Still in Winterfell.

Arthur only ran for a while, not a lifetime.

When Lord Eddard came to Bran's room and saw the note from king's bastard Arthur, after listening to Lady's narration, he, who had always been stern-faced, immediately browsed tightly knit.

First there was a note reminding someone to start a war between Stark and Lannister. The former Hand of the King Jon might have been murdered. Then Bran fell from the tower and was seriously injured and unconscious. Now King's dagger is also stolen. Now, these things don’t seem to be related, but during this time it happened one after another, it’s not necessarily all coincidence.

Thinking about it, Eddard hurried to find his friend King.

"Don't you really tell me why you went to see Lady Catelyn?" Sending the maid back, Annie, who was walking slowly on the aisle with Arthur, asked again.

Take the risk to remind Lady Catelyn that Arthur is very worried about his own safety. Regarding Annie’s questioning, I can’t reveal too much, so I can only sigh helplessly: "I just found out that you are gossip."


Annie stopped, looked at him with a serious face, and said earnestly: "The matter of the noble Arthur, we can't mix things up casually."

"I know." Arthur smiled bitterly.

At this time, Jaime, who looked bad, walked quickly and said to Arthur: "Your Majesty wants to see you."

Annie heart startled, and asked worriedly: "Why?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Jaime glanced at her coldly, and said to Arthur in a commanding tone: "Hurry up."

Arthur patted Annie's arm and motioned her not to Worried, I followed Jaime to meet King and walked through the aisles in the castle. He was actually very worried. He was extremely afraid that the incident of the slip of paper was exposed last night. He was also afraid to remind Lady Catelyn to provoke Lannister’s twins. He always felt that he was around him. Kingslayer will suddenly kill his life.

Life safety cannot be guaranteed. I am probably the most incompetent transmigrator.

The helplessness, after all, is because it is too weak.

There is no power, no power, but trying to change the world, which is really too overestimate one's capabilities.

Winterfell is shrouded in night, moonlight does not enter the castle, and the long and narrow aisles, with torch and candle lighting, still look secluded.

He started to regret his adventure, and sighed in a low voice: "This Lady Catelyn is really not very smart."

"en?" Jaime walking next to him listened When he reached this sigh, he stopped him, "You mentioned Lady Catelyn, what's the matter?"

Jaime did not forget that Bran, who pushed down the tower by himself, just fell to the verge of death, but did not directly fall. Die, and Lady Catelyn had been praying in the child's room. Hearing Arthur mentioned Lady Catelyn, he would inevitably think that his affair with the elder sister might leak.

Feeling the killing intent in the eyes he looked at him, Arthur was shocked, and he was in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he has several points of quick wit, and his brains are turning quickly, and he immediately judges Jaime. worry about what.

Because King was summoned, he saw Lady Catelyn, which made him think that Bran might wake up and reveal that he was pushed off the tower when he encountered an affair.

Don't dare to relax, Arthur tensed his nerves and whispered: "It's His Highness Joffrey..."

"Joffrey?" What Arthur said was Joffrey, Jaime revealed the killing intent and suddenly reduced a few points, frowned, "What happened to him?"

"I found His Highness Joffrey...He stole Your Majesty's Valyrian Steel Dagger... Then hand it over to someone..." Arthur, who chose to take the risk again, watched Jaime's expression, hesitatingly finished speaking, and found that his displeased expression showed his disgust, but the killing intent was basically eliminated.

No one likes the whistleblower. The object of the whistleblowing is still a fake nephew, the real son. Jaime immediately disgusted him: "Hurry up and go."

It's okay. .

At least I won't be killed by Jaime, so I can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being.

But seeing King, except for Lord Eddard, Queen Cersei and Joffrey are all in this bright room.

"Arthur, what's the matter with this note?"

The rough Robert doesn't like to be ambiguous. He patted the note Eddard handed him on the table and stared at him. The eyes questioned loudly impatiently.

This King is not a wise ruler.

The Queen Cersei next to him is also a sinister and vicious person who does things by fair means or foul. Behind him stands the most powerful House Lannister in the kingdom.

So far, Arthur can only brace oneself, offending Prince’s Joffrey, the brutal little psychopath, and said: "Your Majesty, you once said...for a disabled child whose future is doomed, Death is kindness and liberation..."

"seven hells, what do you mean by this?" The grumpy Robert hearing this suddenly patted the table and stood up, beating him to death. Arthur's appearance.

But his friend Lord Eddard was pulling by, he immediately said: "Eddard, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else."

He was upset, but he knew Robert was a man. Eddard lightly nodded, expressing that he understands: "Let’s ask the matter clearly."

Arthur looked at Joffrey and took a deep breath: "Your Majesty said to be kind, His Highness Joffrey was present. I heard it, so... Your Majesty stole Your Majesty's dagger..."

"What? Do you dare to slander me as a thief?!" Joffrey was furious.

Cersei also looked bad.

Arthur tried to stay calm, took a deep breath and said: "His Royal Highness, after you get the dagger, I am not the only one to see the situation of giving the dagger to others to order things."

"What?" Joffrey was stunned. He also knew how serious what he was doing was stabbed out.

Robert looked at his blond son in irritation: "Did you really steal my dagger and gave it to someone else?"

Faced with King's question, Joffrey lowered his head , Did not dare to look at him, his expression was slightly flustered, and anyone with a discerning eye knew what was going on.

Can feel the vicious Queen and reveal a more and more intense killing intent to himself, Arthur hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, your Royal Highness just wants to prove his ability."

" What ability to prove?"

Robert was drunk at that time and don’t remember, but when he was drinking, Cersei and Jaime were both present. After Arthur reminded them, they quickly remembered King’s sentence: death is for a disabled man. It's a relief for children, but the people at House Stark are too weak and can't bear it.

And Joffrey has always been eager to prove to King that he is not a weak person.

Cersei groaned and said, "Arthur, you said someone saw Joffrey give someone a dagger, who is that person?"

"It's Winterfell's servant, I don't know. "Arthur said.

"Don't interrupt!" Robert looked at Joffrey, "You stole my dagger to someone else, what are you planning to do?"

The ugliness of the family cannot be publicized, not to mention that this will happen. Upgraded to royal scandal, but the matter involved the friend’s House Stark, and there was a note that provoked the war between Stark and Lannister, and Bran stumbled and fell from the tower.

Something else, I'm afraid that the war between Stark and Lannister written on that note will really become a reality!

Eddard Stark is here. Of course Joffrey will not answer silly to kill Bran. Even if he doesn’t like the Yankees, he knows that Lord Eddard is his royal father’s friend.

Listening to Robert's question of treasured son, Cersei, who spoiled his son, couldn't wait to kill Arthur right away. If he hadn't stabbed the matter out, where would Joffrey be questioned by the damned Robert?

So he asked Arthur coldly: "Why did you tell Lady Stark about this? Instead of telling us?"

Arthur said bitterly: "I want to tell You tomorrow Majesty."

Tomorrow, he will leave Winterfell and return to King's Landing. He has this plan. Cersei understands that it doesn't mean that she will let Arthur who told the treasured son secret to outsiders.

At this time, King’s night rider sent a letter.

Failed to ask his son, Robert, full of anger, drank knight, who returned the letter, and opened the letter.

"Damn it, I knew that House Targaryen's remnants would be resurrected!" After reading the letter sent by night rider, the table was shot to pieces by him.

Cersei, who gave birth to the killing intent of Arthur, frowned and looked at Fat King beside him. Seeing the content of the letter, he suddenly asked: "House Targaryen, the remnant Daenerys, married a Horselord of Dothraki?"

In Cersei's view, after Robert's death, the kingdom will be inherited by her treasured son Joffrey, and she will become the Queen Dowager, with the power of Joffrey becoming an adult.

The remnants of the former dynasty married Horselord, the strongest tribe of Dothraki. If someone hides behind the scenes to promote war and consumes the power of Royal Family and Lannister, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not invade Westeros and threaten King's status with secret mastermind.

Joffrey is destined to become King in the future, how can she allow treasured son's throne to be threatened: "Why don't you send someone to kill the whore of House Targaryen?"

Eddard He took the note, saw the content on it, shook his head and put it back on the table: "What about a Horselord of Daenerys Targaryen Dothraki who is married? Are we going to give gifts?"

"It's better to give a knife , A good sharp knife!" Robert said angrily and disgustedly, "hold it in the hands of a man with courage."

Eddard, who has a strong sense of honor, has never hated assassinating these tricks that are not on the table: "She is just like a child."

Robert immediately argued with him: "this'child' will soon spread its legs and breed a bunch of dragon poison!"

Cersei It is rare to agree with Robert's words: "Yes, we must kill the whore of House Targaryen!"

Eddard couldn't compete with the two of them and changed the subject: "We are not talking about this now."

Cersei, who thought he was extremely smart, smiled and asked contemptuously: "How can you be sure that there is no conspiracy about House Targaryen?" be finished Continue...

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