Undercover in the Wildling team, it was discovered that 100,000 of them were heading south, with the intention of attacking the impeccable Wall and invading the intelligence of the kingdom.

Climb the Wall and join the squad of Sneak Attack Castle Black.

The rising temperature with Ygritte made Jon Snow hesitate between love and Night's Watch responsibility, but he went to the abandoned town of Houguan.

Jon, who couldn't bear to kill the innocent to prove his loyalty to Wildling, chose to abandon love after all.

With the help of the sudden appearance of Direwolf, Wildling was attacked and chaotic. Grab took advantage of the opportunity to flee. With an arrow wound and exhausted, he returned to Castle Black and brought Wildling back to the Night's Watch to attack Wall. Important information.

Bran, Mela, Jiujian, and Addo, with the assistance of Jon Snow’s friend, fatty Samwell Tully, crossed the Wall through a secret door at the bottom of a well.

Pass through the deserted graves of the ancestors.

Walking through Winterfell and Long Lake.

When he arrived at the last hearth city of the Amber family, Arthur chose to stop for supplies.

Jon Amber sent a letter to the family in advance. As King’s son, as well as the Black Harbor count, Arthur and Bailey’s entire group received a warm reception.

Specially stopped in the last hearth city, except that there are more supplies than Night's Watch, Arthur or for Rickon Stark, but time is running out, I did not wait for the female Wildling Osha to take him south The child.

Only order the agent City Lord Morse Amber and Horther Amber of the Last Fireplace to take care of the upcoming Rickon Stark, and it is best to send him back to Eddard Stark .

Night's Watch land grant and new land grant.

There are drenched with blood everywhere, with corpses lying across, with severed limbs, undoubtedly being attacked by Wildling.

Knowing that this place will be attacked and slaughtered by the Wildling squad over the Wall, but seeing it with his own eyes, Arthur still feels very uncomfortable.

Hurry up and rush to Castle Black overnight.

"I am Bailey Dondelion, and I am here to support Night's Watch on the order of Your Majesty."

Call open the city gates to enter the main castle of Night's Watch.

In the last hearth city, learning that Lord Commander of the Night's Watch Jeo Mormont had been killed because of his own rebellion, Berry wanted to meet the current acting commander immediately.

Arthur and they went north, and Robert and Eddard sent a raven to send a letter to Night's Watch.

It was posted again at the last Hearth City, so Night's Watch all knew they were coming.

In addition to the black port count, there is also a prince, acting commanders Alisha Thorne and Yimon Maester, who took the initiative to greet them.

"Welcome to you, count Don Delien, and...His Royal Highness?" Alisha Thorne felt that the prince was simply coming to Castle Black to be gilded.

Arthur is too young, and he wears a sword at his waist, a steel gun in his hand, and Two Swords on his back. He puts five war horses...

It looks so nondescript!

All Night's Watches suspect that the prince has never experienced a real battle.

Otherwise, why do you bring so many swords and lose one with one? Or think that if a person is hacked to death, the sword will be as broken as the wooden pole of a spear?

"Jon, long time no see, how are you doing?"

It looks very unreliable. The prince suspected of incompetence is the same as Bailey, and the acting commander, Maester, the chief affairs officer, and the others said hello to the friends Winterfell knew.

"You look a bit bad."

Jon hearing this smiled bitterly.

How to help Night's Watch? Arthur doesn't interfere with military affairs, and gives Bailey the full authority to let him communicate with Alisha Thorne and the others.

In the lobby of Castle Black.

The one-eyed count is discussing business with a group of Night's Watch officers and Jon who has been undercover in the Wildling army.

He was just a librarian in his previous life.

Up to this point, Arthur at first is nothing more than a nameless bastard, so he does not have the aloof and remote of the prince, and he is quite approachable.

Sit down at the table where Jon's friend is sitting.

I gained the weird expression of Night's Watch and the face of Jon's friend who was flattered.

He released his kindness and enthusiastically talked with them in a low voice.

However, with the exception of Samwell Tully, who was a nobleman, everyone else behaved too cautiously in the face of the prince.

But it's not bad to have a good relationship with Sam Will.

This fatty is the hidden protagonist of "Song of Ice and Fire"!

The first person to kill Others in eight thousand years!

Those who survived the army of the dead!

Jon, who went through the undercover Wildling, told the current situation, combined with Arthur's "prophecy", and the future vaguely seen in the fire.

Berry thought carefully, looked at Jon, and said in a deep voice: "You said that the Wildling army is very close to Wall.

Those who killed Lord Jeo Mormon Commander, staying outside Wall, the Night's Watch traitor of Castel Fortress, may fall into Wildling's hands and leak Wall's intelligence."

Jon hearing this must be nodded: "Yes."

Berry looked at the acting commander and the officer of Night's Watch: "Then Sir Alisha, I decided to take people to the north of Wall tomorrow morning to eliminate your traitors and inquire more information by the way.

Can someone show me the way?"

Jon offered to ask: "Let me go!"

Berry smiled nodded and looked around the other Night's Watch in the lobby Asked: "To find more information, there may be a lot of difficulties. Only one person is not enough. Who else wants to go?" Arthur's table, Jon's friend hearing this immediately stood up .

Samwell hesitated very much. He glanced at the prince sitting in front of him from time to time. He wanted to stand up but didn't have the courage to know how much he was. It might only become a burden if he went there.

"I know you want to be a Maester, and you should be a Maester. Prepare yourself. I will ask Yimen Maester to write a letter of recommendation for you to study at Citadel."

Arthur shook the head, kindly said with a slight smile.

"Really?" Sam Will grinned with joy.

Arthur said: "I also want to study at Citadel, but I am afraid that there is no chance now, so I hope you will cherish this opportunity."

Samwell just raised his hand to swear "I will!"

"That's good."

We decided to eliminate the traitors and gather more information.

Everyone quickly arranged a room and rested in Castle Black.

conserve strength and store up energy!

Wake up early in the morning to finish breakfast, and then pass through the Wall Gate of Impasse, receive a snowy white welcome, and set foot on the land north of Wall.

"You are not afraid of being cold if you only wear this kind of clothes?"

When I saw red robe Priestess Penelope, I only wore a red robe. The frowning Jon couldn't bear it. Asked.

Penelope smiles and is always preaching the greatness of Lakhlo: "Lord of Light will dispel the cold for me."

hearing this, Jon looks at holding a steel gun Prince.

To be honest, Night's Watch didn't want Arthur to go with him.

Because he is the prince, Jon and the others are afraid that he will be in danger, but they are just Night's Watch and are not qualified to stop King Robert's son from doing anything.

"I don't know what Lord of Light, but madam, north of Wall is not a good place for an outing." Jon said somewhat worriedly.

The female mercenary named Selena is holding a tall sword. She is not simple at first glance, and it is no problem for her to follow Arthur.

But Penelope is a weak woman who has no power to restrain the chicken. The crises outside of Wall are not scary falsehoods. He really doesn't want to be dragged down by the burden.

Soros said with a smile: "Boy, Penelope is the priest of Lord of Light Lakhlo, with the blessing of True God, much better than you, so worry about yourself. ”

Seeing Jon's hesitation and worry, Arthur, who was sitting on horseback at High Level, shook his head and directly revealed the holy light in his hands.

Looking at the prince’s hand will glow.

Jon and the rest of the Night's Watches were shocked.

Arthur cast a power halo and looked at Jon with a smile: "Feel your power. Now that Others exist, magic also exists. Don’t be frustrated, just lead the way."

...to be continued...

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