This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 21 Madman, bastard, idiot, fool

After Andrew briefly told what happened, the person in charge of new students asked Andrew to go to the main gathering place to call people, and hurried over.

However, when Andrew went to the meeting place to pull people over and ran over, it was too late.

The three senior students had already disappeared, and half of the students who stayed in the room were deceived.

"I also noticed that something was wrong, but the other party said that they could not bring any more trouble to the original owner, and that one good gesture was enough."

"After simply selling half of the items, they pretended to go to the toilet and ran away without even taking the remaining items - I thought they would not give up the items, so I didn't notice."

"When they left temporarily, they said they were not worried about us stealing at all, because anyone who dared to steal would be prepared to be fired..."

In the words of the remaining people, the truth of the matter was quickly spelled out.

After Andrew left, those guys quickly realized something was wrong and began to stabilize people and prepare to run away. However, three unlucky guys who did not resist the temptation handed over the galleons.

Some people also saw that something was wrong and wanted to follow Andrew's example and leave. Instead, the other party took the opportunity to pretend to be intimidating and force the purchase, and misjudged the other party's intentions.

And within such a short period of time after they made excuses to leave and everyone woke up, they took advantage of their familiarity with the school roads and ran away.

"Find those bastards and report them to the school!"

"What's the reason?"

The senior who was invited over by Andrew snorted coldly, "The price of the notebook is not transparent to begin with. Under the premise that it is a fair transaction, Galleons cannot handle this, and - do you think it is really those people? ?”

He checked the remaining goods, "They are all imported goods. I guess people also used Polyjuice Potion... just to make us make a fool of ourselves and get some money back - it's really a luxury. Even if we cheated them all, we still can't get the potion." money."

With a bit of disgust, the senior Ravenclaw zeroed in on the perpetrator.

"Those guys who admire loopholes and like to take advantage of them - they thought they found our loopholes, so they prepared an activity that they could brag about.

"But they didn't expect that they would be discovered so quickly, and even release someone who was very likely to see through their plan - so they quickly changed their strategy and got away."

After looking at the people who had seen through the scam with admiration, he said in a regretful tone to those who had spent Galleons, "The team will replenish the Galleons you were deceived, but you don't need to attend the subsequent gatherings. You will be assessed every year before fifth grade. If you still maintain your previous ideals, you can try again later."

"As for you, the others will take the second assessment. As for Andrew," the senior extended his hand, "Welcome to join our mutual aid group. If you don't mind, we will have the simplest group joining conversation."

When leading Andrew to leave, the senior student seemed to remember something and shouted to the person who had previously been responsible for guiding him; "Thank you, classmate Andrew, Dan, for not completely messing up your guidance this time... I paid a fine of thirty galleons afterward." ”


"I was in a hurry and didn't have time to introduce myself. I'm Connie, Connie Bruce, a sixth grader."

In another empty classroom with no one around, Andrew and this Connie sat face to face and started the so-called induction conversation.

"There are very few freshmen who pass the assessment and join on the first day - if you go by quality alone, you will probably be the first."

He sat there and said in a very gentle tone, "What do you think of the Ministry of Magic?"

"Legitimate and sole existence."

Andrew gave an unmistakable answer.

"A very cunning answer..." Connie smiled, "but completely correct."

"If I were to judge, it would be an institution that governs a world made up of lunatics, mediocrities, mentally retarded and irritable people..."

‘Why don’t you just say that lunatics, bastards, fools and scoundrels are made up of…’

Andrew complained internally, but showed a puzzled expression to invite the next answer.

"The crazy ones are of course us -" Connie pointed at himself and Andrew, "most of the Ravenclaws."

“Wisdom is endlessly poisonous, and everyone is putting their wisdom where they like, especially those who take advantage of loopholes in the rules.

"If you ask me, it wouldn't be a problem if the entire Ravenclaws were sent to Azkaban...

"But the Ministry of Magic obviously won't do this. Do you know where the backbone of the Ministry of Magic is?"

Andrew thought for a moment, "Hufflepuff?"

"Exactly, Hufflepuff, because they have the most numbers - but they're not that good at dealing with Ravenclaws, so we joined in."

"And, you have to know, Andrew, Hufflepuff not only has the largest number of Ministry of Magic personnel, but also the largest number of ordinary wizards - so they are the most peaceful, and even the vast majority of Hufflepuffs come to Hogwart Just to get through my student life and find a job.”

"As for Gryffindor, they don't like peaceful days the most. They have the courage to face changes, and sometimes they even try to change something regardless of the consequences... They will never wait quietly for changes, they always want to participate."

"The remaining Slytherins...what they hate most is change," Connie shook his head, "because they are the majority in terms of conditions...In fact, many wizards want to develop and need to absorb wizards of Muggle origin, but Slytherins are the most disgusted...because they cannot ensure that they can maintain their current strength after the addition of fresh blood."

"If you ask me, Slytherins are a group of smart people who lead a large number of fools...and in order to maintain the support of fools, smart people must pretend to be fools most of the time..."

"In fact, sometimes I have an illusion," Connie waved his hand, "In fact, there are very few fools, but most Slytherins Pretending to be a fool to ensure that he was not asked to leave - because they are too rigid, fools cannot become smart to lead fools, they can only pretend to be fools to avoid being excluded. "

'So you can see a group of fools no matter what, right...'

"So, in Hogwarts, we can't offend the majority Hufflepuffs because there are more people, we can't offend Gryffindor because they don't care about gains and losses before fighting, and we can't offend Slytherin..."

'So, start fighting internally...'

Andrew didn't agree with the other party, but he wouldn't say it to his face, because this kind of paranoia is not only good at blaming others, but also will spare no effort to attack opponents.


"It seems that we have reached a preliminary consensus - welcome to join, Andrew, the first regular meeting will be held in the second-floor classroom this Wednesday afternoon."

"Okay, I will attend on time."

"Then, let's talk about your thoughts in the end. You are a good listener, but I want to hear your opinion."

Andrew was stunned for a moment, and then said with sarcasm to summarize the views of the senior in front of him.

"We Ravenclaws discriminate against every college equally."


Contrary to his expectations, Connie laughed, "Yes, we discriminate against every college equally."

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