After a series of battles, everyone is about to approach Kohor. Eddard, Barristan, Ryan, Varian, and Heinrich are training soldiers. To a hundred people.

But these people are elites who can fight Dothraki on horseback, have discipline and obedience comparable to those of the Unsullied, and are incorporated into the Kingdoms 1st Infantry led by Francis Arnold.

The Valyria Avenue from Novos to Kohor is not as dangerous as the Valyria Avenue between Valantis and Meerin.

But there are not a few Dothraki looting here, or the mercenary group of part-time robbers.

As a result, Arthur, who was plentiful harvest, followed the caravan with thousands of horses.

Seeing Arthur holding a book and sitting on the carriage teaching a small child to literacy, Jaina Auguste rode over and curiously asked: "You seem to have mastered extraordinary power."


hearing this, Arthur slowly nodded, Vanessa next to him looked up, and then continued to read and read carefully.

Jaina August slowed the speed of the mount and said: "You may not believe it, but I also have an extraordinary power."

"What an extraordinary power ?" Arthur was also aroused by curiosity.

Jaina shook her head: "I don't know, but I can clearly perceive my own spirit, and the water that exists between Heaven and Earth."

"Perceive my own spirit and existence between The water of Heaven and Earth?"

Arthur can basically be sure that she didn't lie, because he felt the same way before, but what he perceives is not water, but holy light.

"Have you tried to control your spirit and the water between Heaven and Earth?"

Jaina helplessly said: "Yes, but I can't control it."

"That's it."

Arthur is a pity for this, because his holy light has a soul, and he controls the holy light particles freely between Heaven and Earth. As for spirit strength and water element, it is true. I don't know much.

I blame the attribute panel golden finger for being too scumbag, otherwise he can become a master!


It's a good idea to share your experience.

"Let me tell you about my perception of controlling holy light, it may not be of much help to you, but you can use this to gain some understanding of energy..."

I can feel his kindness and kindness, and Jaina is very grateful for it.

But how the teenager will master the experience of holy light, because the young girl has not experienced systematic learning, most of them can hear them in the mist, and they can feel their own spirit and Water Element. They seem to understand at most. Understand.

Furthermore, although both holy light and element are energy, there is a big difference between the two.

Limited by times and knowledge, unable to understand what Arthur said, Jaina changed directions and asked: "Do you know the Lord of Light in Essos?"

" I heard that the priests of the Red God would use fire magic."

Arthur hearing this nodded, according to his own understanding, said: "Yes, but the power of the priests of the Red God does not come from himself, but from God, like Believe in God like the transaction, and then God grants him the extraordinary power of the priest according to the transaction."

"So what about you?" Jaina asked, "Do you believe in The Seven?"

"God may just be a powerful transcender." The extraordinary young man who mastered holy light was hearing this, shaking his head and grinning bitterly, and the girl was shocked by what he said.

She misunderstood that she thought that the teenager was trying to become a god!

However, from the night when the comet red passed the night, the dragon in the stone was born, the holy light appeared, and the magic of this world was just a revival.

There will be many transcenders in the future!

God even descends!

came back to his senses, Jaina groaned: "Your abilities are easily reminiscent of Lord of Light, so I think those red god priests will come to you.

And there are many followers of Lord of Light Lakhlo in the Kohor we are approaching."

Like the red robe female Melisandre, the red robe monk Soros will spell, here is the red robe The priest is probably more simple.

I am not a believer of Lord of Light, but if I master Light Power, they are likely to be found by them. Whether their purpose is good or bad, it will bring trouble!

Arthur: "Thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention."

"What are you talking about?" Annie came over and said to Arthur, "Your Majesty and Hand of The King is arguing again, go and persuade them."

Since knowing that Daenerys hatched three small dragons, Robert everyday all yelled her to death, or...turned her into a daughter-in-law. !

Let Vanessa go to the carriage to study obediently and not to be lazy. Helpless Arthur still rides on the side horse, in front of the quarrel between King and Hand of the King.

holy light can treat injuries.

After Arthur's unremitting development and research during this period of time.

Now holy light can also affect the mind.

——Calm and focus!

Competing with his friend Hand of the King, the red-faced fatty's anger suddenly calmed down, his mind was sharp and focused, but he wanted to be angry but does not raise.

Lord Paramount The same is true of the North.

Robert stared at Arthur who appeared behind them uncomfortably, and said: "You want to marry House Targaryen's beautiful girl as his wife, you can do it!"

Arthur: "... ..."

"Your Majesty, our top priority is to bring troops back to Westeros to quell the rebellion." Old Francis reminded.

However, Barristan, Ryan, and Varian all know that King is not so easily persuaded.

Heinlikai pondered then said: "Your Majesty, we have gone through so many battles, but the source of troops has not been supplemented. It is really unwise to kill Queers like this."

"Otherwise?" Robert coldly snorted: "Just watch that girl's dragon grow up like this? That's True Dragon. I'm afraid that when the time comes, we are no match for her with a hundred thousand army."

Ryan looks at the younger brother who is hiding behind everyone in a low-key manner: "We still have Arthur."

"Yes, every time Arthur who hides behind the shield in battle will become a dragon slayer, tell me I, are you sure to kill the dragon? Not one, but three, or your holy light can make you immune to dragon flames?" Robert said and looked at the bastard who mastered the holy light.

The militant King always wants to fight and kill. Arthur is really speechless and helpless, so he can't think about something good, such as how to develop the country?

Robert: "Look, you don't know how to marry that Daenerys as your wife?"

"..." Arthur tried to keep his peace.

Three sentences not to marry Daenerys as a wife, is it too much to tease me like this?

Besides, when did I say to marry the dragon mother?

Hein Likai thinks too much.

However, his explanation was useless, and Robert, Eddard, Barristan, Ryan and Varian considered it a shy cover.

Eddard couldn't help but said: "Even if Daenerys's dragon grows up? How about three years? Five years? Or ten years?

I can guarantee that her dragon will not grow up. , We have brought soldiers and horses to kill them."

Robert: "Your soldiers can fly? Dragons can fly, so they won’t wait for your soldiers to kill."


People like King and Hand of the King are used to it. Every time Arthur calms them down, they will turn from an excited quarrel to a rebuttal.

Francis Arnold, Friedrich August, Frederick August, they listen carefully every time, and provide advice from time to time, and occasionally they gradually become Small The feeling of the Council.

Things discussed.

I have always ventured to return to Westeros directly, or continue to recruit troops in Essos, and news from Liana and Aisara, who have not heard from him for a long time. be continued...

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