This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 22 How did Ravenclaw become like this?

"Stupid x."

After Connie left, Andrew couldn't help cursing.

He usually wouldn't say bad things about people behind their backs, but today he couldn't help it.

He mocked him in person, but he was not ashamed and was proud of it.

He bullied the weak and feared the strong, so he bullied the weak and feared the strong, and he made so many excuses - damn, how did Ravenclaw become like this?

He felt something was wrong before, but now he finally confirmed that the so-called Ministry of Magic faction was not a serious group. After many so-called internal selections, the remaining people probably regarded themselves as Ministry of Magic staff.

But obviously, they were not. This group of people were just indulging in their own fantasies - and Andrew could confirm that there was no organization that recommended admission to the Ministry of Magic.

‘The so-called selection is to pick out the normal people, and then finally make a bunch of arrogant lunatics…’

‘That guy talked a lot of nonsense, and the only useful content was a partial evaluation, and it was very one-sided…’

“Let’s take a look,” he comforted himself, “at least see if there is anything I want in those activities, I can’t be disgusted in vain.”

He was also helpless - it was the most undesirable to turn against them directly, so he could only quit the group relatively gently. The cohesion and disgusting ability of the extremists were much higher than that of normal people. If he was a senior, he could be more straightforward, but now he could only take detours.

‘It’s just like entering an illegal organization by mistake…’

Andrew sighed, sorted out his expression, and made sure that others could not see that he had just been angry, then he walked out of the classroom quickly and walked towards the library.

The top priority now is not to entangle with those lunatics, but to go to the library to borrow books, and try to read them completely and organize the paper to hand in to the professor as soon as possible.


"Microscopic Tutorial on Transfiguration in Complex Structures, "Basics of Transfiguration Structures"?

When Andrew handed the parchment to the librarian, Madam Pince, for help, the serious librarian looked at the title of the book, then looked at Andrew, with some doubts in her expression.

"Well, at least it's not a banned book - on the 18th row of the bookshelf, on the third floor."

"Thank you very much, Madam Pince."

After thanking Madam Pince, Andrew walked towards the bookshelf over there, and on the way, he briefly observed the classification of books in the Hogwarts Library.

The older bookshelves are divided according to subjects, and the classification on the bookshelf is distributed according to the first letters of the first two words.

'It's easy to find the book title, but if you want to read it according to the simple content of the book, you still need someone to recommend it, otherwise it's really hard to do it by yourself - I got it for free when I went to the group. '

With the mentality that even a piece of waste paper has its own unique use, Andrew thought so while pulling out the book he needed.

Since he was not in a hurry to eat, he found an empty table and prepared to briefly read the two books recommended by Professor McGonagall.

[Transfiguration is not simply changing the appearance of one object into the appearance of another object - especially when it is a connected object.

Let's use the simplest and most common object to describe it - a chair.

At first glance, a chair is a whole, but when we use an object to transform into a chair, this chair can only be considered a successful transformation if it can be disassembled like a normal chair, rather than simply disassembling it and restoring it to its original state because the integrity of the magic is destroyed...]


Andrew took a breath of cold air. He had never thought that a simple transformation of dead objects could be expanded to this extent.

He used a bookmark to insert the place he had just finished reading, and then looked back in disbelief - Sure enough, the transformation behind did not go beyond the scope of dead object transformation, but the structure, material, color, and even anti-destruction and spell duration of the object were demonstrated beyond his current knowledge.

'I was actually proud of successfully transforming a beetle into a button. '

Andrew sighed - professional, too professional. If it weren't for Professor McGonagall's guidance, he probably wouldn't be able to find such a targeted book in a year.

"Disassembly, replacement, and then overall imagination..."

He sat there, spread out the parchment, and wrote a sentence or two on it when he had an idea, but most of the time he would erase his ideas in large paragraphs during the subsequent reading.

"So that's it..."


"Get out!!!"

Just when Andrew was struggling with a problem, he was scared by the sound of Madam Pince's explosion. He turned his head and found that a Hufflepuff child was being beaten madly by a piece of white bread.

His schoolbag followed the bread, and from time to time he would attack the bread fiercely in the intervals between attacks.

"No food is allowed in the library!"

Madam Pince's voice sounded again, but unlike the gentleness at the lending office, she was as majestic as a tiger patrolling her territory at this moment.

After laughing at the unlucky guy who didn't follow the rules and was caught, Andrew found himself very hungry. He looked out the window and realized that it was already dark.

"Oh no... I have to eat quickly."

Andrew put away his draft paper and went to Mrs. Pince, who was still angry, to borrow the book. Then he ran towards the auditorium with his schoolbag.

"I caught up."

Although half of the dinner was already served, fortunately, they still made it in time.

Andrew, who was starving, found his roommate's seat and found an empty seat nearby.

"What did you do? You didn't go back to the dormitory and you are still so hungry?"

Bell - one of his roommates looked at Andrew's embarrassed appearance and asked curiously.

"I heard that you passed the assessment of the club that aspires to join the Ministry of Magic on the first day of school - I heard that your club can account for most of the recruitments in the courtyard every year by the Ministry of Magic."

Another freckled boy named Hal took the initiative to respond for Andrew, and he said the second half of the sentence to Andrew.

'Most of the time? I knew it...'

Andrew rolled his eyes in his heart, but because he couldn't tear his face off at the moment, he couldn't say his sharp comments on the sixth grade.

At least you can monopolize the quota and act like we are an organization under the Ministry of Magic... It's not as good as the student union...

"Now that you say it, you are really good... At least you have plans for the future... I played Thunder Explosion cards in the club for half an afternoon..."

"Play cards?"

"Yeah, yes, and I almost never win... Seniors can even calculate the remaining cards in your hand after a few cards are played - but fortunately there is still hope... There is an event on the weekend, and people from other colleges will gather with us to play cards. At that time, we can even let them go appropriately."

So that's the hope...

No, there is really hope...

'There are still normal organizations and normal people. The only extreme ones are those I met... Thank God. '

Andrew was in a good mood, so he decided to reward himself with another ice cream scoop.

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