As Barron Greyjoy’s brother, Iron Fleet’s iron captain, the commander of the Invincible Iron Seed, and a powerful iron warrior.

On the water, Victarion was even more powerful than Arthur in the Western Region of the Dothraki Sea when he encountered the large and medium-sized tribes Kao and his blood allied guards.

Silver steel guns are flying.

Under the light of the fire, the forest is cold and shining.

With a stab like a poisonous snake, he tried to flee, but also wanted to block the arrow. Victarion was a little hasty to deal with, giant axe suddenly waved to block, his steps staggered a little.

He is powerful.

While pushing away the long spear, the boat on which Arthur was standing was a little swayed because of his excessive movements.

Seeing this, Victarion suddenly rushed over and overturned the ship!

"pu pass~"

Drop into the water.

The 13-year-old Arthur is just over 1.6 meters tall, which can barely be counted as 1.7 meters. The tall and mighty Victarion is more than 1.8 meters tall.

Water reached Victarion's waist, and Arthur fell down, but the height was almost as high as his chest. Finally, he stood firm, and giant axe whizzed and took splashes at him!


Expert tricks, the slightest difference is a thousand miles away, and the slightest delay is death on the spot.

Water has resistance.

The speed of lifting both hands in the water will slow down. Seeing the axe blades getting closer and closer, it is absolutely impossible for the ordinary person to block it.

But Arthur is not an ordinary person!

Bless yourself before the war!

Strong power and swift speed, lift the steel gun in time!

Under the cries of gold and iron, Arthur coldly snorted counterattacked: "you think you can kill me, it's not so easy, it's not necessarily who will die!"

Kill, the giant axe brawny man was only slightly surprised, his hand movement did not hesitate, the giant axe chopped fiercely again, and at the same time stepped, the man rushed forward with the falling axe.

When he tried to block the steel gun again, he took advantage of his body to knock down Arthur, who was awkwardly moving while standing in the water.

He has a good idea.

But Arthur is an introductory weapon in cudgel practice.

It's still a six-thirty stick over two meters!

The blade of the long spear can't pierce people, and the barrel of the gun is also a weapon!

For brawny man who tried to get close, he really had a lot of skills to deal with. When he blocked giant axe, whose gun barrel sparks, Arthur's shoulders shook suddenly, and the steel rod swayed and sent directly to Vic Talion's face.

Nosebleeds cross-flow!

In the next moment, Arthur sticks the barrel of the gun to giant axe and twists it around.

In a blink of an eye, the experienced iron brawny man, because of the sudden emergence of great power, could not hold the weapon and let it go and flew away.

"Let’s lie down."

Victarion didn’t know what was going on, he was held by Arthur with his other hand, and he shrank the gun from his waist and shot it with his fist again. Hit the front door.

The dizzy captain of the Fearless Iron Type fell into the water, and soon his neck was pinched by a hand, and then he was pulled out*|On the surface of the water, his abdomen was held by the sharp tip of the gun!

"His Royal Highness, please leave it to us."

Seeing this, the oarsman who fell into the river from the rollover boat before sneered and took the rope to help tie Victarion live.

Three hundred people beat less than one hundred people, and there are archers who are in ambush.

The battle went very smoothly.

Looking at the wet body, Arthur who is really alone over Victarion, Varian sighed, very unwilling to say: "younger brother, are you really going to the Wall?"

Seeing his appearance, Arthur was a little speechless, rolled the eyes and said, "I'm not going to be a Night's Watch, just to support them. Do you need this look?"

Varian said with a depressed face: "Without the blessing of power, it feels uncomfortable to fight."

Arthur laughed suddenly: "Your Majesty said, as long as I catch Victarion, he will allow me to go north to Wall immediately. Are you going to disobey the king?"

Varian: "Then you are leaving now?"

Arthur: "Of course not, Wall is very cold over there, I want to change A piece of clothing, and then bring more torch and clothes before going."

"Well, go back and make a midnight snack and remember to leave a copy for me." After Varian said, he took someone to clean up. battlefield.

Don’t disturb everyone’s busy schedule.

Arthur said hello to the jazz he knew around him, and then returned to the camp.

I didn't go to King Robert to report that he had captured Victarion, because this big fatty might go back on one's word, delaying his time to Wall.

Go back to Annie, Selena and the others to help set up the tent.

Vanessa, who has been serving Arthur as a squire and a little maid, has already prepared the bath water intimately.

The little girl had no relatives in Westeros, so the teenager took her with her, which caused Vanessa to become a little too dependent on him unconsciously.

Arthur shook the head who went into the bathtub and found the little girl standing still, trying to train her to become a talent, but inadvertently almost turned her into a little maid: "I will come here later. Just clean up, you can rest early."

"Your Majesty, go to the Wall and take me, I'll be good..." Vanessa, who was hearing this, looked at Arthur with a dog's eyes. The deputy was afraid of being abandoned by you, coupled with a pitiful voice.

Arthur shook his head and looked at her seriously: “I’m not going to the north to play. It’s dangerous outside Wall, so I can’t take you.

And it’s cold over there, I master holy The power of light and Fire Element is not afraid, but you are just an ordinary person. I am afraid that wherever you go, you will die unconsciously when you sleep at night.

I don’t want you to die, so you have to follow the sea obediently Yinlikai, learn your skills, I can count on you to help me in the future."

"So you plan to go tomorrow?" Annie walked in at this moment, ignoring that she picked up the towel next to her to cover the vital parts. , The unhappy boy asked.

Arthur's tent, since Heinlikai took the lead, Annie and the others have been used to enter and exit at will like their own tents. They are not surprised even the teenagers in the bathtub.

Arthur said ill-humoredly: "Can you wait for me to take a shower and then talk?"

Annie shook the head of hearing this, lightly said with a smile: "I don’t Care, what do you care about?"

Speaking so bluntly, it really is a mistake to mix too well with girls!

"Yes, I plan to go north to Wall tomorrow morning." Depressed Arthur didn't want to be so embarrassed, and hoped to send her away soon.

Annie nodded: "Oh, then I will let Selena go with you."

"What?" Arthur really didn't want to be burdensome, "I'm only going to go by myself!"

Annie: "Originally I wanted to go, but considering that it is not good to keep Heinlikai alone, I don't worry about you going to the north of Wall alone, so I have already asked Celine. Nah."

Arthur said quickly: "But I'm afraid that when the time comes is in danger, I can't take care of her! Besides, it's cold over there. I'm not afraid, but she might be cold to death in her sleep. Not kidding!"

Annie: "Penelope said she will go too, you let her follow, why not let Selena follow? Selena can still fight, will Priestess do "

"No!" Arthur firmly opposed, "I'm impossible to bring Penelope!"

In addition to helping Jon and Bran, he also hopes to go. See the three-eyed crow and see if there is a chance to learn to become a Skinchanger, understand the green vision, prophetic dreams and other abilities.

The three-eyed crow involves Old Gods, is it uncomfortable to bring Penelope?

Annie: "Selena has promised, and she will definitely do what she promised." be continued...

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