As a thoughtful person, Arthur has racked his brains along the way to find ways to make money.

However, there is no basic realization of the method he can think of.

In the end, it will depend on windfall.

Robert never gave up the idea of ​​looking for a small Dothraki tribe to go to war.

Along the way, Eddard and Heinlikai deliberately avoided the large, medium and small Dothraki tribes.

Although they haven't encountered the Dothraki tribe much, they have encountered quite a few of the cavalry they sent to looting.

So, the militant Robert likes this day very much.

Call Arthur, bring the recruits trained by everyone, and after a bloody battle, you can turn a team of Dothraki cavalry into spoils of war.

This is such a windfall.

But you have to keep the horses and scimitars. There are not many things that can be sold. However, some Dothraki cavalry looted villages and small towns, and their family property is quite rich.

Small things add up.

It is barely enough for everyone to replenish supplies in Novos City.

"What, are you going to sell some people to become slaves?"

Buy the supplies, follow the crowd and find a businessman, and hear that Robert is going to sell the useless people As a slave, Arthur couldn't accept it at all.

In response to bastard’s surprised question, Robert showed the look of you as a fool and said: "Oh, poor child, do you think we are savior, or are you savior?"

Heinlikai walked to Arthur when he saw this, and whispered: "Don't be so excited, here are the nine free Cities, there are still people who want our lives.

So don't make it like this A fuss about nothing attracts the attention of others.

It’s not easy for us to continue going east, crossing the Dothraki Sea.

With these people, let’s not mention whether we have enough supplies. On Dothraki’s site, there are bound to be constant dangers. Do you think they have the ability to survive?"

The helpless Eddard sighed, said solemnly: "Arthur, don’t forget, we don’t just have to wear it. After passing the Dothraki Sea, I will return to Westeros.

I promise that when we return to quell the rebellion, I will restore the freedom of those who have been sold."

"My lord. "

Heinlikai quickly reminded Eddard not to disclose too much information, so as not to be aware of their whereabouts.

Eddard knows this.

He sighed helplessly for agreeing to sell the slave, and then regained his silence and said nothing more.

The Royal Capital made this decision, what else can Arthur say?

Bug them?

I'm just a bastard, and the cost of food and clothing is obtained in this way. What is the right to blame them?

To blame, I can only blame myself for not making money, unable to provide supplies, weapons, mercenaries for everyone...

But he will go back to Westeros after all, can Protect these people for a while, but you can't protect them forever!

For this, Arthur only swears in the heart secretly.

——One day, he will destroy the slave system on the Essos continent!

Leaving Norfos City, where there were bald slaves and bald women, Arthur returned to the camp outside the city with an expression on his face.

Seeing the bald girl Van Cleef running to her at a loss, she grabbed her hand and said solemnly: "Don't be afraid, I know you just escaped from Novos, so I will never let it. You go back again."

These words seem to be comforting the little girl, as well as comforting himself.

Hearing this, VanCleef settled down and said in a low voice: "Actually my name is Vanessa."

"Vanessa VanCleef? Good name." Hearing the name, a smile appeared on Arthur's mouth.

Vanessa shook her head: "No, I don't have a surname... Only Vanessa... Vancliffe is just my nonsense."

Arthur patted her Little Baldy said softly: "Well, Vanessa, no matter what, you will follow me in the future. I promise you will get the chance to have a surname."

He said this from the heart. , Very sincere, Vanessa could clearly perceive it, and then a seed was planted in the heart of this bald girl.

The slave transaction with the slave merchant went very fast.

Arthur didn't want to stay here any longer.

The useless Dothraki and the farmer were sold out. The original team of more than 400 people suddenly left less than 200 people.

As far as benefits are concerned, this is correct, but Arthur feels uncomfortable.

In Novos, the influence of the Westeros forces has become extremely small, but the news of killing Robert and capturing Eddard alive is still circulating.

In Essos, mercenaries have always represented despicableness.

But most of them possess a skill, such as keen observation ability!

The Arthur entire group is Westerosi, which is very prominent here in Novosi.

There is no need to pay much attention to mercenaries who only have money in their eyes. When they heard Eddard's words to Arthur, they immediately thought of the rewarding mission issued by the Westeros continent forces!

Quietly followed them out of the city, and saw a slave business of a hundred people, and brought soldiers along. The mercenaries stopped walking and did not dare to approach them and changed to secretly stalking.

They have to gather people to act again!

The temperature at night in the Norfos Hills is very low, and the strong wind blows, making people tighter.

But Arthur didn’t feel too cold, Robert, Eddard, Varian, and Ryan did the same. If Sir Barristan had been put on fur, Annie, Heinrich, Maria and the others would rub their hands and breathe from time to time. .

They didn't even realize that the temperature was getting colder.

Eddard Stark is a guy from The North. It’s normal for him not to be afraid of the cold. Arthur has been to Winterfell and has to wear a lot of clothes even in summer.

The temperature in the Norfos Hills is not as low as that of Westeros The North, but Sir Barristan and Annie both feel cold, but they don’t feel at all...

It's so weird!

Arthur was thinking whether this strange situation meant danger, Ryan, who was riding a horse, suddenly came to him, his face solemnly whispered: "There is a situation, we are surrounded."

For convenience and speed, they did not take a small path, but chose to go with the caravan and walk along the Valyria Avenue.

From Novus to Kohor, the vast land between the two cities is connected by a wide and straight stone road, and the transportation is very convenient.

It also makes the looters convenient.

It will be targeted, Arthur is not surprised at all.

But surrounded...

"How many of them are there?"

Looking at the frowning teenager, Ryan said solemnly:" At least eight hundred people."

Hearing this, Arthur felt very tricky: "It's all Dothraki?"

"Sir Barristan guessed that they were mercenaries." Ryan shook his head and said. After that, he took him to Robert, Barristan, and Eddard to discuss countermeasures and prepare for battle.

While walking around, Arthur tried his best to observe all around.

However, it was dark all around, and no mercenaries surrounding them were found.

Someone surrounds us silently?

It seems that their strength should not be underestimated!

Arthur followed Ryan and ran forward, trying to find King and Hand of the King.

But the enemies lurking in the dark will not give them a chance. The sound of the bowstring vibrates continuously, and the sharp feathers fly like rain!

"Enemy attack!"

The caravans of the same group are in chaos and have experienced many battles with Robert, Eddard, Barristan, Ryan, Varian, Hein Li Kai and the others trained soldiers react quickly!

"Let’s go where your Majesty is!"

Holding up the shield is not enough, and slamming the longsword to block the arrow rain, but the mount is shot down, Ryan shouts at his side, the horse The same arrow fell, and Arthur, who was defending under the shield, shouted.

"Follow me!"

To stimulate the holy light to diffuse around, Arthur used the power halo, and then rushed in the direction of Robert and Eddard and the others.

"whiz whiz whiz ~"

The second wave arrow rain falls!

The mercenaries in the dark no longer hide, they roared, screamed, and waved their weapons to kill!

Seeing the youngest bastard come to support and fight the enemy and feel the big fatty full of power. Very excited: "haha, Arthur, you came in time!

Look at my Hand of the King.

Eddard, after many years, we are finally going to fight together again!"

Hand of the King's leg injury was not healed, and he stabbed a servant to death with a spear. Soldiers, and followed Robert and Barristan thousands of to meet the enemy, Heinly Kay immediately stopped and said: "Lord Eddard, you should be in the center to command the soldiers."

"No, the soldiers are commanded by Ryan. "Hearing this, Robert yelled without looking back.

These words released a message that he wants to train Ryan!

Ryan, who is by King’s side and guarding his safety with Barristan and younger brother, does not show much joy on his face. Instead, he is extremely solemn, saying: "Your Majesty, I will never let you down !" be continued...

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