"Where is your boat?"

The Sun sets and the Moon rises On a breezy night, didn't Robert think of this brothel overnight, with everyone Return to the camp from Kehor City.

During the day, the priest of red robe came, hoping to make Arthur believe in Lahlo. Heinrich, Ryan, and Maria have all told Robert, Eddard, and Francis.

In exchange for Arthur's faith in Lord of Light and the red robe monk for three ships, Robert didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Even though Arthur had said that Priest Rahlo was weird, he didn't care at all.

Because this kid has no faith.

I just said that I promised to believe in Lord of Light. I didn't cheat money, and wouldn't I lose a piece of meat?

In Robert’s mind, God is not important at all. He even thinks that the so-called faith, the mantra of cursing people, will be mentioned...

Moreover, there is him This powerful King is here, and the trifling Lord of Light priests are all clay chickens and pottery dogs!

Although bastard is a support in battle and strengthens others' strength, Robert does not think that his seed will be weaker than those of the red god priests.

Even if there is any danger, he believes that Arthur will return without any risk!

This overbearing fatty heard that the bald red robe monk would send three boats, and immediately wanted to get it. As for Arthur not willing to convert to Lakhlo and become a believer?

When I see the ship, I will force the conquest in the name of King, the priest trifling dare to say more?

The light of fire shone on the faces of bald red robe monks, red-haired Priestess and black hair Priestess, with distinct light and shadow.

Hand of the King Eddard, the victim Arthur, Hein Likai who is concerned about whether he can benefit from it, Ryan, Varian, Barristan, Annie, Francis, Maria and Augustus who are watching the excitement The special family is here.

Hearing King's words, the bald red robe monk answered truthfully: "Valantes."

Robert: "So we are going south?"

" Yes." The bald red robe monk looked at Arthur, "If your Excellency serves our lord, you will surely become the son of light of the highest priest!"

Robert coldly snorted: "He wants to return to Westeros with me To put down the rebellion, you can believe in Lord of Light, but you will not stay in Essos."

Bald red robe monk nodded: "Of course."

"Well, Arthur, you Believe in Lord of Light." Robert turned his head to bastard.

The red-haired Priestess frowned: "Your Majesty, this is too sloppy. We should have a ceremony in the temple."

Because someone else decides to believe in, Arthur, who is depressed, wants to fight. people!

Compared with his unhappy bald red robe monk, red-haired Priestess, and black hair Priestess, the three are very confident that he will convert to Lord of Light Lakhlo and become a child of light.

I entered the Lahlo Temple in Kehor City overnight. In the fire light and the great sound of Lord of Light, Arthur listened to the bald red robe monk like a puppet to complete the ceremony.

"Since I have converted to Lord of Light, do you give me some books to learn spell?" Heinrich said that everything is profit-oriented, and he is sure to become the son of light of Lakhlo. He immediately asked the red robe priests for benefits.

The priests felt perfunctory from him.

But the young people who have never changed, believe in Lakhlo for profit, and hold the light bestowed by God, and they are tolerant of this.

In fact, during the ceremony, Arthur felt a strange power, trying to leave a special mark on his soul.

This force that tries to slowly imprint in the soul belongs to Lord of Light Lahlo?

Weirdness is weirdness, but the strength is not enough, the quantity is not large, and the quality is not pure.

Knowing that the ceremony is over, the mark did not even mark his soul coexisting with the holy light.

If it is Lord of Light Lakhlo, is his power too weak?

However, this can just ensure your own safety and avoid messy things such as body possession and soul control.

I also prepared to observe and teach the young son of light. When he heard that he wanted to learn spell, the bald red robe monk gently shook the head and refused: "No, child, you can’t rush the head to learn spell. Prayer to the great Lord of Light Lakhlo."

Pray to God?

Arthur had seen too many Western Fantasy webnovel in his previous life, and he immediately thought of those gods who were magnificent and majestic on the surface, but dark and evil in reality.

Believe in Lord of Light Lahlo?

As a child born in China who was born and grew up in the dominance of man and received a materialist education, he is impossible to believe in any god in this life!

Don't give spell book?

Don’t teach magic?

Then goodbye.

I really thought I wanted to stay longer in the temple, what else would I be conspired to?

However, when Arthur left the temple, the bald red robe monk, the red-haired Priestess, and the black hair Priestess all followed him and wanted to go out of the city to their camp.

"Why are you following me?"

If the holy light does not coexist with his own soul, he will be imprinted with unknown imprints. Arthur really doesn't have the slightest affection for them.

Bald red robe monk: "Child, you need correct guidance."

Arthur has no expression on his face, and he can't help sneering in his heart: "Then you do whatever you want."

Walking, the red-haired Priestess suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Actually, it is enough for us to follow you alone."

Black hair Priestess stopped and said to Arthur: "I I can teach you magic."


This is really a temptation that Arthur can't ignore.

"From tonight?"

Black hair Priestess solemnly nodded: "But learning magic requires a talent. Although you are a child of light, you may not have a magic talent, so I I think you’d better learn the divine technique."

You need to believe in the divine technique of Lord of Light, and you can only use it. I have mastered holy light. It’s only a matter of time to study the priest spell. I’m stupid to learn. divine technique.

Arthur said firmly: "I want to learn magic!"

The bald red robe monk shook his head and said: "Penelope, you are a little hasty, it is no good."

"You know that the long night is approaching time is pressing." Black hair Priestess Penelope said solemnly.

Too lazy to care why the bald guy stopped, Arthur directly opened the mouth and said: "I haven't asked you anything before, but now I have it, teach me magic!"

Nelope is nodded.

Redhead Priestess: "Arthur, you should really go to the east of Asia to see your relatives there, and the witchcraft and spells there are the most complete."

Arthur: "It sounds attractive, but it's not possible now."

Develop the skills of holy light, learn magic, put down the Westeros civil strife, develop armaments, and deal with Others is the top priority!

"You keep mentioning that there are my relatives east of Yasha, do they come from there?"

"Yes, I am from Yasha." Redhead Priestess nodded and said, "Want to know if your mother has any other relatives? I can tell you."

Is this going to be a warm-hearted offensive against me all the time?

For this red-haired Priestess who always wants to go to the east of Asia by himself, Arthur, who has completely erupted in delusion of persecution, is very resistant: "Not for the time being. I want to return to Westeros to solve all the crises and listen. !"

Hearing this, the red-haired Priestess, who was ignored several times, looked very disappointed: "Okay."

Penelope said: "In fact, you can take Luo Lean came to him."

"She still has the tribe to take care of and can't go away." Red-haired Priestess sighed.

Arthur didn't want to ask who Lorian was.

For those who have never met the matrilineal relatives, they can meet after the Others are resolved, but it is not led by the Rahlo priest.

Who knows if they have a conspiracy behind them?

Hurry back to the camp, worrying about the young Annie, who is taking over the task of the night watch and waiting for him to return: "I thought you won’t be back until tomorrow."

Arthur shrugged Said: "Things are still going well, there are no surprises, so I came back."

This is actually a code word agreed by him and Annie, because I am afraid that there will be dangers in believing in Lord of Light, so I specifically enabled it.

"That's good." Annie hearing this smiled, then looked at the bald red robe monk, the redhead Priestess and Penelope and asked, "You are living in the camp tonight?"

Bald red robe monk nodded: "Yes."

Annie: "I'm afraid you are going to squeeze in the tents of soldiers or servants."

. ..... to be continued...

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