This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 19 Professor Flitwick's most perfect lesson

When a new day came, Andrew still didn't know who his roommate was.

I don’t know if it was because they were too tired yesterday or for other reasons. The freshmen all woke up very late. After getting today’s answers from the prefect with dark circles under his eyes, all the freshmen hurriedly washed up, changed clothes, and took their books. He rushed to the cafeteria, dealt with a few mouthfuls briefly, and then headed to the classroom to start the first day of study.

The first lesson is the main event - the magic spell.

Putting aside its importance, the professor alone is very authoritative, Filius Flitwick, the dean of Ravenclaw College.

This attack is quite powerful. Although the professor is not tall and does not have much pressure, the name of the dean alone is enough to control the situation, not to mention his art-like spellcasting.

At the beginning of the first class, the professor just waved his magic wand easily, and the books spontaneously fell under his feet as he walked, and finally closed up into a tall stack of books. This allows professors to stand on top of knowledge and look at the students below.

'Definitely not a simple floating spell, nor a crude flying spell...but a spell that combines the spells of moving objects. ’

Andrew muttered silently in his mind that it was not a simple spell - anyone with a little common sense could see that it was simply using magic to add countless flexible arms to himself.

"Charms...a demonstration of the controllability of all magic."

Professor Flitwick's voice sounded, "I believe that most of you have cast spells unintentionally, but in most cases, you will not be able to repeat the miracle of magic you just displayed."

Chalk was written quickly on the blackboard accompanied by the sound of his lecture.

"And magic is the most stable factor in all spellcasting. Just like what is said in the book, clear spells and fixed wand waving techniques allow you to have controllable results every time your magic is cast, and there will be no problems. A messy accident.”

He looked at the students, a smile appeared on his lips, and then he suppressed it forcefully.

"For example, the levitating spell. Recently, for some reason, this most basic magic has been widely spread among new students. I even heard the doctor from St. Mungo's complaining about people's mistakes in casting spells a few days ago. Danger."

This spell obviously attracted the attention of all the students present - everyone's attitude immediately corrected.

"Levitation Spell - Wingardium Leviosa."

As the wand drew a perfect trajectory, not one piece of chalk on the podium flew up, but all of them. They scattered in mid-air and flew towards the sky at different speeds, spelling out that sentence in the air. The spells gathered together with the movement of the professor's wand, and fell into the chalk box without any sound like a piece of feather.

"The Levitation Spell does more than just make something fly."

In the eyes of the students who were amazed, "In the early stages of practice, you really need to pay attention to making heavier and heavier objects float, but you also need to pay attention to the stability and dexterity of the spell."

"Is this the content of the assessment for the ninth-dan post?"

One student couldn't hold it back. In the quiet classroom, his speech was heard by almost everyone.

However, Professor Flitwick was not angry. He answered with a smile: "If nothing else, I think so."


At this time, everyone praised in unison, and even Andrew couldn't help but join in to show his gregariousness - even though he felt that he was almost digging out a passage.

"Then, remember these principles and the most basic spells."

While Professor Flitwick was speaking, half of the blackboard was filled with chalk. But it's not too complicated to say - I just enlarged the spell-casting gestures and introduced the pronunciation syllable by syllable.

After repeating the explanation and chanting the spell several times without their wands, the attentive professor finally decided to let the feathers down and let them start trying to cast the spell.

This is almost effortless.

Andrew even discovered that there was someone more skilled than himself - he thought he was already somewhat proficient in this spell, but that guy could even pull a feather with a thread and make it make all kinds of fancy movements in mid-air!

This outstanding performance even caused Professor Flitwick to immediately give Slytherin three points.

"Perfect spell display—"

Professor Flitwick said with a bit of joy in his tone, "So, let's try two?"

The two were indeed difficult, but the Slytherin student still made them float at the same time and fall down at the same time...

"Very can work more on the Levitation Charm. Five points for Slytherin."

The class ended perfectly. Since everyone cast the spell successfully, they didn't even give them a paper assignment, they just asked them to practice more and preview the content of the next class.


Professor Flitwick returned to the staff lounge and showed a smile that he had been holding back for a whole class. This caused several professors who were not in class to immediately come around and ask what happened.

"A perfect lesson, probably the most perfect lesson in these years."

He said to his colleagues, "All students have previewed the textbooks in advance and practiced the spells very well."

"Levitation spell for all!"

"Professor Flitwick," Professor Taylor said with a bit of a smile while flipping through the newspaper, "I think this will not be the case next class."

"Of course," Professor Flitwick did not mean to deny it at all, "I dare say they have been practicing the Levitation Charm crazily since the day they read the story - but it doesn't matter, the method of the spell is inherited, whether it is intentional or not, it will affect a person's life. Practicing spells will also give you an advantage in learning other spells.”

"That's true," another professor agreed, "It's a pity that Dumbledore has learned too little - if he had studied all the courses seriously, we would probably have it a lot easier..."

Ever since, the atmosphere in the office suddenly became extremely cheerful.


"In the classroom alone, my progress is a bit ahead of schedule..."

"First take a look at what the group's regular gatherings are, and then you can consider the library self-study plan..."

After the course, Andrew, who had practiced the levitation spell for a while, made arrangements like this, "In addition, I have to ask the senior students if there are any empty classrooms suitable for practice - I estimate that there should be such similar resources in the group …”

Of course, after joining the group, he had to learn to reasonably ask for experience from people who had been there - he had already considered this before joining.

‘I just don’t know what the new story will be changed to – I don’t want to think about this anymore, I want to study magic seriously! ’

Andrew Ostrich thought.

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