This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 3 You'll always have to pay for what you've done.

"Minerva McGonagall?"

Andrew was stunned for a moment. He seemed a little familiar with the name, but he was not sure. After all, Mag was not a rare surname.

‘I’ll think about this name separately later, but now let’s deal with applying to schools first. ’

There was nothing he could do. Although the remuneration was not bad, the money was really hot - he didn't know enough about the laws in the UK. To be precise, no one in the entire orphanage knew the laws very well.

There are indeed professional writers in the public information, but he still feels guilty about whether minors participating in creation will be censored or even taken to a special school. How can ordinary people know this relevant knowledge?

If it is really a special school, how can it deceive the review?

Blame the author on someone else?

He did believe that someone was willing to take the blame, but rushing would lead to some financial problems afterwards - because the pen name was typed, his royalties were still considerable.

Reliable people are so hard to find. Keeping the children in the orphanage confidential is not enough. And for other people in the orphanage, it’s the limit not to ask for the sake of the money. Let them bear this reputation. Don't think about it.

But if you look for outsiders...

Wait...Andrew suddenly realized that he had entered a misunderstanding.

Why should he be afraid of special schools?

There is nothing more than a group of administrators and a group of students. Even now, according to his research on "psychic power", he will not suffer any losses among the students. As for the administrators, if the other party is not a scum, then it doesn't matter. What's scary is that if the other party is a scumbag, the profits generated by his manuscript will also allow the other party to choose another candidate. As for the other party being a bit more scumbag - sorry, in that case he won't know which one will come first, the accident or tomorrow.

In this case, he has nothing to worry about.

Come on then.


"Written with the pen of acceptance three months ago..."

Minerva McGonagall walked on a road that looked like it had not been maintained for a long time, and took one last look at the names on the list.

Children throughout the British wizarding world are tested by the Pen of Acceptance at birth until they are twelve years old, and the Book of Admission will not allow the Pen of Acceptance to be written on the child until he or she shows sufficient talent. child's name.

If there are no special reasons, then the child will receive a notice of admission to Hogwarts. If the child is from a Muggle family, a professor from Hogwarts will personally visit and introduce him.

This is the admission procedure of Hogwarts. The Book of Admission and the Pen of Acceptance have been working since the establishment of the Big Four. Hogwarts has never admitted anyone who is not on the list of the Book of Admission.

"It didn't attract the staff of the Ministry of Magic, which means that the signs of magic produced by the other party are not very obvious... But fortunately, we still caught up..."

Professor McGonagall was even a little happy for the student - if the magic power was displayed beyond the age of twelve, even wizarding families would not be able to receive a good education, and it might even lead to the loss of learning and becoming a squib for life.

Considering that the other party is in a Muggle society, if he does not enter Hogwarts, this may cause him to miss magic for the rest of his life.

"This is it," she looked at the old wooden sign. In front of her was a remote yard, surrounded by high fences, and in the middle of the fence was an old building.

As Professor McGonagall knocked on the door, she was quickly led into the foyer by a woman wearing an apron.

"Are you Ms. McGonagall?"

Mrs. Camille, who hurried over, was holding a rather strong-looking wicker in her hand. Judging from the degree of damage to its skin, it was obvious that a lucky person had had a close encounter with it not long ago.

"Yes, Mrs. Camille, I wrote yesterday to explain my purpose of coming. I am here for Andrew Taylor."

"Okay, please come this way."

When Mrs. Camille stretched out her hand, she realized that the willow stick in her hand had not yet been put down. She looked at the things in her hand and dropped the willow stick.

"I'm sorry, I was a little rushed today, but those boys are more naughty than I thought." She sighed, "Grandmas are too gentle, there always needs to be someone to scare them."

"Indeed," Professor McGonagall nodded, the look on her face became helpless, "They always make unimaginable mistakes."

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became less unfamiliar. In a harmonious atmosphere, Professor McGonagall was led to a fairly tidy office - but neither the mismatched furniture nor the simple decorations were everywhere. It speaks of the owner's poverty.

"Please sit down, Ms. McGonagall. You said you are here for little Andrew's child, but as far as I know, he has not applied for any school. I have just written the recommendation letter for the school he wants to apply for." ”

"Of course, he didn't apply, but our school found that he had some of the qualities we were looking for, so I came to ask him to study at our school."

"Your school?"

Ms. Camille looked at Professor McGonagall across from her with careful eyes.

"Yes, our school, I'm a professor."

"So," Ms. Camille's eyes became sharp, "What kind of school is that?"

"The name of the school is Hogwarts, and we specialize in recruiting students with special qualities."

"I think this is completely unnecessary," Ms. Camille's tone turned cold. "Little Andrew is an excellent child. Although he is too old to be adopted, his... knowledge and cultivation are sufficient. Gao, he will study hard in a public middle school and then enter a good university and live up to everyone's expectations."

"So, I will not agree to him going to a special school, Professor McGonagall," Ms. Camille said firmly, "Please go back."

Professor McGonagall was a little surprised, but she quickly took out a blank piece of parchment, tapped it gently, and handed it to Mrs. Camille.

"It's not a special school, and it has formal procedures and procedures?"

Madame Camille looked at the blank parchment, as if it had been stamped with many stamps.

"This is..."

She hesitated, "It seems that your Hogwarts is indeed a formal and qualified school, so it's better to let little Andrew make his own decision."

This was a bit beyond Professor McGonagall's expectations, but she originally wanted to meet him - because of the other person's background, she needed to take him to Diagon Alley to find his way around, so that he could have a preliminary understanding of the magical world. Cognition, you also need to take the other party to buy all the required books and a wand, as well as provide tickets for the Hogwarts Express.

"Come on then ma'am, I think he will enjoy Hogwarts."

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