Don’t have to wait long.

Joffrey and Margaret's wedding ceremony went on as planned.

When Robert and Eddard received the news, they had already held a ceremony in the Cathedral of Saint Belle, very close to the banquet where Joffrey was poisoned in the prophecy.

Eddard is worried that his daughter Sansa will be implicated, and wants to hurry south all the time.

But the big fatty King rarely used his brains and ordered the vassals loyal to Stark to speak to their lords, begging Eddard to put the overall situation in the first place, put down The North first, and then support Wall against Wildling.

With The Twins guarding the river ferry and the support of Riverlands, Kaivon Lannister, who is leading the Lannister army, will not be afraid to enter The North.

With the stable support of The North, the princes of the river have the confidence to face the Lannister army.

The march is at The Neck.

The wetlands and marshes here are very uncomfortable.

"The Glover family in Deep Limburg, the Mormont family in Bear Island, the Amber family in Last Hearth City, the Mandalay family in White Harbor, the Horwood family in Widow’s Hope, Seven The Saiwen family in the city, the Taoha family in Torun, etc..

They all publicly claimed that the Bolton family’s blood should flow into a river."

Heinli Kay said shook the head: "Although there are a lot of people, I don't think this trip to the north will be too smooth."

No matter Ruth or Rams, they are not simple.

"Especially you still want to go to the Wall."

"Otherwise?" Arthur shrugged, "We take precautions to prevent the Bolton sneak attack and wait for the army to assemble. When you get up, you can push the Castle of Terror."

Annie: "It’s not that simple to fight."

Arthur lightly said with a smile: "We have gunpowder, the city gate is useless, the castle of Terror He couldn’t hold it at all. In the face of absolute power, Bolton was useless in treacherous cunning."

Heinlikai shook his head: "That’s right, but Ruth Bolton doesn’t tell us. Fight head-on, even abandon the Terror Fort, and instead destroy the Great Family of The North one by one?"

"This is indeed a problem." Arthur understood that this might not happen.

Everyone is worried at this time.

Russ Bolton is indeed implementing the tactics of destroying one by one!

He gave up the horror castle that his family had ruled for many years!

Has led five thousand people into the Horwood family territory!

Most families of The North are preparing for battle.

The Horwood family, who was suddenly attacked, could only hide in their castle, and watched as Luce Bolton, who led the invasion, walked away and went south to attack the White Harbor of the Mandalay family.

Even if it is Warden of the North, Eddard can't find Grey Water Hope.

But when he was about to cross The Neck and approached Moat Cailin, after returning from the War of the Usurper, Holland Reid, who never left The Neck, came to see his lord in person.

The little Zediman came and immediately handed the raven he received to Eddard: "My lord, the raven letter, Bolton broke White Harbor yesterday!"

What are you afraid of?

Robert, Eddard, Francis, they browse tightly knit.

The lords of The North such as Jon Amber, Maggie Mormont, etc. are very uncomfortable, afraid that Ruth Bolton will attack their territory.

Eddard quickly asked: "Where is he now?"

Horland: "Still in White Harbor, and collecting ships, seems to want to leave The North."

hearing this Big Jon's eyes widened, full of sarcasm and contempt and yelled: "This damn traitor without diao even runs away without a doghouse?!"

Mei Lady Ji: "My lord, Your Majesty, we must not let this traitor run away!"

"Yes, we should pursue it immediately!" Willis Mandalay yelled.

The soldiers of the Mandalay family went south because of Bolton's betrayal and Frey's conspiracy. Their hometown of White Harbor was also breached. He couldn't kill Luce Bolton to get revenge. He was going crazy!

Fighting guerrillas in Riverlands and hearing about going straight to White Harbor, Bailey felt that this proposal was subconsciously too aggressive: "My lord, we traveled a long distance northward and rushed straight to Bolton. He might find a chance to attack. , Even if we were not attacked, we arrived at White Harbor, but we were also a tired division, and he might lead us to head on."

Robert, Eddard, Francis, and Barristan are all considering this issue.

But as King, big fatty knows that some things cannot be brought up right away, and Eddard is Warden of the North, let alone ignore the vassals.

The territory is far away in Dorne, and Berry Dondelion, who was in the black port count northward at King's order, is very suitable to say this, even after he finished speaking, he was glared at by the lord of The North.

Ryan: "Berry count is right. We cannot be blinded by hatred and fall into the trap of the Bolton family."

After the canonization ceremony of The Twins, Ryan He became the Crown Prince, the orthodox heir to the kingdom's throne. With him speaking, the lords of The North rationally suppressed their anger even if they were angry.

"My lord, Moat Cailin was taken by Ironmen." Holland told Eddard, "We must take it back."

Eddard asked: "Who is it?"


Holland said: "They are led by Victarion Greyjoy. They are not many in number."

Robert glanced at everyone said solemnly: "Moat Cailin is very important, we want First take down Moat Cailin and then go to White Harbor. If Luce Bolton really ran away, then we will kill him when building the ship!"

With the promise of King, Willis Mann Dele can't say anything else, just hope that after taking Moat Cailin, Luce Bolton still hasn't escaped in White Harbor.


Moat Cailin fortress used to have twenty towers and the Black Tortoise rock city wall at the same height as Winterfell.

This key fortress for the defense of The North, even if the Black Tortoise rock city wall disappears, only three of the twenty towers remain, but it still controls the only causeway going north from three aspects.

See the eight thousand army led by Holland Leide through The Neck.

Baron Wang Greyjoy’s brother of Iron Islands, Victarion Greyjoy without the slightest hesitation gave up Moat Cailin.

There are less than a hundred of them.

Facing an army of eight thousand.

I can’t keep this abandoned castle at all!

Taking advantage of the night, he didn't even dare to light the torch. He directly touched the black belt man and fled to the Redang River, sitting in a small boat and paddling desperately to return to the battleship.

Horland knows Moat Cailin's situation clearly, knowing that they will definitely run!

When the army camped, he led three hundred people to ambush in advance, waiting for the rowing Victorion Greyjoy to escape from the castle.

Don't even mention seeing the Invincible Iron Type.

Victarion, who ran out of the castle, took a wooden paddle and didn't stroke the water a few times.

All around suddenly lit up torch.

Under the light of the fire, the soldiers who appeared one by one pulled bows and arrows, aiming at them who were astonished on the boat.

Varian, who commanded the archers to ambush on the shore, shouted: "surrender, or you will die!"

"Iron seed has no spoils!" Looking around all around, he was surrounded. In the situation, Victarion clung to giant axe and roared, but the only response to him was the Fire Bolt that brought death!

Beside Varian, Horan pointed to the brawny man who was the most brave man, holding the giant axe, loudly said: "Your Highness, that guy is Victarion, he is Baron Grecho Yi’s younger brother, let’s catch him!"

"Don’t dream!"

The water is not too deep, just passed the waist and jumped into the water. Ang desperately brandished the giant axe, blocked the sharp arrows, moved towards the deeper water and ran wild.

With his wateriness, it will be safe to enter the water!

"Where do you want to go?"

However, on the small boat slowly drifting forward, a young man with a steel gun stopped him from going.

Senhan’s spear tip is like a poisonous snake stab!

The reaction is half a minute slow, and Victarion is about to confess here. be continued...

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