow before using it.

Then said to Arthur: "I'll call someone to move this wild boar, and you will take care of your dinner by yourself."

"Got it."

Arthur was used to the tone that everyone disliked.

He can eat. Robert was very happy at the beginning, because being able to eat means that he has strength, and strength means that he can fight, and he will become a powerful warrior. Kind of dislike.

"I'll go over there and see."

The fully armed Arthur is not like a hunter, but a soldier who is ready to fight. .

With Holy Light Power, Heinlikai has never worried about what danger he will encounter.

"Come back quickly, or you can make dinner yourself."

"I got it."

Walking through the shadow of the colorful trees,

Quietly, not fast or slow, Arthur, who has hunted many times, is already very experienced and knows how to get close to the prey.

He found another shadow running in the woods.

The speed is not slow, he is not tall, he seems to be a bear, but he looks too thin, so he has to get close to the confirmed target before he can shoot.


Wait, there seems to be a bear behind this little thing chasing it.

Arthur quickly put the bow and arrow in his hand and picked up the spear that was stuck on the ground.

Pull away the branches and leaves of the bushes, a shaved head, ragged, dirty, and scarred kid ran away in a panic, then didn’t notice that he tripped under the root of the tree and looked back and approached. The brown bear was full of horror.

"Hey, big guy, look here!"

Without hesitation, Arthur, who clenched his spear, shouted and stepped forward.

A little cold glow comes first, and then the shot is like a dragon!

The brown bear was stabbed in the left rib, and the tip of the gun pierced deeply into its chest. Unfortunately, the fat was too thick. Arthur did not look for the heart and did not make a critical strike.

The bear's paw swiftly swept in with the bad wind.

Without evasion, Arthur directly took out the shield he was carrying and condensed the holy light on the shield—hard resistance!

The sound of heavy objects hitting, holy light Arthur, who had gathered his shield, stood steadily, unscathed.

Eat a lot, and his strength grows amazingly. With the strength of his arms, he can withstand the blow*|To live the brown bear's angry blow under the pain of eating!

"Also eat me with a fist from heaven!"

holy light condenses his fists, Arthur's right fist suddenly shines like a light bulb, fiercely hits an uppercut and opens his mouth. The roaring brown bear's jaw was immediately smashed, and the three-four hundred jin body fell on its back.

Knocked the brown bear with one punch.

The boy who fell down was full of horror, and all three views were refreshed by Arthur.

Draw the sword, moved towards the brown bear's eyes, pierced and twisted, and the forest overlord of three-four hundred catties was completely killed.

Wiping the blood on the longsword, Arthur walked to the frightened kid, friendly extend the hand pulled him up, and asked High Valyria: "Are you okay?"

The kid shook his head blankly, looking at him like Superman.

"Why are you here alone?" After Arthur finished speaking, he thought of Norfos's custom that women and slaves must not have any hair, and their hair must be shaved.

He may be an escaped slave.

Poor child, who was injustice at such a young age, the kind-hearted Arthur suddenly invited: "Come to me to eat something."

Since mastering holy light.

The kindness shown by Arthur is easily felt.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Van... Van Cleef." His answer seemed a little nervous.

Arthur: "Don’t be nervous, I’m not from Essos, I won’t take you to the slave master."

This is the slave who escaped from Novos City, Van Cleef's face suddenly appeared worried and afraid when he heard this.

"Don't be afraid, you can trust me."

Treat people with sincerity, and the words of Arthur, whose soul and holy light coexist, have soothing magical powers. See him The wound on his body was still bleeding, so he covered his palm and controlled the holy light to heal the wound.

The sacred healing technique is still under study. The healing effect is not able to cure the injury instantly. What can be done now is to stop bleeding and scab the wound, but these have shocked Van Cleef, who has never seen the world. Heaven and man.

Arthur smiled: "Don't be so surprised, I'm just an ordinary person."

Then he picked up a three-four hundred catty brown bear, took it away, and confronted Van Cliff Said: "Follow me back to the camp, I will cook barbecue for you to taste later."

Hearing this, Van Cliff put down his guard and nodded without much hesitation.

Go back to the camp.

Everyone is no longer surprised that he hit a large prey like a brown bear.

When Robert saw this, he only said: "I remember Varian found honey a few days ago, and I will make a honey roasted bear paw for me later."

"Okay "Arthur responded, and took cautiously with Van Cleef who was beside him to find Ryan and Annie who were dealing with prey and cooking.

Seeing the dirty VanCleef, Ryan frowned: "Who is he?"

"He is VanCleef, I met in the woods." Arthur put the brown bear on the ground, washed his hands, took the dagger, and said while peeling it.

"Van Cleef?" Annie shook the head with a smile: "She is obviously a girl."


Well, Annie won’t say anything. Arthur really couldn't see VanCleef's shaved head and skinny appearance.

So he said to Annie: "Then let her follow you."

"We are going to Novus for supplies, we will have trouble with her." Ryan reminded road.

Arthur: "It's okay, just let her stay in the team and not enter the city."

Ryan hearing this indifferently shrugged, dismembered the skinned prey in his hands, and prepared Pick up the roast or cook the soup.

Annie looked at Van Cliffs and asked: "Aren't you called Van Cliffs?"

hearing this, Van Cliffs Jr.*|The face shows tension and fear again, tight Next to Arthur, it made Annie, who was preparing to make a fire and cook the soup, feel a little funny.

"Don’t be nervous, we won’t eat you again. Will you make a fire? How about making a fire for me to cook the soup?"

A comfortable smile: "It's okay, go, you can call this elder sister Annie."

Let the little girl who looks back three times to help Annie. Some depressed Ryan said to Arthur: " To be honest, you have been a little too kind lately."

Heyin Likai came over and laughed at Ryan's words and said, "The first person who praised Arthur for his kindness is you, so soon? "

Arthur hearing this only smiled helplessly.

Ryan said depressed: "Kindness is good, but he is not kind to everyone like this. I feel a bit overwhelmed. By comparison, we are like bastard."

Heyinli Kai indifferently said: "Oh, it means you are still normal."

"...So my kindness is not normal?" Arthur was speechless.

Heinlikai has a face as it should be by rights: "Yes." be continued...

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