With blessings and Holy Light Power, Arthur bravely rushes into the battle, treating more than 200 enemies as nothing.

Because of the loss of the horse, he fell to the ground and didn't get up in time. She was stupid holding a steel gun and didn't let go, and was immediately grabbed by the surrounding enemies.

A dozen or twenty people pounced on him, and soon he was like Arhat!

"Do you think you are really invincible? Quickly abandon your gun and draw your sword!"

It is easy to get into the enemy crowd, and to stand still, but it is extremely difficult to continue to kill the enemy. Selena followed closely behind the reckless and conceited prince, but the horse was killed early.

She wielded a big sword all the way to the blood and killed her body. The Holy Shield on her body resisted countless attacks, and she was about to fail!

After being reminded, Arthur immediately gave up and continued to compare his strength with these big guys who threw himself on him.

Draw the sword, draw more than ten blood lines in the blink of an eye!

Using the super-level sword skill, Arthur immediately got rid of the Greyjoy soldiers who restricted his movement, and then said to the female mercenary who came around: "Thank you."

"I promised Annie to protect you." Selena's face was expressionless, and she accepted the protection of Divine Shield again.

Under the fire hunting and pale-gold holy light.

The battlefield shrouded in the dark night, even if the blood is flying, the wailing and screaming, and the corpses and limbs on the floor, it can still form a gorgeous picture with the trees and the castle on the hill.

The soldiers can't beat the enemy.

An Arthur can break through the formation without hurting him a bit.

Asha Greyjoy has no intention of fighting, just thinking about how to escape back to the Iron Islands.

It is not easy to rush out of Deep Limburg. At this time, they don't have a horse, and relying on two legs, how can they be able to run past the chasing cavalry?

Listening to the sound of horses' hoofs approaching, the girl of the sea monster was full of unwillingness.

"Don't run, surrender."

To solve the remaining enemies in the Deep Limburg, Varian’s mobilized cavalry has not yet been killed, so Arthur who is eyeing her takes the game with him. Linna caught up.

All the guards around him were killed, but Asha just refused to give up, shook hands in the longsword, stared at the two carefully, and stubbornly moved forward.

Arthur rushed forward, knocked the man down with a punch.

"Okay, you can take her back."

Selena ignored her, and she waved the big sword silently, hacking to death the enemy who wanted a sneak attack, and moved towards Deep Limbo returns.

It's easy to stun Asha Greyjoy. You have to take Deep Limburg to close, but the iron warriors around you won't just watch and do nothing.

"Don't do stupid things."

The cavalry is about to kill, but everyone around is still glare like a tiger watching his prey, and their eyes are swept to faint from time to time At Asha Greyjoy on the ground, Arthur raised his longsword without hesitation and warned them.

Then a few unwilling people glanced at each other mutually, gritted their teeth and brandished their swords to die.

"Why bother."

He said with pity on his lips, he didn't want to get too much blood in his heart, but when treating the enemy, he was afraid of accidents and he was unlucky. Arthur didn't dare to show mercy. .

Someone carried the sea monster girl who passed out and ran.

But how fast can you run with one person?

Arthur caught up in three or two steps, knocked people out with a fist from heaven, and took Asha Greyjoy with his arms, and greeted the running like a sack, avoiding his own The cavalry went back.

"Your Majesty, ride my horse."

Seeing the prince with extraordinary powers catching the sea monster’s daughter and leading the army to pursue Gabert Glover Stop immediately to let your mount.

You need a horse to chase down the routs. Is it necessary to let me ride back to Deep Limburg?

When Arthur was speechless, he waved his hand and refused, but the count was very enthusiastic. He didn't send his horse, so he asked the guard beside him to give it to the horse.

A few steps, Arthur must ride back on his horse.

"Are you a highness?" The captured Asha Greyjoy also woke up at this time, and found that she was not tied up, thinking about running away, and even looking for a chance to hijack Arthur.

Seeing her waking up, some tired teenagers didn't think about it. They were reflecting on the mistakes they made after the fall after riding alone tonight.

"You know that I am Asha Greyjoy, who won a victory and captured the daughter of the King of Iron Islands, but you don't seem to know that you can enjoy cheering when you return to the castle to ride a horse?"

The female middle school hero is close to him, trying to find a chance to escape.

Feeling the woman put on horseback, constantly looking at her gaze, paying particular attention to the saber and dagger around her waist, Arthur suddenly realized that she was going to play tricks.

"Don't do stupid things."

I was found out.

But this sturdy Iron Islands girl is unwilling to give up.

Because of being taken back to Deep Limburg, there is no chance to escape!

Looking at the girl of the sea monster who stretched out her hand to try to draw her sword, Arthur knocked her out again with a hand knife.

"Is she Asha Greyjoy?" Varian came down from the tower and looked at the younger brother's expression a bit playfully.

Arthur nodded: "Yes."

Varian has put on an expression that men can understand: "Then look at her well." After that, he smiled and walked away. Deal with post-war affairs.

Selena came over with a big sword at this moment and asked: "Should I find a skirt for you?"

What's the problem with looking for a skirt?

Arthur looked at her for unknown reasons: "What do you mean?"

Selena: "Just to help you dress her up, and then let you go to her."

Arthur's face turned black immediately: "Am I this kind of person?"

"She is the daughter of Baron Greyjoy." Selena's expression became a little weird. "Great and famous woman, you don't want to go?"


This world is still incompatible with myself.

The depressed teenager said ill-humoredly: "Is it a bit weird for a woman to say this?"

Selena: "Why? What's wrong with me? The victor can dispose of his spoils of war at will."

Different concepts, so I don’t bother to talk nonsense.

I wanted to find a place to lock up Asha Greyjoy, but with so many prisoners captured in this battle, everyone in the Deep Limburg was busy, and Varian deliberately asked the younger Brother became a man...

The big deep Limburg didn't even provide a cell for the daughter of the dignified sea monster.

"So, you are King Robert. Some time ago, a raven was sent to inform all Westeros that Arthur Holy Lorrain, who was given the surname by bastard and became the prince?"

Sea monster The daughter woke up when Arthur was looking for a cell and found that she was not tied up. She tried to escape again, then was tied up by the people of Deep Limburg and sent to the room Varian prepared for Arthur.

Looking at the light gauze curtains illuminated by the dim yellow candlelight, she is not afraid of the 13-year-old boy.

Instead, he boldly teased: "You are so shy, aren't you still a nan? In that case, it would be nice to let me be your first woman."

"Or, you don't like women?"

Seeing that Arthur lying on the bed*| did not respond, Asha was silent for a moment, with a voice full of contempt and asked: "You are young and don’t Isn't it possible?"

hearing this, Arthur, who was extremely uncomfortable, sat up and browsed tightly knit at her.

As a sane person, he has never been able to shut down his *|half*|body, and 13 years old is a bit too early and it is not good for the body.

King Robert and Ryan, who wanted to take him to brothel more than once, are there any beauties in brothel?

Besides, both physically and psychologically, there is a bit of cleanliness, so the innocent teenager still wants to find an ideal person: "You are not the type I like."

Asha: "Then you like What kind of woman?"

Arthur thought for a while and said: "Quiet, considerate, sentimental, knowledgeable, romantic, at least able to understand my love poems."

Asha chuckled: "Then do you have any love poems, read them to listen."

...to be continued...


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