Joffrey is King's eldest son, that is, the kingdom Crown Prince, the heir to the position of King.

House Stark of Winterfell is one of the Lord of the North, Kingdoms Seven Great Lords, patriarch Eddard Stark is about to go to King's Landing to become the Hand of the King, as the Hand of the King, and fell from the tower Brandon Stark, who was seriously injured and dying, is Eddard Stark's second son.

The heir to the throne wants to murder Eddard Stark's second son. If this goes out, what will the kingdom's nobles think? What do you think of Joffrey?

They must be worried that after Joffrey becomes King, will he kill and make fun like Mad King before?

No one has discovered the murder plot. Even if Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion know about it in the future, they will cover it up if it never happened. This is the case with the plot in Song of Ice and Fire World.

But this is not only known by Arthur alone, but also by Winterfell’s servants, and now even King and Eddard Stark know about it. Even if Arthur is killed, he can only vent his anger, and it is difficult to stop Yoyo. By all accounts.

Because of that note, someone intends to provoke a war between Stark and Lannister. Joffrey wants to kill Bran, which has been identified by the clever Cersei as House Targaryen using secret methods.

The conspiracy of the remnants of the previous dynasty is actually a little bit reasonable, but it is not logical after careful consideration. It just gives Joffrey down the stairs and asks him to separate the relationship from the murder of Bran and push it to illusory secret mastermind.

The crisis has not passed.

Trying to prevent the assassination of Bran, Arthur is still unavoidably hated by Joffrey, who has lost face. Cersei, who is overprotective and afraid that Bran will wake up and leak his affair with the younger brother, will never let him go!

But Arthur did nothing wrong to inform the assassination of Joffrey.

Although King Robert is not a good King and a good father, he still understands the truth and does not hope that his son who will succeed to the throne will become Mad King in the future.

For Lord Eddard, Arthur saved Bran's life and prevented a conspiracy that could lead to a war between Stark and Lannister.

The two will not treat him badly.

As Lannister, Joffrey's true dad, Jaime looks at this sensibly and believes that Arthur's future positioning is to assist the king's Maester, and it is his due responsibility to prevent King from making mistakes in the future, which is worthy of praise.

The elder sister who can spoil her son will hate him secretly, and it will not express anything, because Arthur is an outsider, and also a lowly bastard.

King decided to return to King's Landing tomorrow.

Arthur officially started the work of squire for Lord Eddard.

Go back to the room.

I was worried about Arthur being taken away by Jaime, so Annie was waiting for him to come back: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Arthur is very grateful for her concern for herself.

Annie: "Then Your Majesty is looking for you?"

"I'm sorry, I promised to tell you, but I can't say it now." Arthur touched the back of his head.


The time flickered to daylight.

Because of what happened last night, Tyrion didn't need to wake up in the dog pen to slap in the face. Joffrey also greeted Lord and Lady Stark and apologized for almost making a big mistake.

Farewell to Jon, a friend he met in Winterfell, and Arthur rode on a horse, led by Annie, and followed the battallion south, leaving the gloomy main city of The North, which was shrouded in dense fog.

There is a vast green meadow under the clear white clouds.

To the Shidun road sign.

"Serving in Night's Watch is a supreme honor. For thousands of years, House Stark has guarded Wall. You are a member of Stark. You may not have my surname to inherit, but you have my blood."


Jon Snow, who was bidding farewell to Lord Eddard, heard this, and took advantage of the southward team to pass by and finally asked him what he had hidden from his heart.

Wasn in a low voice: "Is my mother Lyanna Stark?"

Hearing this, Eddard’s face showed a look of shock, and he quickly turned to look around to make sure no one would. Hearing it, he lowered his voice and asked: "How do you know?"

Jon Snow looked at Arthur, who was riding a horse and walking down the last line of the south: "It was Arthur Blackeye who told me. He said he was from Battle of Tower of Joy found the clue."

"Jon, your life experience must not be publicized!" Eddard said solemnly.

Jon stared blankly at the front: " are mine...uncle..."

Eddard said solemnly: "Stop talking , You should keep this secret in your heart forever."

"I know, and I know your difficulties." Jon nodded and said.

"See you next time, let's talk about your mother, how about?" Eddard said seriously, unconsciously set up a flag.


The scenery is picturesque at dusk, woods, and wilderness.

After finishing the solution in front of the big tree, the rough King Robert clapped his hands and returned to the picnic table prepared by the servant for him and Lord Eddard.

"Is this him my country!"

"I deliberately threw them down, so I rode around the world like this."

Sitting in King On the opposite side, Eddard, who is always expressionless and stern, makes people unable to see the sadness and joy, but agrees: "It just so happens that I also have this intention."

Robert, who knows his friends, knows that he is like this. He picked up the food on the table without washing his hands, and said as he ate: "How about? Only you and I are going to Kingsroad alone with swords, and find some tavern maids to help us warm up the bed at night."

Eddard smiled: "I heard these words twenty years ago."

"There are wars to fight, women to marry...We are not young anymore," Robert said.

"I think of a few past juvenile things." Hearing Eddard's words, Robert laughed with him. The past was a bit unbearable, but it made them remember.

Robert asked laughing: "What is her name? One of your favorite girls, Becca? That pair of huge tits can bury your face."

"Bessie? She? It's your girl." Eddard replied with the look in his eyes that all men understand.

"Bessie! Oh, let Bessie and her huge breasts go to hell." Robert, "Your one... is Yarina? no no no, you told me , Meryl? Your bastard's mother?"

When it comes to Jon's mother, Eddard always reveals the sadness that acquaintances will find, so Lady Catelyn thought he loved that woman very much: "Vera. "

"It's her. She is such a rare girl. Lord Eddard Stark has forgotten her honor. You never told me what she looked like."

Because Arthur told me Jon’s life experience. Hearing this, Eddard felt that his friend King seemed to be testing himself, and he really didn’t want to talk about it: "Neither will it be in the future."

"At that time, we were fighting, no one Knowing whether you can come back alive, you are too strict with yourself, you are always this virtue." Robert said that he found the uncomfortable color on Eddard's face, "I swear that if I were not your king, you would have beaten me long ago."

Eddard said seriously: "The worst thing that your coronation has brought... is that I will never have a chance to hit you again." A smile returned.

"Trust me, this is not the worst." Robert took out a new letter from the Raven: "House Targaryen has received the support of Khal Drogo. I am afraid it will be dispatched soon. We must Kill those remnants of House Targaryen."

"Don't tell me this." I really hate the assassination of Eddard, especially last night Joffrey let him assassinate his second son Bran.

"Oh, are these words unbearable to you? What his father did to your family is unbearable. What did Rhaegar Targaryen do to your younger sister? The woman I used to love! Me! Will slaughter every House Targaryen I meet!" Robert, annoyed, said bitterly.

Eddard: "But you can't kill this one by yourself, right?"

Robert: "This Khal Drogo tribe has 100,000 people."

"Even 1 million Dothraki can't pose a threat to the kingdom." Eddard talked to him and argued, "As long as they stay on the other side of the Narrow Sea, they don't have a boat, Robert!"

Robert: "Many people in Seven Kingdoms call me'Usurper'. If the child of House Targaryen uses the Dothraki tribe as a backing to cross the sea, those scum will also join!"

"He can't cross the sea." Eddard knows how barren the continent across the sea is. "Even if he has a chance to come over, we will throw him into the sea."

"Ned, war is coming. , I don’t know when it will happen, and I don’t know who we are fighting against, but the war is coming!" be continued...

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