In the morning sun, Arthur entire group brought spoils of war and goods into the nine Free Cities, one of the two inland city states, Kohor.

Selling the goods purchased in Novos, Arthur did not make more than half of the proceeds.

Handle the good spoils of war and war horses from the road.

There is nothing to be busy. If you don't want to go to the messy taverns, casinos or brothel in the city, the teenager returns to the camp stationed outside the city.

Compared with indulgence, he is still accustomed to the petty bourgeoisie of his previous life.

In the camp.

Find someone to make a guitar according to their own requirements, put on the strings, and then try to translate the songs they have heard before into the language of this world.

Entertain yourself and remember the beautiful past.

This world lacks entertainment. The songs Arthur sings on guitar are very popular, and everyone in the camp listens quietly.

"You sing very well, and the songs make people drunk." At this time, several silhouettes wearing red robe appeared in the camp.

Unexpected trouble, the teenager who tried to avoid him still couldn't escape, and they came to him.

I heard Arthur talk about these Lord of Light priests, and seeing three people wearing red robes here, Annie didn’t have a good face: "Outsiders are not welcome here."

Headed by The bald-headed middle-aged red robe monk is hearing this indifferently, taking off his hood, with a friendly smile on his face: "Don't be so nervous, we are not malicious."

"We are Lord of Light Rah Priest of Luo." said the beautiful red-haired woman wearing red robe beside the bald red robe monk.

Another beautiful red robe Priestess with black hair looked at Arthur and said, "Your Excellency Arthur Blackeye, we are here for you."

Arthur knows what their intentions are to find themselves , So put down the guitar in his hand, just watched silently, did not speak.

The plan to go to the theater is obvious.


——Please start your performance!

Heinlikai, with a looked thoughtful smile on her face, asked: "I heard that Lakhlo is very powerful in Essos?"

red robe monk nodded: "Yes, Lord of Light cares for the people here."

Annie, who knows Heinlikai, suddenly had an unpleasant thought in her heart, looking at the smiling girl, and the next second , The wise she has spoken again.

"I know you are here for Arthur, so what do you think, let him convert under the glory of Lord of Light Lakhlo?"

hearing this, red Robe Monk and the two Priestess mutually glanced at each other, and they are smart enough to understand what Heinlikai said.

Arthur frowned suddenly: "I am not interested in faith in Lord of Light!"

Heinlikai nodded did not refute: "Of course, but I am curious about what reason you would use Let him take refuge?"

The bald red robe monk lightly said with a smile: "It is definitely a reason for your satisfaction."

The red-haired Priestess said: "In the east of Asia , There is a powerful tribe named Black Eye. They believe in Lord of Light Rahlo and patrol the night for Rahlo. We can confirm that His Excellency Arthur is related to their leader."

Hear At this, Hein Likai frowned, her face showing dissatisfaction.

She didn't hear the reason for wanting.

Or...the benefits that can be used for trading!

As a transmigrator, Arthur is also not interested in this, let alone find any maternal relatives to recognize ancestors and return to the fold.

Annie was a little curious about this. When she listened to the song, Maria and Jaina, who had not walked far away, both revealed a thoughtful expression.

Detecting the disappointment of Heinlikai who was negotiating with them, another black hair Priestess said: "We saw a prophecy in the fire.

After the long summer, the stars Weeping blood, Azor Ahai will be reborn in the land of smoke and salt!

I think Lord Arthur Blackeye is the rebirth of Azor Ahai, who will hold the burning sword, the light messenger, in the long night Defeat the evil and dispel the darkness!"

When Arthur heard this, he couldn't help but sneered: "hehe, isn't Azor Yahai's rebirth, Prince Stannis of Dragonstone?"

Hein Rikai shook her head and asked directly: "What practical benefits can we get by saying that these imaginary things are useless?"

hearing this, the bald red robe monk groaned and said, "House Lannister and House Tyrell Publish your reward to the mercenaries, and we can think of ways to cancel it.

And we will contact the pirate king Sarado Sann so that his pirate fleet will no longer prevent you from returning to Westeros."

Heinlikai saw the sincerity, but still shook his head: "Not enough."

Redhead Priestess: "We can provide ships."

Heinlikai: "Still not enough."

Listening to their conversation, the depressed Arthur was a little annoyed in his heart. He looked at the girl upset and asked: "Heinlikai, do you want to use me to trade with them?"

Heinlikai waved his hand to tell him to stop talking: "I won't let you suffer."

Bald red robe monk: "As long as Lord Arthur is willing to believe in the great Lord of Light Lakhlo, we will not only provide three ships, but will also help you quell the Westeros rebellion."

"Three ships are too few." Heinlikai is still not satisfied with this answer." As for helping us to quell the rebellion...Is it planning to send your army or hire mercenaries?"

The bald red robe monk hearing this fell silent for a while, and exchanged glances with the red-haired Priestess and the black hair Priestess. Then pondered then said: "Our holy fire hand must protect the temple, and there is no extra army to make an expedition."

Heinlikai: "That's a mercenary."

The bald red robe monk shook his head and said: "We don't have that much money."

"Then what gods and beliefs are you going to use to fool me?" Heinlikai's The voice suddenly became cold.

The red-haired Priestess frowned: "We came with sincerity, and you are making things difficult for us!"

"What's the matter?" Ryan and his friends who served in Legion, Grandpa's Squire Lothar returned from the city at this time.

Seeing the crowd surrounded by three silhouettes wearing red robes, Arthur's face was full of discomfort. Hein Rikai was talking to them and asked, "Who are they?"

Maria said: "These three are the priests of Lord of Light Lakhlo."

"Lord of Light Lakhlo? Red God?" Ryan frowned suddenly.

Arthur told them that holy light might attract their attention and even cause trouble, so he straightened his face and said to the three of them: "Please explain your intentions."

The bald red robe monk said: "We came with kindness, hoping to guide Lord Arthur to believe in the great Lord of Light Lakhlo."

Ryan looked at the younger brother of the half-father: "Then Arthur , Do you want to believe in Lord of Light?"

Arthur shook his head: "I'm not interested."

Black hair Priestess looked at the teenager sincerely with big bright and intelligent eyes, and said: "The night is dark and sinister everywhere. Westeros's fall into the flames of war is only the beginning, and even greater disasters are about to occur. Only Lakhlo can redeem the world, Arthur, I have seen the rise of evil in the flames..."

"You can't confuse us!"

For the Lord of Light priests’ fire-watching prophecies and weird magic, Arthur has already used words like'read it from a book' for everyone Have been vaccinated.

Knowing that her words are mostly foolish, Ryan, who is impatient, immediately interrupted: "Actually, you don't know what disaster is, what evil is evil, right?"

Black hair Priestess cannot be refuted for a while.

There are so many red robe priests in Lahlo, and the prophecy of Azor Yahai’s rebirth can be seen in the flames, but only a handful of them. Melisandre, who assists Stannis, is Among them, the one with the strongest predictive ability and the clearest observation.

The prophecy content she can see is not as good as Melisandre's one third!

Mei Lishan's table also failed to fully see the prophecy, otherwise Stannis would not be considered the rebirth of Azor Yahai.

Red-haired Priestess pondered then said: "Every priest has her own mission. She is not a person who predicts the future, but Lord Arthur, I will be your leader, east of Asia, The black-eyed tribe who is patrolling the dark night for Lahlo needs an inheritor..."

It is obvious that the heir of the tribe cannot be used to lure him!

Hearing this, Ryan immediately stretched out his hand and pressed his sword, and said angrily: "My younger brother won't go with you, leave immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being impolite!"

"No, please don't get excited, we really have no malice." The bald red robe monk quickly raised his hands. "We don't mean to force Your Excellency Arthur to leave you, but we just hope that he will accept his mission.

If he becomes a believer in Lord of Light, we will immediately offer three sea ships as gifts!" be continued...


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