On the rippling sea waves, the setting sun is stained with a brilliant*|little yellow.

The sails rustled in the sea breeze.

On the deck of the Blackwind, the depressed Arthur didn't leave in a hurry, but was even more depressed with his sword and was thrown into the hook.

The arrow rain came after another.

The Holy Shield technique on Arthur has not stopped.

Desire to get a warship is not so easy.

On the Black Wind, there is only Arthur, no one is operating, but little by little is constantly moving away from the coast.

Asha Greyjoy wants to bring her ship and Arthur back to the Iron Islands directly!

The soldiers on the shore already knew that something was wrong.

But there is no way to pass.

The boats that can be found row past, I am afraid it will only become the target of enemies on the battleship.

Selena, who knew that the prince had a contingency plan, was not nervous, but looked at the besieged Black Wind Horn with a gloomy face.

It is not easy to tow a ship away.

Hook cable alone cannot do it.

As for the lack of knowledge about navigation, the teenager did not know that Asha sent someone secretly to tie the warship in front with hemp rope under the bow of the Black Wind.


It's impossible to capture Arthur like this.

I have considered that there is a problem, there is holy light protection, he is not wearing armor, jumping into the sea and swimming back to the beach is not a problem.

When Arthur gave up, the girl of the sea monster who was prepared, immediately put down the fishing net.

In a blink of an eye, the prince in the sea was picked up.

"His Royal Highness, obediently surrender follow me back to Pyke."

Arthur heard this sneered in the fishnet.

Raise his hand in Asha's unfathomable mystery's eyes, and then cast magic, the flames burned, condensed into a Fireball, burned the fishing net, fiercely slammed into the sail of the battleship in front of him.

The fire blew the net rope, and before Arthur fell into the water, he threw two more Fireballs.

"Hurry up and put out the fire!"

Listening to the crew yelling loudly, Asha didn't pay any attention, and only ran to the railing to search for the silhouette of the prince who fell into the water.

This prince possesses extraordinary powers. If he wants revenge, Greyjoy may not be able to bear it.

"The archer shoots at the place where he fell into the water!"

"Hurry up and put the fishing net again!"

With the protection of holy light, Arthur can't kill him, ah Shah can restrict her actions.

The fleet has surrounded here.

As a female high school hero who grew up at sea, she knows that no matter how good a person's water is, she can't stay in the sea forever.

The seafarers who stayed behind in the fleet were ordered to search, and they were quickly answered.

"He is here!"

The breath was found, but Arthur has a sword in his hand. Even if there is resistance in the water, blessings, the nets can still be easily drawn. open.

Escape is never difficult for him.

As the broken net was pulled up, they had lost track of Arthur.


After a while, pale-gold light appeared in the sea, and the boy covered by holy light returned to the beach.

Seeing this, Selena rode up and dismounted and opened the mouth and said: "Your plan seems to have failed."

"Yes." Arthur smiled wryly.

Then he turned his head and looked into the sunset, with dusk and sunset as the background, gradually disappearing into the fleet in sight.

Sighed and said: "I'm too naive."

Selena hearing this glanced at Gerbert count, her face is not so good, and reminded: "What about the hostages? ??"

"Although Asha Greyjoy did not hand over the fleet, I am sure she will hand over the hostages." Arthur said surely, and at the same time planned to put more means in his heart.

Galbert is skeptical.

How can Greyjoy, who rebels, have credibility?

"Let’s go back to Deep Limburg first. After I go back, I will send a letter to Greyjoy. After all, Victarion Greyjoy is still in our hands."

Listening to what the prince said, Gebert was silently nodded and ordered the soldiers to return.

Walk into the lush forest.

The depressed Arthur turned his head, looking reluctantly at the sea, and the fleet of warships carrying his dream of traversing the blue waves.

Back to his own Black Wind.

Asha Greyjoy looked at the beach with a solemn expression.

She is very aware that she has brought disaster to the family.

Father Baron Greyjoy called the king to launch a rebellion, angering King Robert, and then losing two sons. Theon was protonated by Eddard Stark, lord of The North.

Arthur is the son of King Robert.

When Lannister is put down, they will definitely attack the Iron Islands again.

After the last defeat, and the failure to join the Battle of the Five Kings, the loss of Deep Limburg, the princes of the Iron Islands may even hand over all Greyjoy directly.

Even if they unanimously responded to the war.

There is Arthur who masters extraordinary powers, but he can't beat him without the favor and protection of Drowned God.

"We must also master the extraordinary power!"

I don't want to see the future of encounter, the iron-bred female heroes quickly made a decision.

"Go back to the Iron Islands for supplies, we immediately set off to the opposite side of the Narrow Sea, looking for extraordinary magical powers, and forming an alliance with Daenerys Dorag, who has three dragons.

When we come back again , The iron species of the Iron Islands is bound to be unmatched!"


The bright moonlight illuminates the night-shrouded land.

On the majestic Wall.

Fatty King Robert faced the cold wind, watching the Haunted Forest and the darkness swallowed outside the Great Wall.

Barristan next to him is dressed tightly.

But fatty Robert only wore armor in such a cold environment. During this time, his body temperature became higher and his body became blazing*|hot, completely fearless of the cold!

Grab a rock and pinch it firmly in your hand.

After a while, it became a powder, blown away by the biting cold wind.

"Barristan, I remember Arthur once said that there is power in the blood of House Targaryen in the past. My power has become so strong, is it because their bloodline is working?"


I heard King's question.

His Kingsguard Captain shook his head in confusion: "Your Majesty, I don't know, but His Royal Highness, the Academician of Citadel, or...the red robe priests will know about this."


Robert hearing this coldly snorted: "I don't believe those Red God priests. As Arthur reminded them, they are definitely not good people. The idiot Stannis has been deceived to betray me.

If you are not really sure that Others will appear and you still need him to guard Wall, I will cut off his head and put it on the tip of the gun!"

Balistan immediately looked around, A wry smile reminded: "Your Majesty, Prince Stannis is here, and he has too many soldiers on the Wall."

Big fatty asked with disdain: "Does he still dare to kill me?"

Barristan shook his head helplessly: "I'm afraid that Melisandre, who bewitched Prince Stannis, killed Prince Renly with the bloodfiend method."

"Yes Ah, I heard that Renly died of Priestess's bloodfiend method." At this time, Robert's expression was a bit incomprehensible, "I wonder if her bloodfiend method can directly kill Daenerys and Lannister?"

"By the way, Eddard is going to pick up his daughter and try Petyr. How about Ryan's rebuilding work in White Harbor?"

"Everything is going well."

These days I have been with people from outside the Great Wall, full of The wild and rebellious spearwoman played, and the letter from the raven King hadn't read much.

As Kingsguard Captain, Barristan, like his disgusting younger brother Stannis, was approved to deal with it on his behalf.

"Varian has gone south?"


"The boy Arthur exchanged for the hostage of the Glover family? "

As Kingsguard Captain, Barristan, who is not the Master of Whisperers, is a little depressed: "There is no news for the time being."

"Then Eddard’s bastard Jon has been outside the Great Wall for so long, today Has there been a message of finding the three-eyed crow?"

"Not yet, he is still containing the Wildlings, saying that he does not want them to be killed by the Others and become part of the army of the dead."


...to be continued...

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