Arthur verbally believes in Lord of Light Rahlo and completes the transaction with the bald red robe monk, the red-haired Priestess and Penelope.

Robert, just like Bai Jian, obtained three ships that stopped at Valantis.

House Lannister and House Tyrell's rewards to everyone have been revoked, and the priests of Lord of Light declared that they are protected by the Lakhlo Church and are much safer. There is basically no need to worry about assassination.

As for the leader of the Reese pirate fleet and the pirate king Sarado Sann who took refuge in Stannis, priests have already acted to negotiate with him.

The Rahlo church is very powerful. It can be said that there is basically no danger on the sea going back to Westeros, but those wild ambition rebellions will never allow Robert and Eddard to return safely.

There are only more than a hundred soldiers and three sea ships.

Robert, who was chased all the way to Essos, didn't feel much security!


Daenerys, the remnant of the former dynasty, has a firm foothold in Quells and has three True Dragons. From big fatty's point of view, the threat level is definitely greater than the two rebellious ones. The younger brother and Lannister!

He never gave up his plan to recruit troops!


After the entire group left Kehor, King didn't agree with one's heart set on speeding home, with Eddard of Zhang Family, and went directly to Valantis by boat.

Instead, continue to the east.

——Challenge the Dothraki tribe!

In this way, Robert is actually quite sane. He did not try to attack the large tribes with tens of thousands of people, nor did he seek incentives to attack the medium-sized tribes with more than a thousand people, but cautiously looked for those attached to the large tribes. Or a small tribe under a medium-sized tribe.

In the words of Kingdoms 1st Infantry Corps Head Francis Arnold, it means that the militant King is addicted to the game of war, and even the country with civil strife is ignored.

Such words can only be said by his iron-blooded Corps Head and King friends, and Lord Paramount of the North Eddard Stark of Hand of the King.

It's almost life on horseback.

Arthur has a strong learning ability, so he has exercised his crappy riding skills very well.

They all say that they are not afraid of bite off more than one can chew.

But he is accustomed to full busyness, so he has never slackened the application and development of holy light skills!


The study of magic disappointed him!

Not without talent.

But Penelope’s magic is totally uninteresting...

There is only one element of magic that can be controlled by him, but The only element that can be controlled is fire.

Wind, Thunder, water, soil and other magic inheritance are all missing!

The flame spell mastered by the Rahlo church is simple spells such as enchanting weapons with flames and attacking enemies with flames.

Like seeing the future through flames, it is a divine technique that can only be mastered by faith in Lahlo, and so is the resurrection technique, because power includes shadows, as well as some shadow divine techniques.

Since the extinction of the dragon, magic has disappeared in the world, and there are too many spell inheritance, because people lack magic power and cannot use it, and disappear in history.

Spiritual spells such as Charm and Illusion Technique are considered to be better preserved, but Illusion Technique formidable power is somewhat touching, similar to the blind eye technique.

The bloodfiend method is the best preserved, and the formidable power is large enough, but it requires a variety of materials, ceremony, or sacrificial offering!

So, the young man hates this evil spell!

The bald red robe monk is going to teach the son of light the divine technique. He didn't expect to learn at all, let alone believe in Lord of Light Rahlo. Every time he prays, he is perfunctory!

Learning that Robert is going to continue east, and is not planning to go south to Valantis to fetch the ship, the helpless red robe monk returns to Valantis to report the situation to the Supreme Priest.

The red-haired Priestess will talk about wizards, wizards, witches, Skinchanger, Shadowbinders, alchemist, cursers, blood witches, Necromancer, moon chanters, cloud wizards, nightcrawlers, etc. The characteristics of sorcerer help Arthur understand the various magic professions in this world.


On the vast Dothraki Sea, the sky, the earth, the green grass, and the hillsides are all in a glance.

With the clouds drifting overhead.

The sun is dazzling, making people's skin sore.

Riding a horse all day, living on horseback, his big*|legs are getting used to being scratched and injured, and his body is in the development stage. Arthur always feels that his double*|legs will become looped legs in the future, and then The skeleton grows deformed and becomes short due to prolonged sitting.

So, after riding a horse for a long time, he will always go down and run, or sit in the carriage to chat with Annie and teach Vanessa literacy.

Broad vision.

Varian, who was scouting by Captain as a scout, soon saw the billowing dust, coming towards the direction where they were moved!

——it’s the Dothraki cavalry on horseback!

They have at least two thousand people!

Varian immediately beat his horse and ran back to the team, reporting to royal father, Hand of the King Eddard and Corps Head grandpa: "Dothraki cavalry is coming at us!"

" More than two thousand people!"

"Take us to see." With Eddard watching, Robert and Francis can safely direct the soldiers to Ryan.

The Dothraki cavalry who came with billowing dust has slowed down.

They let the horse rest and prepare for the charge!

Francis, who has been fighting for a long time, asked: "Are there enemies in other directions?"

Varian: "No, they are all concentrated here."

Robert snorted: "Okay, let everyone be prepared, call that boy Arthur, and prepare to kill them in a piece of armor!"

The majestic King turns to Kohor Custom-made armors show the mighty and domineering spirit of the founding King.

He patrolled the array of 1st Infantry Regiment on horseback. He was very satisfied with these soldiers. After making an inspiring pre-war speech loudly, the battle started!

More than five hundred war horses were placed aside.

No way, their soldiers can't beat Dothraki on horseback, so they can only take advantage of the spear and shield in battle.

"Your Majesty, there are too many enemies. Meeting force with them is a disadvantage."

Infantry vs. Cavalry, Francis knows how low the odds of winning are.

Even if Arthur, a young man with extraordinary powers, can turn King, Barristan, Eddard, Ryan, and Varian into powerful generals with one enemy and one hundred, the old Corps Head is still worried.

Arthur hurriedly said: "I have an idea, we can let the horse charge towards them and interfere with their charge."

Robert is a little curious: "Sounds good, but you What should I do?"

Arthur: "I can use magic to make those horses go crazy, and then control them to rush towards the enemy. I can also attack their horses and even cause casualties."

"No!" Thinking about using these horses to build a cavalry regiment in the future, Varian shook his head quickly and said: "I don't agree, this method will definitely lose a lot of horses."

Robert stared at him suddenly: "Are you stupid? I'm afraid that I won't have a horse after winning Dothraki?"


Varian is actually quite smart, this time I care about Chaos, I immediately reacted to such mention by the old man, and changed the subject somewhat embarrassingly: "Arthur, what do you need to do to control the horse?"

Arthur: "It's very simple, just use the spirit strength to control it, but There are too many horses, and I alone may not be enough, so I have to ask Penelope and Jaina to help me." be continued...

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