The morning sun shines through the windows into the Deep Limburg.

In the lobby, Varian, who is eating breakfast, has a very weird face and looks at the younger brother Arthur on the opposite side from time to time.

Looking at him as if nothing had happened, I couldn’t help but ask: "Why didn’t you touch Asha Greyjoy?"

Arthur: "She is not what I like Type."

Varian hearing this watched him become silent, and then asked seriously, "Then what kind of woman do you like?"

Arthur felt a little strange, But I still answered truthfully: "Quiet, considerate, affectionate, romantic, knowledgeable, and considerate."

"Don’t use this excuse to prevaricate me. You talk about many types of this. Daughters of any nobleman." Varian frowned. "Tell me, do you like men?"

"What kidding?" Arthur was speechless, "I like women!" "

Varian was very skeptical: "Really? Then the Imperial Father and big brother took you to brothel so many times, why didn't they pick a woman?"

Arthur really doesn't Know how to explain: "I just want to find a woman who really likes women. Do you have to think like this?"

hearing this, Varian silently looked at his younger brother, barely nodded and said : "Okay."

After the voice changed, he said: "Your Majesty sent a night rider letter last night, saying that Hand of the King Eddard contacted the valley nobles and caught Petyr Baelish who murdered Lady Lysa.

I hope that we will go south to attend the trial of Petyr Baelish immediately after the settlement of Deep Limburg."

The nobles of Vale of Arryn are naturally on the side of Robert and Eddard.

Because the two were once the lord of the valley, the former foster son of Hand of the King Jon Arryn!

They grew up in Eyrie!

Lady Lysa was murdered, Littlefinger was captured, and the valley nobles who had remained neutral are finally about to join the war!

The current situation in Westeros and the development of things are mostly out of the original plot as Arthur knows.

"How is King's Landing?"

Varian hearing this for a while, sneaked: "Tyrion Lannister, who is considered to be poison to death Joffrey, asked for a trial by martial arts, and then red poisonous Snake played in his place, but died in the hands of Devil Mountain."

"Oberlen Martell, Prince Dorne, died unjustly." Arthur pondered then said: "I think we can try Winning Dorne, even if you can’t form an alliance, will at least give Lannister one more enemy."

Varian agrees with nodded: "Hand of the King and my grandpa said the same thing."

"But Doran Martel agreed to Lannister's marriage, I am afraid your plan will not succeed?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree with the alliance, it just shows that you have no intention of starting a war with Dorne."

"So you want to negotiate in Dorne?"

"I have this idea, but the top priority is to solve the problems of the Iron Islands."

"You predicted Pakistan Ron Greyjoy will die."

Arthur hearing this helplessly shrugged: "Yes, he will be killed by Euron Greyjoy, but there is no way to determine when."

"Then you still go to Vale of Arryn?"

"Petyr Baelish has a conclusive evidence, it is absolutely inevitable to die, is it the same whether I go or not?"

"Well, Asha Greyjoy will take care of it to you. Victarion Greyjoy will also be sent over in a few days. Be sure to save the two children of Sibena Lady and the Glover family. Back."

After eating breakfast in two bites, busy Varian hurriedly led people south to the Vale of Arryn to participate in the trial of Petyr Baelish.

Looking at the Varian Entire Group, riding a horse galloping through the grass and green trees of the wolf forest under the clear sky in the morning and the setting sun.

Arthur on the head of Deep Limburg was a little confused.

When Greyjoy elects the king's meeting, how can they break out a fierce civil war?

Euron Greyjoy is not simple. Do Asha and Victarion have the means and ability to deal with him?

Think about it carefully, I have been here for more than a year.

It was supposed to work hard to grow and climb the tree of science and technology, but for various reasons it was not realized.

But now as a dignified son, the highest-ranking person in Deep Limburg, even Gabert Glover will choose to obey his orders!

"Galbert count, the wolf forest should have wood to build ships, right?"

Galbert Glover: "His Royal Highness needs a ship? We don't have much wood. , If you log and build a new ship now, it will take at least one year."

One year is a bit long.

If you want to profit from Greyjoy's infighting, there is no warship to fight over, and you will continue to pillage when you recover.

Arthur: "But I must get the battleship as soon as possible."

Galbert thought for a while and said, "Your Highness, Asha Greyjoy has a boat, and it's a A fleet capable of carrying thousands of soldiers.

We did not let this group of bandits run away. It is only one night in the past. No one has notified them. They will not know that Deep Limburg has been retaken.


So the fleet parked by the sea must still be there!"

There are ships, but they have to grab them, and Deep Limburg does not have a battleship, only a small number of infantry and cavalry.

The enemy ship is on the sea, and as soon as it finds any wind and grass, it can run out of sight.

Thinking of his own few advantages, Arthur can't help but browse tightly knit: "It is very difficult for us to snatch this fleet."

But he has a plan in his mind!

the thoughts got to this point, Arthur politely bid farewell to Gabert and found Asha Greyjoy, who was locked in his room and had nothing to do.

"I want to make a deal with you."

The bored Asha said with great interest: "Let’s talk about it."

Arthur: "Your Uncle Euron Greyjoy is going back to the Iron Islands, and the first thing he does is to kill your father Baron Greyjoy."

"Nonsense!" hearing Asha of this is full of disdain.

"Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys with three dragons is on the rise, right?"

"yes and how?"

"Wait for the lost in Limburg When the news goes back, the princes of the Iron Islands must be very dissatisfied with your father, so even if he is killed, the iron species will be impossible and there will be a little sadness and anger, but think that this incompetent ruler deserves to die.

Daenerys already has the allegiance of the Unsullied and many mercenary groups, but lacks the battleship to return to Westeros. If your Uncle claims to marry her, provide a fleet of soldiers and horses to conquer Westeros together.

Will he get it? Most of the iron species support and become the new King of the Iron Islands?"

Hearing these words from Arthur, Asha became silent and her expression became solemn.

Without interrupting her thinking, the young man pouring a glass of wine intimately, and then quietly waiting for a reply.

For a long time, the face of the girl of the sea monster regained determination, solemnly asked: "What do you want?"

"I heard that your fleet is still on the seashore."

"No one notified them of the loss of Deep Limburg."

Arthur said resolutely: "I want to get this fleet and return the hostages you took from the Glover family. And I can do it for You provide all the help to deal with Euron!"

"All the help?" Asha shook her head: "You don't even have a boat, how can you help me?"

Arthur is very Knowing how important battleship is at sea: "I just don’t have battleship now, it doesn’t mean there will be no battleship in the future. Gabert count is ready to start logging. It will not be long before a ship will be launched into the water. When the time comes, regardless of soldiers, weapons or I will provide you with food."

Asha expressed suspicion: "It sounds good, but how do you guarantee? As far as I know, you have only been recognized as a bastard given by King. Prince, there is no Fiefdom, no mother."

Arthur frowned, "Isn't it enough for me to have the surname of Holy Lorrain?"

"Not enough." Asha shook her head solemnly.

The identity of the prince is not as easy to use as expected. Arthur is a little depressed, but he asks with the same expression on his face: "Then what do you want?"

"You seem to Mastering extraordinary power?" She looked at the prince in front of her and became aggressive.

Treat people sincerely, especially hoping to win over this ally. Arthur did not deny: "Yes, I awakened Holy Light Power, and I was regarded as the Son of Light by the people of Lahlo Church."

"The golden rays of light are called holy light? Can defend against swords, bows and arrows? Can you be more specific?"

Arthur felt something was wrong, but he didn't find any malice in this sea monster girl , Then nodded and said: "No problem..." be continued...

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