This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 2: Disrupted Abnormal Daily Life

"Adventures, partners and enemies..."

"A perfect story is like this, everything happens naturally..."

"It's just a pity," Andrew moved his wrist and looked at the manuscript he had just completed with a scrutinizing look, "both grammar and vocabulary are a bit lacking, otherwise it wouldn't have fallen to this point..."

He turned around and reconfirmed that there was no outsider in the small room, then he snapped his fingers with relief - a stone he used as a paperweight was moved to the manuscript, and the closed window was opened to a suitable angle.


He silently praised himself in his heart. At present, everything is going according to plan.

It has been three months since he came here - to be precise, it has been three months since he came to this boy who killed himself because of a stupid bet after working overtime and sleeping. During these three months, he has completed a series of things such as familiarizing himself with the original body's memory, handling interpersonal relationships, making money steadily, having his own separate room, and mastering the ability he named "telekinesis".

Although he still missed his previous life, he still followed the agreement made at that time, lived strongly and actively.

"It's just that I'm a little off..."

Andrew looked at the manuscript in front of him and shook his head, which was not in line with his age. Although the buddy who went into the water to save people would probably say something like "let me see it" after reading the manuscript, it was a bit outrageous for an eleven-year-old child to write such things.

But what can he do?

Using existing knowledge to make money is the behavior that requires the least capital and has the lowest risk. If it was in ancient times, he could use his mathematical skills to earn the first pot of gold. If he was in the same language system, he could use his eloquence to tell stories and make money. In an orphanage in the UK in 1991, he could remember that the more stable money-making opportunities were all more than ten years later...

There was no other way, he could only rely on knowledge - a simple, crude and effective way, find a celebrity biography, find a phone book, and some paper, ink and pen, that was enough.

Extract the characters in the biography, set up the hero or heroine, set up a large number of supporting roles (refer to the phone book at this moment and replace the names), set up different scenarios, let the story move forward, and then mix in a carefully described plot that can reduce the reader's requirements for grammar and vocabulary, and then give it a shocking series of titles and a fancy pen name, find a suitable tabloid or magazine, and submit it.

If your imagination is really not enough, you can even refer to a few similar books. It's that simple-and the perfect thing is that in the UK, this is not illegal.

Thanks to the massive reading experience brought by the online writing era, and the vast number of techniques for extracting cool points and contrast, the small biographies he washed out are more popular than expected. After three months of hard work, Andrew has made his pen name famous. When he donated 70% of his royalties to the hospital to subsidize daily expenses, he got a separate room, slightly exquisite meals, no questions about writing-related privacy, and enough free time.

That's enough-if the existence of the telekinesis had not been discovered, Andrew's plan was to save up tuition fees, go to a good university, and then start his new life.

Of course, if the subsequent submissions are more and more successful, he doesn't mind making a lot of money by writing long stories or just getting clean. Of course, this is difficult. He can make money now because the track is not so competitive, and the readers' requirements for special topics are much lower.

But since he discovered and was able to initially master this "telekinesis", he began to plan to take time to cultivate this power - although it is not as strong as imagined, it is still very good.

After all, he is not in a dangerous world, and there are no superpowers around him. Whether it is those biographies or fairy tales, there is no sign of large-scale superpowers - he has carefully confirmed this before rewriting

"It's a pity that the power is not enough before it is kept secret, and pay attention to the danger... Otherwise, you can gradually get used to this power in daily life."

Andrew carefully verified it - he tried to levitate objects, feathers, paper balls, books, stones, and the objects that can be controlled at present are about 30 kilograms. If it is heavier, it will fail.

As for the duration, you will feel tired after about half an hour under the maximum weight, and the weight that can be controlled will also decrease rapidly.

As for multitasking, it is currently impossible to do it - that is, he must concentrate fully to maintain his telekinesis. Once he is distracted, his telekinesis will be greatly weakened or even ineffective.

As for other aspects, he conducted experiments on the uses of telekinesis one by one according to the table.

He tried to make an object pass through another object under the protection of "telekinesis". The most successful one so far was to make a wooden stick pass through a stone. Then he would feel tired after performing similar functions about thirty times. As for the effect of different types of materials on the loss of "telekinesis", it is still under experimentation.

He tried to use telekinesis to repair damaged objects. The current result is that several obvious cracks can be repaired, but broken water cups will still have water droplets seeping in, indicating that the repair is not perfect, and the maximum number of repairs is five cups, after which he will feel tired.

He tried to use telekinesis to treat an injured mouse, which ended in the mouse's death - the cause of death was excessive blood loss due to the inability to stop bleeding, but surprisingly, the wound showed signs of recovery.

He even conducted dangerous human experiments - on his hair, he successfully made his hair grow five centimeters with the help of "mind power", which forced him to change his hairstyle to cover it up.

"It's just because I read too many and complicated things, so I can't confirm..."

While thinking about it, Andrew tried to use his mind power to move a few extremely sharp iron nails - his "mind power" was so versatile that he really didn't know what kind of ability it was.

It was precisely because he suspected that this ability was related to the mental activity caused by time travel that he named this ability telekinesis.

Yes, he is mentally active. Now he only needs to rest for about four hours a day to ensure that he is full of energy. Even if he overuses his "mind power", he can recover after an hour's nap. As for sitting with his eyes closed and not thinking about anything. He had tried things like meditation recovery over there, and he couldn't get rid of his thoughts...

A relatively stable way to make money, a superpower that although not powerful enough can clearly feel like it is growing, a fairly stable living environment, and a public school that is not too bad (due to the payment of sufficient royalties, it is recommended by the hospital. ), he is quite satisfied with the current progress.

"The next thing to do is to try something that can assist the growth of mind power and strengthen the control of mind power..."

Andrew planned so.

But life always has a little surprise, and with the sound of footsteps, there was a knock on the door of his room.

"Sorry, I may have disturbed you, little Andrew, Mrs. Camille asked you to come over -"

The grandma who spoke paused for a moment, "Did you apply for a school? Mrs. Camille received a letter from a lady named Minerva McGonagall, hoping to confirm the school and card you are studying in tomorrow. Mrs. Mill comes for an appointment."

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