"...What are you doing?"

I was explaining the holy light, but Asha Greyjoy suddenly sat down on her own* |On his lap, Arthur's face suddenly looked awkward.

"What do you think I am going to do?"

As the girl of the sea monster said, she eased the buttons of her clothes and stretched out her hand to stop the boy’s face and chest.


The prince who was just talking about it now has a short-circuit in his mind and wants to get up, but the woman who was sitting on her big*|lap Press back on the chair.

Trying to push it away, but Asha, who unbuttoned her clothes, grabbed her right hand and placed it on a towering position.

"You are playing with fire like this!"

I felt like I was touched*|, and Arthur's body immediately showed a physiological reaction.

The royal sister in front of her is full of temptations*|huo: "Really?"

After swallowing, Arthur quickly looked away, trying to calm himself down: "That. .. I'm not ready yet..."

"Didn't expect King Robert's son to be so innocent."

Asha Mei*|Laughing and pinching The chin of the young man with heart in chaos asked him to face his undressed self, “You don’t need to prepare, just let me relax.”


Arthur’s After all, reason occupies the top, suppressing the restless heart, stood up and tried to push Asha away and then left the room.

Unexpectedly, the girl of the sea monster fell out of bed and hooked his waist with her feet, making her more charming.


"What's wrong."

I heard a shout from the room, thinking that the prince was in a sudden and dangerous match. Linna immediately lifted her sword and kicked the door, and then embarrassedly saw Arthur, who raised her head in Little Brother, standing in front of Asha who had unbuttoned her clothes.

"Sorry, I’m sorry."

Looking at Selena fleeing and closing the door to leave, the boy was in a very complicated mood at this time, and the expression on his face did not know whether it was a smile or Anyway, he stammered and said, "Um...you...get your clothes on."

Then he left the speechless Asha and walked out of the room embarrassedly.

"Why did you come out?" Seeing the prince sorting clothes, Selena was a little sorry, "Isn't it to blame me for disturbing you?"

"No, no." Arthur shook his head again and again, and walked out in embarrassment until no one was greatly relaxed around him.

Today was a bit too exciting.

Depressed thinking of almost losing his body, he immediately concealed his deflation with business affairs.

"Galbert count, I have completed negotiations with Asha Greyjoy, and will bring your family back and prepare to seize her fleet."

Gebert: "When will my younger brother's wife and children come back?"

Arthur: "When we take down the fleet, we can go to the Iron Islands to pick it up in person."

Hearing this, a worried look appeared on Gabert’s face, reminding the prince: "His Royal Highness, our people are not proficient in naval warfare."

"Uh... don't worry, Until we train elite sailors and build new ships, we will not rush into war with the Iron Islands.

I made a deal with Asha, and I will let her go back, and will offer her to become the Iron Islands. The Lord’s support, in exchange for your younger brother’s wife and three children."

Knowing that the prince once mentioned that he wanted to provoke Greyjoy’s civil war and solve the problem of iron looting, hearing Gerbert of this is nodded that he is looking forward to.

The soldiers are very fast!

It’s only a half-day journey to the beach, so you don’t have to bear the logistics.

The soldiers quickly mobilized.

"Aren't you afraid that I might run?"

Riding a horse all the way, stepping on your horses to the beach, feeling the oncoming sea breeze, looking at the fleet parked outside the shallows, and being led by the prince Asha next to him watched him speak.

"Don't be afraid, you can't run away, don't do stupid things."

I was seen all the way by the girl of the sea monster, facing such aggressive gaze, Chi Guoguo's direct stare made him really overwhelmed.

It feels very embarrassing and uncomfortable!

Push the boat specially placed on the shore into the water, let the oarsman paddle, and notice that the woman in front of me is constantly looking around, seeming to want to play some tricks

Arthur Suddenly said solemnly: "I know Greyjoy will not succumb easily, but you'd better figure out who is the enemy.

And we can be allies."

hearing this The girl of the sea monster smiles nodded, her face is silent, making people wonder if she has heard this.

It was almost dusk, and the sun gradually slanted westward, reflecting the rugged water waves.

As the oarsmen moved hard, the boat finally approached the Black Wind in this small fleet, commanded by the hero of the iron females.

"It's me, Asha Greyjoy."

To inform the sailors who stayed behind in the battleship, Arthur and she quickly got on the deck of the ship.

Asha looked around his crew, and did not rush to announce the surrender of the fleet under her leadership.

Arthur has enough patience.

I also think she will definitely accept the alliance.

The girl of the sea monster ignored the doubting sailors on the deck, looked at the hundreds of soldiers waiting on the shore, then looked at the boats under the battleship, and said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, now I am The one with the advantage.

Should we talk again?"

Arthur frowned: "What else do you want to talk about?"

Asha Hearing this shook the head, and asked the men who stayed behind on the warship: "Is there a letter from my father raven?"


Listen to what I said In response, Asha looked thoughtful and asked Arthur: "Can you see the inevitable future with the power you have?"

"You can say that." Arthur didn't bother to explain clearly, anyway he It is a transmigrator and knows the development of plot.

The female hero from Iron Islands took a step back and approached the crew on the deck, looking towards the prince with extraordinary power.

"You are too confident of yourself."

"Catch him!"

With an order, the sailors on the deck drew their swords and rushed towards him. A young boy with big eyes and an incredible face.

At this time, there are ten thousand heads of grass in Arthur's heart*|mud*|The horse gallops past!

There were countless thoughts flashing in my mind at the same time, but the hand movement was not slow, the pale golden holy light lit up, and he drew his sword to face the besieging sailor.

After knowing that Arthur used the power of holy light to impervious to sword and spear, the seaman alone was not his opponent at all and could not be more impossible to kill, so Asha immediately ordered the fleet to set sail.

To return to the Iron Islands directly with the prince who masters extraordinary powers!

When she reached the vast ocean, she didn’t believe that Arthur had the ability to swim back to The North or Riverlands, let alone that he could keep his strength all the time, and he could not eat Hah!

Wait until Iron Islands, Asha believes that there must be a way to control this young man with extraordinary powers and use them for Greyjoy!

"Why do you want to do this?"

Seeing the sailors fall one by one, everyone on the deck is about to be killed, facing the prince’s question, Asha is expressionless Said: "You didn't even anticipate the current situation, how could you see the future where my father was killed?"

After that, turn around decisively and quickly get down to the boat that killed the oarsman, let The subordinates leave quickly.

Solving the sailors on the Blackwind, Arthur looked depressed at Asha Greyjoy who was on the small boat and had already moved some distance away, approaching another battleship.

I was very upset in my heart, complaining that I was too naive!

"Asha Greyjoy, you will regret it!"

The girl of the sea monster who climbed up the battleship heard Arthur's yelling words, shook the head, Let the subordinates operate the battleship move.

I approached the black wind where the young longsword was bleeding, and responded loudly: "Even if what you said will happen in the future, my father will not be killed. Euron is even more impossible to return. To the Iron Islands!"

Arthur hearing this is even more depressed.

She knows the future and has a chance to change!

The next sentence, the girl of the sea monster, made Arthur even more annoyed.

"When I take you back to Pyke, I will call a fleet to the opposite side of the Narrow Sea to form an alliance with the Queen of House Targaryen!"

...to be continued. .....

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