Warhammer swept across, and the power of terror could not be resisted. The two swords in the warrior's hand were dragged by a galloping horse, and he couldn't hold the weapon at all!

The scimitars that were smashed so high were broken into two pieces!

The recognized warriors of the four large tribes and three medium-sized tribes widened his eyes, showing a look of horror and disbelief, his hands were broken, and his arms were numb and light*|trembling.

The Kaohs who watched were equally surprised.

They know the quality of Yarak's scimitar very well.

It was broken by a hammer in the battle!

What a terrifying power is this?

Robert looked contemptuously, lifting the heavy as if it were light and waved Warhammer to smash, and then stopped on the head of the warrior who was panicked and closed his eyes: "You lost!"

Through Arthur's aloud translation, the Kaohs regained their senses. The warrior who closed his eyes and thought he was dead opened his eyes, and then grabbed his braids in frustration and took out a knife and cut them off.

Seeing this, Arthur quickly put the braids in the prepared box, which is a symbol of the victory over Dothraki.

"Do you still want to fight Kao?"

Faced with the young man’s question, the gloomy Kao’s mutually glanced at each other, remembering that they could choose their opponents at will, suddenly A Kao sent his own blood.

Challenge the silent wolf Eddard Stark.

"Eddard, play beautifully!" He only defeated one warrior. Asshole King had some ideas, but he still walked down without making any mischief.

In fact, he really wants to kill all seven Kao to show his bravery and strength!

Looking at the expressionless Grand Duke of The North, looking serious and solemn in his hands with swords in both hands, the Blood League Guard thinks he has a lot of chances of winning.

At least it’s not against Robert who is holding Warhammer. Just look at that fatty and you know it’s not simple.

This mediocre middle-aged person should not be difficult to deal with. Westerosi relies mostly on iron clothes in battles. He doesn't have any on him, so he is definitely not his opponent.

Thinking about it, the blood league guard will attack wildly with a scimitar!


I saw longsword cold light flashed.

The scimitar that smashed Eddard's neck was blocked, and before the blood league guard made a second attack, the sharp point of the sword was aimed at his heart!

In the eyes of others, the blood ally guards attacking wildly with a machete in their hands are just like hitting Lord Stark's longsword.

Arthur: "The one holding the Warhammer is King of Westeros, and the one holding the sword is Lord Stark. It's not shameful to lose to them, Kao, do you want to continue?"

" I'll come!"

Horokao, who sent *|Blood Guardian, went to battle in person, wanting to know how his blood is suddenly so stupid.

Eddard always seems to be so calm and calm.

Clenched the longsword with both hands, expressionless, serious and serious, facing the roaring Kao, the sharp sword fast as lightning, still blocked like that, still so strong and sent away.

Horocao's neck was pressed against the cold blade.

He lost.

The loss was simply and neat!

But Horuo is not convinced!

He is the Kao of a large tribe, commanding seven thousand warriors. He just loses to an outsider. How will he convince the public in the future?

The scimitar slammed away the longsword stopped in front of his neck, and Horo, who looked sinister, swung the knife fiercely, trying to kill Eddard and humiliate him!

Faced with the sudden violent Kao, Eddard still has no expression on his face, his eyes are not a wave of waves, the sword is turning, and the cold light is blowing with the wind.

The blade flew across the blood.

Looking at Horokao, who was kneeling on the ground and covering the wound on his abdomen, his blood ally guards were in a commotion. They all drew their swords and wanted to rush to Eddard, who severely wounded him.

When Arthur saw this, he shouted loudly: "Are you going to interrupt the duel?"

hearing this, some of Holo’s blood ally guards looked at the other six Cao with solemn expressions. Still carrying the knife towards Eddard.

Arthur waved his hand to stop Robert, Barristan and the others who wanted to charge, walked quickly to Holo, put him on the ground, stuffed him back into his intestines, quickly activated the holy light in his body, and used treatment Surgery.

Horuo, who was dying, was weak due to blood loss, but did not die directly.

Of course, with Arthur's rough handling of the wound, the probability of infection is extremely high, and whether he can survive in the future depends entirely on fate.

"You Kao are not dead yet!"

We are besieging Eddard, there is already a bloodbath guard falling down, and the rest of the people hearing this stop immediately, Zakokao I drove over to check, Horuo, whose face was deathly pale, was still alive.

I was unwilling to do so, but Kao was very important, they could only give up revenge on Eddard, and went to the doctor with the injured leader.

Arthur drew his sword: "I think Dothraki is worthy of respect, didn't expect you to be so shameless! Who else is not convinced, this time I will be your opponent, you can play together!"

Hearing his words, Dothraki was immediately irritated, but Horokao was indeed dishonorable just now, and the warriors behind the six Kao did not move.

The two middle tribes, Kao, Sek and Hahoro, all came off the field with the blood ally guards.

There are nine of them!

Robert, Eddard, Barristan, Varian and the others understand Arthur's strength and master the power of holy light, so they don't need to worry about it.

Furthermore, there is obviously a holy shield technique impervious to sword and spear, and this kid is also embarrassed to take a shield.

Nine people besieged.

Arthur, who holds a sword and a shield, is as silent and serious as Eddard.

blade light and sword shadows!

Metal collision cries together.

With Arthur's swordsmanship and skill, he was a little rushed to deal with nine experienced Dothraki warriors.

He didn't use Holy Light Power to directly confront the enemy. He wanted to test the power blessing that was recently developed to act on a single target.

Blessing and blessing, possessing power beyond ordinary people.

Nine dothraki warriors with extraordinary skills and powerful physique can easily block Arthur with all their strength, and then follow the longsword movement in his hand to throw them aside, or back again and again!

The amazing power is hard to resist. Longsword slashes and stabs. If they dodge it slowly, there will be a mortal danger!

With one enemy to nine, Arthur played vigorously.

Shield strike!


I was afraid that it would provoke tens of thousands of Dothraki riots. I could solve one with a single sword, but Arthur didn't kill them, only knocked them out one by one.

"Do you want to continue?"

Down with the nine, Arthur stood with his sword and looked at the other Kao.

hearing this, after the Cao’s whispered discussion for a while, Morukao groaned and said: "You are very difficult to deal with, all are real warriors, but so many of our compatriots have died, so we can’t treat them as It hasn’t happened!"

Arthur took the words somehow, but the Kaohs had no intention of ordering the army to attack, and they immediately understood that there was still room for change.

Those Dothraki who were killed were not members of their tribe. They died when they died. There is no need to avenge Arthur and the others specifically for those dead.

Robert, Eddard, Arthur and the others have seen their powerful strengths.

The Kaohs are extremely afraid.

Seeing that the teenagers can easily win with one enemy and nine without taking their lives, they have speculated that the message that everyone has amazing power is very likely to be true.

In a real fight, tens of thousands of horses will inevitably lose a lot!

These tens of thousands of warriors are made up of four large tribes, three medium-sized tribes, and many small tribes in the west. No one wants to lose too much of their soldiers and then be swallowed by others.

To put it bluntly, they also agreed to resolve the matter peacefully, but their face must be preserved!

"We need to discuss it."

As Arthur said, he relayed Morukao's words to Robert, Eddard and the others.

The militant King wanted to say "fear of a fart", and then brandished Warhammer and rushed towards Dothraki.

But considering that there are only more than a hundred people on his side, even if his son can make soldiers possess amazing power, the gap in the number of soldiers is too great, so I can only calm down and meditate.

Eddard pondered then said: "How about trying to make promises to them?"

Francis shook his head: "They may not believe our promises. Moreover, given our current situation, I am afraid it is very It’s hard to believe that the promise can be fulfilled."

Barristan: "Why not use gold?"

The gold is the spoils of war they got from Dothraki, ready to use Come to buy the Unsullied. Although I don't know how much I can buy, it is better than nothing. How can Robert be willing?


Don't everyone know that you need soldiers to return to Westeros, but now there are tens of thousands of Dothraki glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Eddard sighed helplessly: "But we don't have a better way."

"Damn it, give it to them."

.. .... To be continued...

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