Dothraki is at a disadvantage, unable to resist the brave Robert, Barristan, Ryan and the others leading the soldiers forward.

But Arthur's situation is not too good.

Expanding the gain range of the power aura consumes a lot of money, and at this time he already feels tired.

"Your Majesty, there are too many people, and my power aura can't last long."

Robert hearing this, who has strong power and is full of blood and enjoys the battle, was taken aback, and looked timidly at his surroundings. Dothraki sneered contemptuously: "It doesn't matter, this battle will be over soon!" Robert, a look of consternation suddenly flashed in his eyes, as if he had discovered something.

But in the fierce battle at this time, she didn't talk too much to the Child of Light.

The killing continues!

A corpse fell down.

blood dyed reddish the loess and grass.

With the broken spear, the scimitar, and the dead horse in the sunlight penetrating the dust, they constitute a poem about war and death.

Will it collapse if the battle damage in the cold weapon age exceeds 30%?

Sorry, this situation only occurs in a miscellaneous army composed of conscripted farmers.

After so many battles, Arthur has never encountered such a situation!

Smash the enemy to win?

It doesn’t exist!

As long as you are a professional soldier who has received professional training, you know how dangerous it is to hand over your back to the enemy. The same is true for Dothraki, who is on horseback.

And Dothraki warrior's will is stronger.

Because Arthur confronted them, he never got captured every time, all died in battle!

Knowing that the soldiers commanded by Westerosi have extraordinary power and the scimitar cannot break through the shield's defense, Dothraki still has no hesitation in attacking.

Then I was stopped by a shield, and when I saw the cold light flashing by, I felt the loss of life and fell powerlessly.

"If this goes on, the warriors are going to die*|none."

"I don't believe they won't be tired!"

"Everyone, work harder. Work harder to break through their shield wall!"

Dothraki of fierce and unafraid of death succeeded.


It just fell in vain in front of Robert, Barristan, Ryan, and the soldiers, half-height corpses have been piled up!

Dothraki is not afraid of death.

Everyone who faced them, deeply felt the fearlessness of their opponents.

Jaina, who is physically weak next to her, has no strength to open a bow and shoot an arrow.

Heyin Rikai couldn’t help but reminded: “Next time remember to keep the rhythm, archery can’t pull the bow with light strength and wait for death.”

Looking at the piles The corpse was taller than a human, and Dothraki, who was able to stand and wield a scimitar, suffered most of the loss. Annie, who responded with a cold arrow, said: "It doesn't matter, the battle is over soon."

"Hope, I really can't last long."

In order to maintain the power aura brow beaded with sweat, Arthur was a little worried. This time he faced more enemies than he had encountered before.

Command the soldier Ryan beside him: "Leave the battle to us, just keep maintaining the power aura, you don't have to worry too much."

These Dothraki leaders, as early as the beginning of the battle Before long, he was hammered to death by Robert, who wielded Warhammer's domineering.

Xuemengwei follow closely from behind.

No one who is qualified to become a bandit recognizes the gap and thinks that they can avenge their Kao, and continue to lead the warrior to attack the soldiers with no more than two hundred soldiers.

Then, half dead in a blink of an eye.

Robert and the others headed east, looting their Dothraki to death*|Light, all Karratha knew about these cruel creatures.

More than two thousand warriors set out for revenge!

Unfortunately, they chose Arthur, who possessed extraordinary powers, as their enemy. They couldn't take revenge, and even took their own lives.

Kill one by one.

Two thousand people stood and didn't run, and the soldiers also cut their hands softly.

The sun gradually set westward, and the blood was sprinkled on the ground at dusk, and the corpses piled up on the ground. Everyone was exhausted and didn't have much energy to fight again.

The brave are fearless, but not many people are really not afraid of death.

There are also dozens of Dothraki fighting tenaciously. Even if the number of people lost 2/3/2021, the hundreds of people were defeated and fled, they still clung to their weapons and refused to give up revenge!

They are real warriors!

Robert, Eddard, Barristan, Francis, Ryan and the others are all in admiration.

"You still refuse to surrender?" Arthur's dry mouth has forgotten how many times Dothraki asked.

The remaining 80 or so Dothraki warriors were silent, or shook their heads firmly, or driven their tired bodies to swing their swords with hatred as the driving force!

"Don't persuade, save the province, they are real warriors, they will not choose to surrender." Francis said solemnly, "their best ending is to die in battle."

The soldiers have changed several batches, taking turns against these tenacious Dothraki, admiring them in their hearts, but will not forget that they are enemies!

Heinlikai has taken the archer to rest.

I don’t plan to let go of any of these tough enemies.

The sky is getting darker and darker, no matter the enemy or yourself, they are hungry and tired.

Hundreds of Dothraki fled before, and didn’t want to continue pestering the rest of the people. Arthur was a little worried: "What if the enemies that ran away come back and counterattack us?"

" You worry a lot. War is not a playhouse. It is not so easy to reorganize the defeated soldiers." Barristan said.

Heinlikai said: "We are tired, and they will be tired when they run back. It will take at least tomorrow to come back to counterattack."

"And we have enough time to rest for one night."

"Well, since you think it's okay." After all, they don't have experience in the military, so Arthur hearing this had to sit down and rest and try to fix it early.

See Jaina talking with Penelope.

I want to learn more about magic.

But Priestess deliberately led the topic of faith in Lord of Light to Rahlo, and Arthur wanted to remind her to stay away from these red god priests.

I can think of joining the Lakhlo church, becoming their son of light, and being one of them, I can't turn my face here in Essos, so I resisted the desire to speak.


I was talking about magic with Penelope with black hair. Jaina suddenly heard Arthur calling herself, but she looked over, but the boy was closing Eye rest.

"It’s true that I’m calling you, don’t say anything, don’t need to answer, this is the spiritual communication I have researched out."

Learning Mental Magic, Arthur has long been to holy light With a lot of experience in research and development, Initial Mastery dared to try to sound transmission with people with spirit.

Of course, this kind of spiritual communication is still very simple. It can only be one-way sound transmission, sending the message rough to the target's mind, and the spirit that cannot connect to the target gets a reply.

"Don't be tempted by the divine technique*|Believe in the Church of Lahlo, there will be hidden dangers when you believe in Lord of Light Lahlo! If you want to learn magic, you can wait to go back to Westeros and go to Citadel. Don't be in a hurry at this time. "

Hearing the sound transmission, Jaina, who received the *|spiritual message, was dizzy and stupefied. She had to shake her head slightly before returning to her senses. She wondered what hidden dangers would be if she believed in Lakhlo. On the surface, she was still calm, but she believed in Arthur more than Penelope, so she was already wary of belief in Lahlo.

The remaining dozens of Dothraki warriors have been mercilessly killed at this time.

No one of them turned to escape. Before the last warrior fell, they shouted: "All Kao will avenge us!"

..... .To be continued...

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