Good news from King's Landing.

King's wedding, Lannister and Tyrell officially married.

In a blink of an eye, King Joffrey I was poisoned and died at the wedding banquet, Imp Tyrion was accused of being a murderer, and news of the disappearance of Sansa Stark who was suspected of being an accomplice spread throughout Westeros!

Snatching the ship in White Harbor, Luce Bolton, who was heading south by the ship, received a letter from the raven, and immediately saw the opportunity to settle down in the south.

Joffrey ascended the throne to become King, but was not recognized as his biological son by King Robert.

In the letters received from King sent ravens, most of the royal nobles and Stormlands nobles are stupid*|stupid*|lust*|moving!

Lannister is strong.

Tywin, who has formed an alliance with House Tyrell, can suppress them.

But even King Joffrey was poisoned to death.

The Royal Family is full of majesty!

There are not many nobles who are really afraid. Tommen, who is about to be pushed to the Iron Throne by Tai Wen, will have all kinds of strange hearts.

Someone will even directly raise troops to support King far away in The North!

Lannister's army was commanded by Kaifeng and wanted to attack Riverlands to prevent King's army from regaining The North from going south.

The imperial collar or Stormlands are in chaos, Tai Wen must need their Bolton family forces!


Received a letter from Night's Watch Yimon Maester.

The future seen through the flames through Melisandre, as well as her own sense of honor, and sense of responsibility to guard Westeros, as well as King's brother who returned from escape from overseas.

Stannis, who has no money, no food, and no one, still crosses the sea north like the original plot!

However, he did not go to the Iron Bank with the Onion Knight Davos Seaworth to obtain a loan, and set up all the available soldiers and sailed by boat.

"My lord, we found a fleet approaching oncoming!"

On the ship stolen from White Harbor, Ruth Bolton frowned when he heard the soldiers report Upper deck.

The sail of this fleet is painted with a crown, a sword, a shield, and a flaming red heart griffon on the front.

It's Stannis!

Recognizing the banner of the King of Dragonstone, Ruth Bolton doesn’t think everyone will meet at sea in peace: "Prepare now!"

Lose going south Bolton found Stannis, and he also knew the suspicious fleet appeared in front of him.

Because of fear of the Lord The North chasing.

Ruth Bolton did not order the soldiers to draw family patterns on the sails, so Stannis could not recognize them.

With outstanding military talents, Stannis was very vigilant for the Bolton family’s fleet carrying five-six thousand people, and ordered Davos around him: "Let the soldiers guard against attacks, and then ask Let me know who they are."

The two fleets are getting closer and closer.

The vigilant Stannis ordered fleet to avoid and shift to the right.

Lose Bolton therefore saw that although he was on guard, he did not recognize who he was.

But will the two fleets pass by in peace?

As the patriarch of the skinner family, Ruth Bolton does not want to be suddenly recognized by potential enemy Stannis, they are the traitor Bolton family of The North.

Even if he became king on his own, this Stannis was supported by Eddard Stark and was elected to the Iron Throne. Who knows if he wants to completely eliminate Bolton on this trip to the north?

"Ready to attack!"

Being kind to the enemy is cruel to oneself.

Since it is a potential enemy, Luce Bolton decided to make the first move first!

Take advantage of the Stannis battleship group to slowly evade.

The fleet descending from the north suddenly accelerates!

Moved directly towards the Dragonstone fleet in front of you!

"Enemy attack! Ready to fight!" Stannis drew his sword and roared. Although he experienced the defeat of the black liquid river, he is not a weak person who can bully everyone!

"Kill them all!"

The rapidly accelerating ship collided with the turning battleship. Stannis’ flagship was also besieged by three ships. The king of Dragonstone quickly fell into Fight hard.

Russ Bolton did not personally swing the sword to kill the enemy, ruled the territory with fear, and ordered the soldiers with fear. He only needs to command, and the soldiers of the Bolton family will fight bravely.

"The archers set fire to their sails!"

Stannis’ ship is a battleship after all.

The sensible Luce Bolton does not think that his fleet can win the battleship of the kingdom, maritime administration and councillor.

So, what he has to do is to attack quickly, disturb the enemy, and then let the archer use the fire arrow to attack the sails and burn the most important sails of the sea ship!

In the face of harassment.

Stannis reacted quickly.

However, he can order the soldiers to counterattack and jump the gang or connect the ship, but there is no way for the soldiers to block the flames for the sails.

Stannis took the lead and wanted to rush to the deck of the enemy ship.

Lose Bolton first let the soldiers retreat, stopping the enemy while retreating to the sea ship and gradually moving away from Dragonstone’s battleship!


Stannis can only watch, the enemy ship keeping the archer shooting distance makes the sails of his own battleship ignite.

Organizing the archers to counterattack, Luce Bolton had already cunning back out of range, and at the same time accelerated to go behind their fleet.

Lose Bolton just ran away.

He lost more than a hundred people in this premeditated attack.

However, many battleship sails in the Dragonstone fleet were burned, so that Stannis could not lead the pursuit and ensured that they would not be attacked by them on the next south voyage, which reaped the greatest benefit.

Furthermore, in this successful attack, he can claim to the new emperor to defeat and beat Stannis, claim credit for the upcoming Tommen, and take the opportunity to board the power stage of King's Landing.

Looking at fleet two or three nautical miles away.

The sea road going north almost reached White Harbor. When I came here suddenly, I can imagine how gloomy Stannis was in a bad mood.

He has regrouped the fleet, ready to turn to pursue the enemies who attacked them.

The reason is still there.

On the voyage north, they quietly passed the Sea Territory in Lannister's territory, turning to chase and most likely encountering the Lannister battleship.

I think Wall needs support.

I also have to meet the King big brother who doesn't like me or even hates me.

The King of Dragonstone issued an order in a cold voice: "Continue north, I will be alert for the next voyage!"


King's Landing here.

Tyrion, who was put in jail, tried to think about who would poison Joffrey, but Tywin Lannister, whose family interests were paramount, didn't want to care about this Imp who killed his lover at birth.

I intend to take Tyrion's charge to the ground.

Erase the taint of the family!

I also found Dorne’s red poisonous snake, Prince Oberon Martell, and tried Tyrion’s crimes together.

Suffering from the disaster of innocence, everyone will step on] Lannisters' Imp.

Tyrion is dead this time!


Luce Bolton led troops to capture White Harbor controlled by the Mandalay family.

While the other lords did not react, they also took advantage of the fact that King and Eddard’s army failed to reach White Harbor.

He immediately took all the family money he had prepared, looted White Harbor, and then took all the soldiers to flee The North by boat.

Robert and Eddard headed straight for White Harbor. Before reaching the mouth of the Baiblade River, they could see the smoke dragon rushing into the sky and the fire burning to light up the night!

It's too late to fight the fire.

When the fire is over, White Harbor will only be left in ruins!

The people who were ruled were called the Eel-sama, and the fat Wiman Mandalay count was cruelly skinned by Luce Bolton!

The bloody fatty corpse was nailed to a wooden frame just like that and placed at the intersection of Moat Cailin leading to White Harbor!

Looking at the son of Wiman Mandalay, Willis Mandalay, who is fat, bald, and bearded but silent and polite.

Robert solemnly promised: "I swear that Luce Bolton will be handed over to you!"

"And will help you rebuild White Harbor!" be continued...

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