The morning sun is shining down, and the earth is still green.

With eight longswords, two on his back, one on his waist, and a steel gun in his hand, Arthur is ready to go north to Wall.

Looking at the two bundles of torch carried by the spare horse next to him, everyone's faces were very strange.

Even though it is really cold north of Wall, does it need to be so exaggerated?

Furthermore, at Night's Watch castle, they can also supply supplies, even if there is no supply, bring some fire oil, it is difficult to chop wood for torch?

Ignoring the weird gazes of everyone, as well as Ryan, Varian, Robb and their stern smiles and serious expressions, the young man waved goodbye, so he hurried to Castle Black.

"Please wait a minute!"

In the light of the morning, just riding a horse out of the camp, Bailey Tandelien and Soros took a dozen soldiers from the Flagless Brother Club on horseback Catch up.

Berry said: "His Royal Highness, let's drop in, let's go north to the Wall."

Arthur looked at the red robe Priestess Penelope next to Soros, and hid specially She wanted to go north early in the morning, didn't expect her to come, and called red robe monk and Baili.

Penelope said solemnly: "His Royal Highness can face your own destiny and fight evil, and so can we."

Berry said with a smile: "Assault Bolton It is not bad for us to calm The North. Your Majesty and Hand of the King let us find out the situation north of Wall."


Arthur: "Okay."

King wanted to investigate the situation north of Wall, with orders, as a legal bastard recognized as a recognized identity, without any territory and army, and speaking loudly enough.

Can't stop the red god Priestess and the red robe monk from walking together.

He can only choose to go north together...

When the extraordinary boy who mastered the holy light left the camp, the silhouette disappeared among the green grass and trees.

King stood on the dilapidated Moat Cailin castle and watched silently, so many bastards, including his former legitimate son Joffrey, did not devote much care to him.

But Arthur is different.

Since sensible, he has been a squire in Red Keep, serving aloof and remote King.

In the past, Robert didn't care about this lowly bastard at all. Even among so many sons, he stayed with him for the longest time.

Although the character of the boy is very unpleasant to him.

However, when Arthur mastered the power of holy light and saved his life several times in distress, big fatty said nothing, but silently remembered that he loved this little son the most!

A hundred thousand Wildling army will assemble south.

The rise of Others.

On this trip north of Wall, Robert is really worried about Arthur.

"Your Majesty, Arthur has gone far." Seeing King staring in the direction of the north, Eddard opened the mouth and said when he received a report from his vassal, "The soldiers are also ready, you can immediately Head towards White Harbor."

"Well, send out White Harbor and kill Luce Bolton!"


King's Landing is here.

Because of King Robert and Hand of the King, Lord Paramount of the North, Lord of Winterfell, Eddard Stark Hand of the King are back.

The imperial aristocratic people were alarmed.

But with Tywin Lannister, plus the name of the Joffrey Great Emperor who was enthroned, with no difficulty suppressed the royal nobles who were preparing for the first mouse.

Some stubborn Stormlands aristocrats still want to resist, but House Tyrell, who married the Royal Family, took action without the slightest hesitation to help Lannister suppress it.

Nowadays, the two married couples have chosen to advance their wedding.

After watching the wedding of his grandson Joffrey and Margaret Tyrell in the Cathedral of Saint Belle, Tywin Lannister received an urgent letter from the raven sent by Luce Bolton.

The North is The North of The North.

Ruled by House Stark for thousands of years!

Lose Bo’s betrayal failed. In Tai Wen’s eyes, he was useless.

Because Eddard Stark, who has a very high prestige, is back.

He can't beat The North, and will even be besieged by all the lords of The North. It is hard to say whether he will survive.

What should I care about the useless pieces?

Seeing the letter from Luce Bolton saying that he was going south, Tywin tore it to the ground casually, and went on to greet the guests at Joffrey's wedding banquet.

At the same time, consider how to attract these nobles to the wedding.

I was still thinking about waiting for the banquet to end, so I discussed with Tyrell how to deal with King and Eddard Stark who will go south.

And use Myrcella to marry Dorne and persuade them to send troops to support!

As Kingdom Hand of the King, Lannister's patriarch, Tai Wen is too busy.

As a result, he had no idea that someone was going to murder the protagonist of this wedding banquet, kingdom King Joffrey!

At Tyrion's wedding with Sansa, Joffrey was squashed, and was embarrassed under the watchful eyes of all the nobles attending the wedding.

All, this wedding banquet.

Qiao the Great Emperor before all the nobles who attended the banquet, fiercely humiliated the sad dwarf Uncle.

Then...a glass of poisoned wine...the great Joffrey I died!

In the chaotic banquet, Cersei hugged treasured son in grief and watched him die in pain in his arms.

Following the direction of the dying son's hand, resentment and resentment determine that Tyrion is the murderer!

The long banquet table is not yet available.

Seeing Joffrey's poisoning and falling Sansa's heart is very relieved.

Tyrion was accused of being the murderer. The girl hadn't reacted yet, and a silhouette came to her quickly while people were not paying attention.

Is the jester, Sir Dontos Holard.

"Follow me!"

"If you want to go, you have to go now!"

Look around the panic and fear of King's death Many nobles, Sansa who hesitated for a moment immediately got up and followed Sir Dantos who suddenly ran to take him away.

This is the hope of leaving King's Landing!

Leaving Red Keep, walking through the streets and alleys, running non-stop.

Sansa quickly ran to the beach with Dantos and got on the boat, away from King's Landing.

Knowing that Sansa was married to Tyrion, both Robert and Lady Catelyn contacted people far away in King's Landing.

When Eddard Stark was helpless, King contacted the vassal who had sworn allegiance to him in the past.

Lady Catelyn sent a raven to Jaime Lannister to send a letter, asking him to fulfill his promise, and also contacted Brienne, hoping that she could bring her daughter back safely.

King was poisoned and killed.

King's Landing is in chaos.

Littlefinger, who has planned for a long time, is impossible to let go of the opportunity to get the most benefit.

Eddard Stark is still there, Robb Stark is not dead.

He who betrayed the Grand Duke The North needs the body protection symbol.

I also plan to continue to create greater chaos in the next battle between King Robert, Eddard Stark and Lannister, and then use Sansa · Stark as the breakthrough port of The North.

There is this House Stark Eldest Young Lady in King's Landing.

Even if the two sides go to war again, because of her, Stark will be jealous of Lannister after all, and will not be cruel.

But without her being a hostage in King's Landing.

Robert and Eddard Stark, if they catch Jaime again, I am afraid they will not just be locked, but will kill him.

Then, the angry Taiwen, Lannister, who must pay his debts, will kill Robert and Eddard Stark at all costs.

When they hit both sides suffer.

Littlefinger is convinced that he can get more and greater benefits from the chaos, because in Slave Bay, there is also a dragon mother, the daughter of the former Mad King, Daenerys · Dorag!

So, like the original plot, he hired Dantos to take away Sansa while King's Landing was in chaos, and then took the House Stark Eldest Young Lady to Vale of Arryn, which he claimed had already arrived. be continued...

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