This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 109 Operation Filch

Mr. Filch was not a very qualified administrator - he had a habit of always suspecting students of doing something bad and then picking them up and sending them to do odd jobs.

Of course, the students at Hogwarts are worthy of such suspicion, and they did do it, which is something that must be explained.

Apart from this shortcoming, Mr. Filch has almost no shortcomings. He loves school, can effectively compile a list of troublemakers and actively develop lines to catch them, manages messy files in an orderly manner, and insists on studying loopholes in school rules every year to patch them. …

Although the students don't like this administrator, Andrew must say something fair - without Filch, the castle would have been in a state of disarray...

Think about it - the corridor is full of big shit eggs thrown by Peeves or Gryffindor just now, the corridors are full of students casting spells and playing around, the walls and ceiling are full of undried paint and paint, you are going to complain. , but was hit by magic flying from nowhere and sent directly to the hospital...

Compared to that scenario, a fierce administrator who would not grant privileges suddenly became acceptable.

But the problem now is - there are really very few students in the castle who break the rules.

Before Dumbledore's secret books were unearthed, the library was attractive enough to put most students off the idea of ​​pranks.

This left the toilet that Filch had specially left without a cleaner. This made Mr. Filch very worried. After all, he had forcibly retained this place from the house elves. If they were used to cleaning it, Telling them not to touch is a problem.

Andrew didn't know how to describe it for a while after reading that report. Fortunately, Huffman was there.

When Andrew was at a loss, Huffman came up with a slightly bad idea - anyway, Mrs. Pince complained that as the number of people in the library increased, undisciplined people were increasing, so she might as well agree to allow Mr. Filch to go to the library. The students who were kicked out of the dormitory were cured.

This list of suggested reports was put out separately for Professor McGonagall's approval - Andrew was not sure whether it would be approved when he left.

'There is a high probability of passing...but I can't share such interesting things...I still have a lot to learn. ’



Harry looked up from the magazine - he'd only had a few bites of lunch before running back to read, and he hadn't finished it until now.

'The future...Dumbledore protects the future? ’

‘Am I also the protected future? ’

‘What kind of future do I want to protect? ’

He was a little confused - if he was being protected, then what happened to him at his aunt's house...

But if he is not protected, why are people everywhere in the magic world caring about him? Moreover, Dumbledore protects the entire magical world, how dare he expect...

"Harry, have you finished reading?"

Ron's shout awakened Harry from his imagination - although the "Legends of Magic" magazine was very affordable compared to the Lockhart series, it was obviously impossible for Ron to spend his limited pocket money on it.

So the two bought it together, with Harry paying half the money to get the first reading rights, and Ron paying half the money to get the second reading rights and rental rights - this was a view that both of them felt was fair.

It is worth mentioning that this is the method Ron learned from the twins - although the payback will take a long time, it is worth looking forward to.

"I just finished reading it, here you go."

Harry handed the magazine to Ron and began to think again - the Easter holidays were coming and he would have to stay at school again.

'Will Ron stay in school this time? ’

'Does the library really have Dumbledore's secret books? Can I use that knowledge to master magic that even Hermione doesn't have? ’

‘Everyone is not practicing during this period. Will Malfoy in Slytherin have any bad ideas? ’

'No...Malfoy must have gone to the library to look for it! We can't let him take the lead! ’

Harry, who was originally confused, suddenly became determined - anyone in Hogwarts can get it, except two people, whether it is Snape or Malfoy, if they get the book, Harry will feel that he Will be desperate!

"Ron, go to the library!"

Harry was determined.

"Would you like to go to the library to read magazines? It's not impossible..."

Ron muttered and started to pack his book bag - the library was better, he could find someone nearby to sell the magazine and rent it out after he finished reading.

The two of them packed up their things almost quickly and ran towards the library - the library was full every day these days, even on class days.

But there seemed to be some exceptions today - there were many sad-looking guys standing outside the library door, neither going in nor leaving, as if they were waiting for something.

Harry and Ron looked at each other and prepared to go in cautiously.

But at this moment, Mrs. Pince's familiar voice came from inside, "Get out!"

After that, there was a bunch of banging things - years of experience in packing books made Mrs. Pince's improved levitation spell so proficient that she could control multiple objects at one time to hit people at different speeds.

"Oh, Harry, it's the little cake, no doubt a Hufflepuff student."

Ron made the decision without even seeing the badge - and he was right.

The unlucky Hufflepuff ran out with a small cake on his head, and murmured in a medium voice, "Oh, no, I didn't mean it, it was an accident, I'm just used to it... "

Until he was kicked out, he looked at his cake with regret, his eyes hesitant, and finally chose to cut off a thin layer with his wand, and then--

"Serious violation in the library, bringing food into--flush the toilet!"

Filch appeared from nowhere, staring at the unlucky guy fiercely.

"Just kicked out!"

"Library rules are also school rules!"

Filch said firmly, "Name, college, grade... Stand here now, and report to my office later!"

After that, Filch hid in the back--a corner blocked by students.

While hiding, he also warned Harry and Ron, "You two--if you leak anything when you go in, go together."


Ron muttered softly, and Harry nodded in agreement.


"Come and stand..."

" one said anything!"

The Hufflepuff student's face was full of despair of being betrayed, but he also understood--the way to report was blocked.

He had a look of grief and indignation on his face, and stopped peeling the half-peeled bread. He stood among the crowd, stuffed the bread into his mouth, and started biting it hard as if he were biting a classmate.

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