This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 20: Ravenclaw's Welcome Gift

Lunch time came quickly.

Probably due to the intimidating teachings of those senior classmates last night, the proportion of Ravenclaw freshmen arriving at the cafeteria on time is much higher than that of other colleges.

At this time, Andrew finally found the people in his dormitory and introduced them to each other. However, each other's character and temper could only be understood after they got to know each other better.

‘I hope there are no voyeuristic people, otherwise the delivery of the follow-up manuscript will be a serious problem…’

Andrew even wanted to seek help from the power of magic - but unfortunately, he, a first-year freshman, could not easily learn a magic.

While chatting briefly with the four roommates, a senior boy came over and said, "Taylor, after the first class in the afternoon, the group will meet in the fifth classroom next to the spiral escalator on the far left of the third floor. "

At the same time that Andrew received the notice, the other two roommates also accepted the notice from other groups. As for the remaining two, no one came to disturb them until the end.

‘I don’t know if I was eliminated from the group selection or if I made up my mind not to join the team. ’

He obviously wouldn't ask about this kind of thing without making a fuss. He left in a hurry after the meal and got ready for the afternoon class.

By the afternoon class, there were obvious changes in seats - unlike in the morning when people randomly found a seat to sit down and look forward to class, in the afternoon, people basically found their seats according to the group they joined. The rest are roughly divided into groups according to dormitories...

'This is too confrontational...'

The first session in the afternoon was on Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall's performance was no less impressive than Professor Flitwick's. Andrew suddenly forgot about the issue of being too scattered in the academy that he had been considering before.

Probably because he had done enough homework in advance, he scored five points for Ravenclaw this time - but other than that, he basically gained nothing.

Professor McGonagall explains almost every knowledge point in detail. This is a very tiring way of teaching. The advantage is that it can ensure that most students understand it, but it is too common for Andrew, who has learned enough by himself. .

'You need to be thicker-skinned, learn enough questions on your own and try to ask the professor after class...'

He pretended to listen carefully and put the self-study of transfiguration on the agenda.

By the way, after class, he shamelessly rushed behind Professor McGonagall with his bag in hand, and directly asked all the questions he had accumulated during the self-study during the vacation.

Just as he expected, Professor McGonagall answered his questions with almost no hesitation, and his expected advice did not happen.

"You do have some thoughts of your own, Mr. Taylor."

Professor McGonagall nodded slightly after making sure he had no more questions, "Okay, you go to the library and borrow these two books."

The quill flew out by itself and wrote the title of the book on a blank piece of paper, "Just read the first two chapters of this one and one chapter of the other one, and then each submit a paper to me, as soon as possible."

"Okay, Professor."

A smile appeared on Andrew's face.

Putting the parchment away, he immediately rushed towards the third floor and reached the empty classroom over there in time.

About ten minutes later, a senior student walked into the classroom.

"Freshman, very good, come with me."

He looked at the freshmen present, nodded, then turned around and led away.

Andrew and the others looked at each other and followed.

Soon they stopped in front of a larger classroom, where two senior students were already sitting there with a box.

"What are you expecting?"

When the freshmen squeezed in, the upperclassman sitting on the right side of the box looked at them with contempt and said, "I didn't think that after last night, the inspection would end and I would be able to dream about life in the Ministry of Magic with the seniors. Bar?"

"Do you know what choices we have all gone through?"

"The number of people recruited by the Ministry of Magic is limited each year. Do you expect to receive a letter of appointment from the Ministry of Magic just by waiting like this?"

"Don't be stupid - even those who enter the Ministry of Magic will give priority to being with people in the club, but think about it with your not stupid brains, why is it you? How many purebloods are watching over there!"

"Mike, you talk too much."

When the Mike scolded everyone, the student on the right said something dissatisfied.

"We have nothing to do with the Ministry of Magic, and we have nothing to do with the club. We are here just to sell you something that can help you in your school life."

"This is a fair sale and every item is worth its price."

He said as he opened the box.

There weren't many things inside - three or four notebooks, a thick stack of information, a large bottle of magic potion, and a box of Thunderbolt Explosion Cards (although Andrew didn't recognize the specific items, he could still roughly distinguish them).

"The prices are all there, that... no, these are just some magic items that can help you. The prices are very transparent. Those who are willing to buy them can take them away as long as they pay Galleons."

He crossed his hands on the table, "So, who of you is willing to buy it?"

‘What the hell? ’

Andrew looked around calmly, 'Have the scammers deceived the freshmen? ’

‘You were so anxious yesterday, are you planning to start defrauding freshmen out of their money? ’

'No, this is too much effort...and you also deliberately created such a roughly fair model. Why waste so much effort just to achieve this? ’

After being influenced by the Internet, Andrew was at least 30 years ahead of his time in deception—this little trick was so rubbish.

'No matter what the reason is, you can't turn your back and accuse him directly. Even if he is a liar, he is still a senior liar with a wand. A person can still consider sneak attacks to get rid of the wand. This number is still forgotten. ’

"Sorry," Andrew said, "if I'm willing to pay more galleons, will I gain more friendships?"

"There is no friendship, sir. This is just an ordinary transaction."

“What if I love it so much that I’m willing to pay a high price for one of them?”

"Of course..."

"I need to go to the break room to get some money, my money is in the box."

Andrew added quickly.


‘Silly Que…’

He cursed in his mind and ran towards the lounge as soon as he left the door, "I'll be back soon!"

As soon as he ran through the corridor, he turned around and headed towards the corridor downstairs. He was going to take a detour and go back to the room he had made an appointment with before going to report to the professor.

Sure enough - when he found the classroom, the person in charge was still angry.

"As a Ravenclaw, the first day has passed, and you are still lost?"

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