More than 100 people, defeated more than 2,000 Dothraki cavalry in the front!

Such a brilliant record is enough to be recorded in the epic!

His casualties are not large, no more than ten figures. Compared with the heavy losses of the enemy, it is not worth mentioning. King is very happy about this, but he is sane, he has not lost his mind, and he has not forgotten Dothraki. Shout out revenge before you die!

Clean up the battlefield, clean up the spoils of war, retrieve the uninjured horses, and the rested entire group hurried to the road again when it was just starting to fall.

Under the influence of Mental Magic, the violent horses attacked more than two thousand cavalrymen, and gained an advantage for everyone to interfere with the charge, but they were basically dead and injured.

Fortunately, Dothraki has enough horses.

Because of the inability to break through the shield, their bodies piled up and gradually became obstacles when they fell. The entire battlefield was no longer suitable for horses to run. Therefore, not only did they not lose their horses, they also had a lot of gains.

"Your Majesty, we found the trail of Dothraki scouts again."

One man and three riders kept changing horses and running quickly, but still failed to avoid Dothraki who wanted revenge to track, come back again Reporting the reconnaissance situation, Varian still has no good news.

The Dothraki scouts can be found in six turns.

It stands to reason that there should be a large number of Dothraki cavalry roaring at this time.

However, those scouts just followed silently, and did not notice any movement of the large troops, which is really confusing.

"It seems that they are not in a hurry at all." Heinly Kay pondered then said, "I am afraid we have entered the encirclement of the large Dothraki tribe, or worse."

"Every There are enemies in all directions, it is not easy to break through." Francis shook his head.

Robert, who was chased down, was unhappy coldly snorted: "Then we have to sit and wait for death?"

Eddard said: "I think we should return to Kehall."

"There is also a Dothraki scout behind." Ryan hearing this reminded with a wry smile.

The audience kept discussing, but there was no result. Barristan couldn't help but ask: "Then which direction should we break through?"

"Maybe...I Can you try to talk to them?" Arthur suggested.

"What? No!" Ryan immediately retorted, "This idea is bring about one's own destruction!"

Robert eyes shined and said excitedly: "No, this idea is actually You can give it a try."

Heyinlikai immediately guessed that the belligerent fatty wanted to take risks, and played against the enemy’s leader to capture the thieves first, frowned: "Your Majesty wanted to capture them directly. Kao?"

But they don't know.

Two thousand Dothraki warriors fold a halberd.

It was defeated by more than one hundred people!

Only one night, the Dothraki who fled in a rout, ran their horses to death, spread the news all over the western part of the Dothraki Sea, and informed all the Kao in the western part!

This is not just a Karratha matter.

It is about the entire nation!

The warriors cannot cross the Dothraki Sea, who would be afraid of them? Who will continue to pay tribute? Who would treat them like this?

As a military force to the upstream herders, they are too aware of how bad the situation will become if they lose their deterrence.

The looted objects will resist stubbornly, thinking that they can also win, and as this situation continues to occur, every battle loses a lot of manpower, and the looting becomes more difficult!

For such a situation, Kao, who has a little brain, will consider it.

It's just...

More than one hundred people defeated two thousand warriors.

With such a record, they will have no idea about the match, and they are afraid that they will lose too much after the fight and they will be annexed by other tribes.

Furthermore, according to the message of the defeated troops, each of the more than one hundred people possesses the terrifying power of cutting people in half with a sword!

So that the spear can run through with people and horses!

There are wizards who set fire!

Regardless of whether these messages are true or not, more than two thousand Dothraki warriors were indeed defeated. Therefore, every Kao who received the message was cautious and did not dare to send troops to intercept or chase him down.

These people are too tricky!

Even if you win, you will definitely lose a lot of warriors.

But if those messages are true, they have the power to cut people in half with a single sword, and if a wizard can set fire to them, the entire army will be wiped out if they go to another two thousand people!

Two thousand young men, unless it is the kind of super-large tribe led by Zhuo Gokao, ordinary large tribes can't harm it at all!

"Warrior, I came with kindness, and I hope to see your Kao."

Many Kao have a headache. Arthur just found the Dothraki scout who was following and asked to meet him. Their leader negotiates.

The evening will render more colors for the blue sky and white clouds, until the night comes and is illuminated by the morning sun, and then at noon the next day, Kao, whom Arthur asked to see, will discuss with other Kao. Come with their respective armies.

Arthur, they really didn't expect Dothraki to come so much.

I never thought that so many tribes would come!

In the face of the tens of thousands of Dothraki army, the big fatty King fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth is also a little scared. Eddard, Barristan, Francis, Ryan, Varian, and August are even more nervous. Can't do it.

As the dust caused by tens of thousands of people riding horses fell, the Kaohs were surrounded by their blood ally guards slowly riding close.

Seeing that Robert next to him didn’t move, Arthur swallowed and took the initiative: "I brought it up, so let me talk to them."

Understand Dothraki He who speaks, and black hair Priestess Penelope.

He can only go.

But Robert didn't say any more nonsense, and casually carried Warhammer on his shoulders, and strode to keep up with his bastard.

And then none of Eddard, Barristan, Francis, Varian, Old Friedrich, Frederick, Alsace flinched.

Ryan and Lothar, as well as Annie and Heinlikai, stayed in the battlefield formed by the soldiers, ready to swoop in response whenever there is a danger.

"I am Arthur Blackeye from Westeros, this is King Robert Baratheon from Westeros, this is Kingdom Hand of the King Eddard Stark, and this is Kingsguard Captain Barristan... "

Try to omit the title as much as possible. Arthur introduced the people around him in Dothraki. The Kaohs in front of him quickly introduced themselves.

"I'm Morukao." "I'm Kanokao." "I'm Horokao." "I'm Zakokao." "Sike." "Da Ko." "Hahoro."

"Dear Kao, we came with kindness. We originally planned to go to Astapo and then return to Westeros, but we didn’t expect to be on the road. There is a Dothraki warrior looting us."

Arthur urged his body to holy light to release his kindness, and said sincerely, "We have no intention to go to war, nor do we want to be enemies with you, but we have to kill to protect ourselves, hope Everyone, Cao understands."

Hearing this, Cao's mutually glanced at each other, generally approving Arthur's goodwill.

But they are the Dothraki of military force supreme!

The Cahors agreed with this conversation because Arthur has a brilliant record of defeating more than 2,000 people with a hundred. If they don't show enough strength, war will inevitably break out!

From the Dothraki custom, advocating powerhouse, Arthur released his perfection, and he faintly felt that they had the meaning of doing it.

For a moment, he decided to take a risk: "I know you Cao will not be convinced."

"So, please choose your opponents casually. If we win, in In the next journey, you must restrain your warriors so that they can no longer appear in front of us.

If we lose, let you do it!"

Very well, use military force to speak , The outcome is determined by the outcome.

Kao people love this!

After discussing, they decided to send recognized warriors among the four large tribes and three medium tribes.

Challenge the Westeros King Robert who carries Warhammer on his shoulders!

Hearing Arthur's translation, I saw a strong Dothraki warrior with a height of 1.9 meters, full of muscles, and holding two Arak scimitars. The combative fatty couldn't wait to step forward.

Afraid of playing too hard and frightening these Kao, Arthur quickly reminded: "Your Majesty, you want to show mercy, don't kill it!"

"I try my best. "

The double-knife warrior believes that the heavy Warhammer must be very slow to swing.

And seeing his relaxed look, the Double Sword Warrior once thought that Warhammer in Fatty's hand was a fake.

Thinking that Warhammer might be a good thing, the warriors no longer resort to fighting, a safe play that consumes the enemy's physical strength, and bravely slams a knife to kill!

However, Warhammer is not a fake!

Robert's power is also beyond his expectations. With a black Warhammer over a hundred catties, ordinary people can only see a shadow of a hammer when swinging!

In the face of the phantom-fast Warhammer sweeping.

The warrior hurriedly raised his double knives and tried to block, thinking that by blocking the just-looking Warhammer, he would be able to win close.

Unfortunately, he takes it for granted, who has never seen the world. be continued...

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