"long long long ~"

The sound of horseshoes bursts, with billowing dust rumbling.

The Dothraki cavalry roared, roared, shouted, screamed, brandished machetes, and straightened spears!

It's near!

With the cooperation of Arthur, Penelope, and Jaina, performing the spiritual Illusion Technique, the horses around the battlefield of 1st Infantry Regiment are agitated.

Following a series of hissing sounds, the horses whose eyes became crimson stood high, and then they madly rushed towards the Dothraki cavalry who came in the front!

Robert: "Get ready!"

The crazy war horse press forward, specifically looking for the oncoming Dothraki cavalry to hit it.

When the horses collided, the Dothraki cavalry screamed, howled, and roared, and suddenly turned into wailing, screaming, and unwilling roar!

The swords and swords were not officially engaged, The battlefield is already*|Blood and blood!

Seeing that the charging Dothraki was disturbed by the horses*|, and fell into chaos, Robert immediately said: "The whole army is advancing!"

The spear and the big shield began to follow the soldiers Move to meet Dothraki who wields a scimitar and clasps a spear.


Most of them lost their mounts!

As a result, the combative Dothraki faced the infantry lined up in battle, and even the shield wall was unable to break through!

"Kill!" "Stab!"

"Arthur, give me strength!"

Robert yelled, let Arthur, who is still controlling the horse to attack the enemy, return God, immediately guide the holy light in the body to radiate the surroundings, opening the aura of power!

Warhammer carries the wind.

Raise blood!

Unstoppable twisting and destroying decay!

Jaina has seen King brave many times, but she did not follow Arthur on horseback. It was shocking to see the big fatty in front of him waving Warhammer and killing enemies from a close range.

And Penelope next to her feels that her body's strength has been strengthened, and her heart is even more shocked.

Knowing that Arthur is the child of light, he can give others strength, and I really realize that there are so many differences from what people say.

She feels that she doesn't need divine technique or magic, she can knock down a brawny man with just her fist!

Learn the magic of Fire Element.

Accustomed to riding a horse behind King, usually protected by Eddard, Barristan, and Varian in front of him, Arthur is no longer assisted by occasional offensive skills.

The fire magic taught by Penelope in the Lahlo church still has major flaws.

——Can't make a fire out of thin air!

But Arthur didn't care about this.

Because he can perceive the existence of Fire Element between Heaven and Earth!

Condense Fire Element.

Chi*|The heat burst into flames!

With a wave of his hand, the raging fire formed into a ball, and immediately flew towards the Dothraki cavalry who was riding on a war horse and swung a scimitar to kill.

The flame hit the cavalry, instantly turning him into a fire cabinet.

The smell of grilled meat permeated the bloody battlefield. The screaming Dothraki cavalry fell to the ground and began to roll in pain, and then the movements became slower and slower and the voice lower and lower...

The Dothraki cavalry around him was frightened at the sight of this person.

But the warrior Dothraki has no shortage of warriors after all.

They came back to his senses and roared: "Kill that evil wizard!"

Be more brave in battle!

Arthur wanted to set a fire to burn the rushing enemy, but found that the spirit strength of prying the Fire Element was insufficient, and he felt a slight tingling in his head.

Mages should not run out of spirit strength and mana!

He hurriedly stopped casting the spell.

Use holy light instead, give Robert, Eddard, Barristan, Varian, Annie, Heinrich, Francis, and Alsace of the August family connect the Holy Shield.

Protected by holy light, they impervious to sword and spear!

Of course, the scimitar in Dothraki's hand can't hurt everyone at all. He perceives something wrong, and they have died under Warhammer, longsword and feather arrows with their faces in horror.

But the Dothraki cavalry still dominates in numbers.

The frontal charge failed.

They turned to the two wings for a surprise attack.

"Change formation!"

Ryan is commanding the soldiers in the center. Lothar, who is the Corps Head squire and also his friend, is supporting him by his side.

The old Friedrich and Frederick of the August family obeyed his command and ordered the soldiers in the array to turn their large shields to defend against the cavalry who would charge from the two wings.

"Ryan, the soldiers do not have the help of Arthur, so they can't stop the Dothraki cavalry's impact." Lothar frowned when he saw that, and quickly reminded, "We are too few in number. Let's shrink into a tortoise formation. ."

"But Your Majesty, they rushed to fight, we must keep up." Ryan also knew that dozens of infantry on both sides could not stop hundreds of cavalry.

Lotha: "No, Ryan, Arthur can protect Your Majesty's safety and even win, but what we have to do is not to keep up, but to preserve our forces!"

"Yes, I agree with him." Old Friedrich retreated.

The cavalry rushing from the two wings are getting closer and closer. There is no time to think about it. Ryan immediately makes a decision: "Shrink to form a tortoise shell formation, and the shield must be held tight!"

The soldiers changed their formation and stopped following closely. Arthur immediately realized that the situation was not good: "Your Majesty, the enemy attacked our wings. The soldiers may not be able to stop the cavalry charge!"


When he heard what he said, Robert cursed loudly. Several hapless Dothraki were hammered out of human form.

"Varian, you take Arthur, Annie, Heinrich and Arthas to help, come back immediately after blocking the charge!"

"Okay." Vari Ann didn't hesitate to let the August teenager who was his deputy wave a longsword to clear the way.

To leave King Robert, Hand of the King Eddard, Kingsguard Captain Barristan, old Corps Head Francis, they will be very dangerous without the blessing of the power aura.

So Arthur connected the four of them with the Holy Shield technique before leaving.

Seeing the release of the power aura and the big light bulb emitting a faint holy light in the sun, Ryan quickly ordered the soldiers to open an opening and let him return to the center of the tortoise shell formation.

In the Dothraki Sea.

Everyone has long considered that they will be besieged by medium or large tribes.

Now Arthur can control the power aura well, even if he is not familiar with Robert and the others, he can also be blessed by his side.

Power is at work!

The sturdy soldier leaned on a shield, surviving against the horse*|lived on the horse that was charged at full speed, and then the spear pierced out fiercely with the man and the horse!

The horseshoe stomped on the ground, raising dust to cover the battlefield.

Soldiers holding a shield to block the charge of the cavalry drew their swords, swaying cold light in the dust, and the Dothraki cavalry who charged close to the scene lay dead on the spot!

They are soldiers.

Born for killing!

Exist in battle!

Hundreds of people have gained power aura increase, gaining powerful power, everyone can't be one enemy to one hundred, but one to ten!

Ryan held up the longsword and shouted: "Soldiers, move forward!"

Francis thought that Robert, who wielded Warhammer to kill the enemy, lost his power aura gain and his movements would slow down. Warhammer’s Formidable power will also be reduced.

But Warhammer can still do one strike certain kill when hitting those Dothraki cavalry!

It's just that, with the power aura gain, Warhammer can smash people into human form*|, and even the parts in the hammer can become fleshy.

Without the state of gain, Robert with extraordinary power takes a lot of effort to break people's bones.

For a while, he is out of breath, who is usually tired after fighting.

"Eddard, you look a little embarrassed. Wouldn’t it work without Arthur’s power aura?" Seeing that his friends around him were under siege by Dothraki and seeing danger, Robert Robert hurriedly waved Warhammer, Two Dothraki warriors were hammered to death, and then smiled.

Lord Stark, who never talks nonsense in battle, heard this shook the head, but he admitted that he was old.

Under Ryan's command, the soldiers came to respond at this time.

Regained the power aura increase, Robert, holding Warhammer, once again made a divine might!

The swords of Barristan, Eddard, and Francis kill people as easily as a knife cuts tofu.

More than 2,000 warriors keep falling down.

As long as Arthur, who provides extraordinary powers, is there, their advantage in numbers will disappear.

...to be continued...

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