This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 204: Too much imagination

"It actually...actually succeeded..."

Fred and George looked at each other, and they saw luck in each other's eyes.

At first, they refused when Sirius proposed it, but soon they were ready to do it.

Although skipping Professor McGonagall's office to attack Dumbledore's office did not conform to the principle of gradual progress, by comparison, the two quickly realized which one was the elite monster and which was the boss room.

Then, the two happily used the advanced spell Disillusionment, which they rarely mastered, to raid Dumbledore's office while Professor McGonagall was teaching.

The purpose of the Marauder's Map was greater than they thought-monitoring Dumbledore's absence and knowing the password of the stone beast guarding the headmaster's office, especially the latter, which made them truly realize the outrageousness of this thing.

The password of the headmaster's office is theoretically changed frequently!

The two almost came to the office with trepidation, and then they were scared by a wall of headmasters at the beginning-a whole wall of portraits that can think and monitor!

But unexpectedly, the portraits just looked at them with interest, and then ignored them.

And Dumbledore's phoenix lazily raised its head from the diary they were very familiar with, and then lazily lowered its head, curiously looking at what they were going to do.

As for the Sorting Hat, it simply asked with great interest - "Are you Gryffindor? After so many years, has anyone finally had the courage to attack the principal's office? What is the goal?"

"Is it me? And Gryffindor's dagger? Great, let's start a happy adventure?"

With such a simple response, the school's most valuable sorting items were brought out by them - it was almost like a joke.

The whole process was not even stopped by anyone...

It was so smooth that it seemed to be arranged, which was simply outrageous.

But there was no way, the promise was more important, and the two had to quickly escape from Dumbledore's office with a trace of worry.


"I suspect someone has triggered some treasure... The headmaster's office was robbed, and almost no one stopped it. Nothing valuable was lost, but the Sorting Hat was taken away..."

Andrew stood with several Gryffindor prefects, complaining helplessly, "It sounds like a joke left when the school was founded. Maybe giving the hat to Peeves can trigger a hidden plot..."

"Hidden plot?"

"Well," Andrew spread his hands, "I mean, it's a special inheritance that Gryffindor left for future generations."

It's no wonder he had wild thoughts - he had his eyes on the Sorting Hat, and even though he wasn't stopped by the headmasters, the Sorting Hat left willingly. It was a Gryffindor style!

"That makes sense. If that's the case, it's very likely that someone found something from Peeves or the library - Merlin's socks. In this case, people from all four colleges are suspects..."

Pranks can basically lock on to the school, but treasure?

That's what everyone loves.

"Thinking about the worst, maybe Peeves can't take off the Sorting Hat after he puts it on, and the Sorting Ceremony will be decided by Peeves sitting on the stool in the future."


I'm afraid that half of the students will go to Azkaban...

"Then keep an eye on Peeves quickly, and then, uh, go to an empty classroom to find him. Anyway, the more deserted the better, split up and act separately!"

After simply dividing the floors and subcontracting areas, Andrew and several prefects began to act.


"Underground... Fortunately, I'm writing in the laboratory now, otherwise..."

Andrew shook his head and started running underground - it doesn't matter if the freshmen are joked about Azkaban, but I'm afraid it will brag!

Of course, Dumbledore's hat won't brag about anything, because it's too funny, so let's wait and see, but on the student side, if it shouts, "Ah, I have a secret, don't tell anyone..."

That's it, he can go to the Astronomy Tower tonight to take astronomy classes!

‘It must be found immediately, and then the hat must be sent back directly.’

Thinking of this, Andrew was almost full of motivation - he must find it today, if it is too late, he will be worse than the thief!


"The sword is, put it on, and then you can summon it..."

The Sorting Hat was in a very good mood today, and talked happily with the twins.

Its charm was fully affirmed - a patient and two students in the school hospital were desperate to get it!

"Is it that simple?"

"Of course, as long as you didn't lie to me - a Gryffindor ghost in need of help urgently needs a Gryffindor dagger, this is so cool!"

It is a formal Gryffindor. Although it is impartial during the sorting, it will definitely help its own people at this time.

"Well, the Gryffindor dagger appears when Gryffindor needs it most!"

"Let me try?"

Sirius was excited - although he only planned to be an investor at first, the hat was in front of him, and he really couldn't convince himself not to take it.

This is the Sorting Hat, the thing he wanted to steal when he was in school!

If Lupin hadn't been a prefect and hadn't made an agreement with Dumbledore, would the hat have stayed there?

"Ah, you can't, you don't need it that much..."

After Sirius put it on, the Sorting Hat quickly made a judgment.

Even with such a wonderful prank, the first person that came to mind was still Harry Potter - what else was this summoning, stabbing him to death with a sword?

"I'll do it!"

George picked up the hat very cheerfully.

A minute later, the voice of the Sorting Hat came with disdain.

"No, your will is not strong enough... You are actually thinking about Minerva's punishment..."

Who wouldn't worry about this!

Although they are usually bold and reckless, today is completely different from usual - they went directly to the principal's office!

The key is that they don't have a good reputation on weekdays, especially with the cold-faced Ripper staring at them like a vulture.

The last diary was - the thing under the feet of the old phoenix put too much pressure on them.

That time, they were quickly targeted just because they took something from Filch, but this time they took it from Dumbledore's office!

"I probably can't do it either..."

Fred muttered and put on the Sorting Hat, and soon received the same evaluation.

"What should we do now?"

The three looked at each other - the most difficult thing to go to Dumbledore's office was not difficult, but they didn't consider that the stuck sword was so difficult.

Talk to Nick?

But how to say this?


Half a head appeared on the floor, Nick carefully poked his head out, looked around and saw no one before floating next to the three-pointer.

"Ah, sorry," Nick's face was full of sincerity, "that, actually I was a little impatient..."

He was ashamed - as a ghost, after entrusting the twins, he still wanted to see how it would go, but the twins not only really begged Sirius, but also took a huge risk to steal the Sorting Hat from the principal's office.

"How about... I give it a try?"

Nick said with a bit of embarrassment and extremely awkward.

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