This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 110 The nightmare comes

"Before I came to work, I said it was a class... ha..."

Andrew leaned on the chair in the office and muttered quietly. Huffman looked at the office door on the side, and then nodded decisively.

There is no other way, now all the work in Professor McGonagall's office is taken care of by two people.

It wasn't that Professor McGonagall was targeting them, but it had to be.

It’s mid-May now, and spring break is long over—Huffman has been working a shift with Andrew since the end of spring break and Easter.

The fifth grade has to prepare for the OWLs exam, and the seventh grade has to prepare for the NEWTs exam and the graduation employment exam. Professor McGonagall wants to focus on the fifth grade employment consultation and communication with the examination administration. What will happen to the rest of the work?

There are only two prefects in the sixth grade, so there must be one who looks after the house, right? What if the rest room is demolished after the exam?

It's impossible to keep Huffman if you keep someone else - boys can't go into the girls' dormitory, and nothing can be done if there's a fight or if someone breaks down because of a test.

At this point, Huffman had to say thank God - before Andrew came, he did all this work alone.

It’s true that prefects have rights, but they have to be serious when things happen!

Andrew was no longer even assisting with grading homework now, but instead covering homework from the first to third years - Professor McGonagall exempted him from the Transfiguration homework, leaving him time to correct it.

Reports of funding projects are currently in a state of rejection, and the priority of repair reports has been increased. Mr. Filch's punishment for students who violate the regulations will be exempted from the confinement penalty starting from the fifth and seventh grades, but a large number of additional college points will be deducted.

The number of conversations in the office increased - Professor McGonagall set aside a small room to listen to students' questions about exam pressure.

Andrew and the others work longer hours - instead of one class before, they have two classes, and occasionally they have to come over to work overtime at night.

All in all - exam month is coming, and Headmaster...well, Professor McGonagall's office is completely prepared.


"Library, add another area?"

"It's just needs to be modified with magic, and I'll report it to the professor."

"I think it's okay too, okay, let's do it like this..."

"A centaur needs... conditioner?"

Huffman read a little calmly.



Things that don't cost a lot of galleons or don't go against conventional wisdom will be marked as passed as long as the two people agree. If there are disputes, it depends on who can convince the other. If there are big disputes, they will be reported together with those things that cost a lot of money.

Anyway, the pressure is enough. At this moment, Andrew is more grateful than ever for writing Dumbledore's wonderful books - if the students hadn't been concentrated in the library, the workload would have been easily increased by several percent.

"The more things come to an end, the more things will happen..."

Huffman sighed, "By the way, I heard that you slept outside again yesterday?"

"Well..." Andrew nodded, "We are not allowed to use holiday mode Carmen Rings because we want to encourage students to learn to explore and answer their own questions, and to be responsible for their own mistakes."

Everyone is outside anyway, so no one is dissatisfied.

"It's legal to sleep outside... Our college caught another idiot trying to sneak out yesterday... and was arranged to go to Snape's place..."

Huffman shook his head, "Fortunately, the professor didn't let us handle it, otherwise I wouldn't be able to behave in the hospital...

"Don't even think about it - you, the prefects, will only get scolded a few times. If I intervene, I'm afraid I will be taken to the underground classroom and beaten by your college..."

Andrew will not be fooled by this - Huffman ran away because of his addiction. He still has to work for who knows how long, just correct homework, and deal with students who violate the regulations?


"You are so boring..."

Huffman put down the file, "I have to work alone for a while, you can get off work."

"Accounting? I wish you happiness."

Andrew quickly packed up his things - he had signed a confidentiality agreement, and the only document he couldn't handle was Gryffindor's accounts.

The school belongs to the school, and the college belongs to the college - what has been purchased for the college throughout the year, how much is the balance, and the books that need donations and allocations next year...

The school year is over, and this must be done well, otherwise it will be difficult to settle the accounts for the coming year.

Although Professor McGonagall is typing reports from her left hand to her right hand, the process is still required, and as a Ravenclaw, Andrew would not be able to handle these things even after signing an agreement.

"Come on and work, I'm on vacation."

Andrew waved his hand proudly and said goodbye without any hesitation.

He didn't want to know these messy secrets at all - he wanted to go back and have a good sleep, and then go to the library to read the bound volume of "Transfiguration Today".

This was what Professor McGonagall ordered half a month ago - he was so busy during this period that he didn't even have time to read it.


"Check your bags, food is prohibited."

The imprisoned student stood desolately at the door of the library, muttering in a low voice, and waving the small flag with changing fonts on his hand from time to time.

This was Mrs. Pince's counterattack when Filch arrested too many students at once. She arranged for the students in solitary confinement to serve as notices at the door, so that a large number of Hufflepuffs could avoid falling into Filch's clutches. .

Of course, those who bring it in intentionally or unconsciously and speak too loudly deserve to be kicked out and arrested.

A small number of people did what they did and deserved to be locked up, but arresting each one would be too much - Mrs. Pince wanted them to take care of their books, not to deliberately drive them away for the purpose of confinement.

But it must be said that this trick works very well. Hufflepuffs are used to opening and eating small cakes in front of the unlucky guy - and sometimes even feeding him.

Anyway, when Andrew went over, he saw that the guy waving the flag was stuffed with an egg tart.

Just as he was sighing, Mrs. Pins's full-bodied voice in the library rang out.

"No fighting in the library, you go to Mr. Filch's office to report!"

The two students were almost tied up tightly by their schoolbags. They were thrown out in a ball and landed at the door of the library.

But Mr. Filch left disappointed less than three minutes after arriving - fifth-year students.

Probably these two students started it - fifth-year students began to become extremely irritable, and they could be seen collapsing in the corridor from time to time.

There was no way. Five years of study at Hogwarts was exchanged for this exam. Except for top students like Percy, few people would think they were ready.

But it was useless. Time passed day by day. While Andrew and his team were working overtime, students were discharged from the hospital due to illness and were recovering from collapse. The nightmare of all fifth-year students in Hogwarts came.

"Confirm the accommodation and food issues for the last time, Mr. Taylor."

"Ask Hagrid to check the carriage again, Mr. Huffman."

"Be prepared to work overtime for another day, and meet the examiner with me tomorrow..."

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