This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 205 Gryffindor-certified excellent Gryffindor

"Are you coming?"

"I'll do it."

Nick's expression hardened at this moment - who isn't a Gryffindor?

Although the three of them were surprised, they all failed anyway, so they might as well give it a try.

But this is not an easy process - unless the ghosts try hard to interfere, they cannot touch real objects.

"I'm ready, come on."

Nick tried his best to let his head have an impact, sensing the coming Sorting Hat, while the twins raised the Sorting Hat solemnly and buckled it on Nick's head.


The Sorting Hat flew into the air and fell from Nick's head until it was stopped at his chest.

"Hey, be gentle, Nick, I'm an old man, I can't play like this. When I sorted you into Gryffindor, you were...ah, no, you were so careless back then!"

The Sorting Hat suddenly remembered something and shouted loudly.

"I promise I won't do it again!"

Nick shook his head vigorously, successfully making his head fall off his neck, and looked at the twins and the Sorting Hat upside down.

"Oh, sorry... no, wait, maybe we could put the hat on backwards - just let one of Fred or George hold it up."

When Nick's head was hanging upside down, he didn't know if he had triggered a thinking state, but he suddenly made a seemingly feasible proposal.

"Oh, I don't like the upside-down world...but it sounds more feasible."

The Sorting Hat muttered dissatisfiedly.

Fred stepped forward, inserted his hands into Nick's chest, then raised the Sorting Hat and dragged it up backwards.

As for George, he held down Nick's drooping head and raised the sorting hat.

"This is the first time I have been treated like this, but it is also the first time I have tried to communicate with ghosts..." The Sorting Hat muttered quietly, "To be honest, this is really not pleasant."

But it soon stopped talking and shrank tightly as if it was attracted by something.


Nick let out a cry of surprise, and then under everyone's attention, a sword hilt inlaid with an egg-sized ruby ​​emerged from the Sorting Hat, and then got stuck.

"Is that it?"

Sirius eagerly tried to pull it out, but as soon as he pulled it out a little, Nick let out a sharp cry.

"The blade can hurt it!"

Fred reminded loudly, then carefully held Nick's head and helped him up, and then took out the sword from the hat.

"Is this Gryffindor's sword?"

"Of course, it is extremely sharp and can absorb all the forces that are beneficial to it..."

Sirius was a little excited. According to reliable historical data, he was quite familiar with this sword. "There is no doubt that one of its summoners came into contact with something magical with it, giving it the ability to harm ghosts." , or it could have been..."

"Then, when will it be used to chop off my head?"

Nick straightened his head, looking forward to it.

The three of them looked at each other with hesitation on their faces.

Because no one knows - whether the head will be chopped off or the ghost will be killed.

Moreover, there is another important problem - they cannot accept that they are doing something to a friendly ghost sir.

"No, no, you can, of course you can..."

Nick obviously saw the hesitation of the three of them, "Believe me, I will just chop off the head. Even if there is an accident, it doesn't matter. It would be better if I was killed... maybe death will give me enough Courage to face the final step.”

"The last step?"

George asked hesitantly.

"Yes, in the last step, those who are willing to go on can go on and leave this world. Those who are timid and unwilling to go on can stay like me..."

Nick said very calmly, "So you don't have to worry, nothing worse will happen - I'm not trying to show off this time..."

" probably haven't heard how I died?"

He began to learn about his own death - after graduating from Hogwarts, he went to survive in the Muggle world and successfully became a court wizard.

"Court wizard?"

George couldn't help but interjected.

"Yes, court wizard, that's how the title comes. I am a courtier in the palace of King Henry VII."

Nick was quite pleased with himself.

George and Fred couldn't help but exchange a look - is it so simple to co-operate with the palace wizard?

The Malfoy family has always claimed to be nobles, but if Nick can do it, this gold content will be...

However, Nick obviously did not notice the interaction between the two. He puffed out his chest proudly, but quickly took it back, "But, I made a mistake..."


"Well, Ms. Greif's teeth were not very good, so I told her that I could do it... Then I made a mistake in casting the spell, and it was a bit difficult to transform the human body... I turned her crooked teeth into fangs. "

The twins were stunned - although they couldn't do it, the cold-faced Ripper would probably be fine, and so would Percy. Is this spell so difficult?

"What happened next?"

"Then my wand was tricked and I was taken into the cell. The execution was carried out the next day, and my neck was broken - the damn ax was not sharpened. I was hit with dozens of axes but it still couldn't work. "

The twins didn't know what to say for a moment - no, this is too outrageous!

"So, bad ghost career, either my neck is completely broken, or I die."

"Okay, Nick, but..."

The twins made a sad face - the promise turned into cutting themselves, the pressure was too much.

"No buts, my friends, if you do this, you will gain my lifelong friendship, and I will take good care of your child when he comes to Hogwarts."

? ? ?

Is your friend span unusual?

But this was not the time to complain. Fred took a breath and became serious.

"Well, Nick, let's get started..."

"bring it on!"

Nick was very determined and even deliberately tilted his neck.

"Here, I suspect something is wrong here, what are you doing!"

Percy's growl came, but it was too late.

The sharp sword swung out and slashed at the poor ghost.

"Merlin's socks!"

Percy cried out in pain - he never thought that his annoying brother could do such a crazy thing.

That's a...


He looked at the transparent body standing there, and at Gululu's transparent head rolling over, and he fell into a state of confusion.

"Ah, it's Percy."

The head rolling over on the ground smiled and said hello very skillfully.

"It seems that I succeeded, although it hurts... It really hurts so much. It reminds me of the day I died. It hurts now..."

"Ah, you are, Nick?"

Percy held it in for a long time and finally said something he didn't expect.

"Ah, it's me, Percy, of course it's me. It's been a long time since I saw Percy. Really, I'm so happy..."

Nick tried his best to raise his head - his head began to shake, but it looked very strange from left to right.

"I'm a little out of control, but I think I'll get used to it..."

Nick's tone was full of uncontrollable laughter - it would be better if he didn't have the same body dangling around.

Even Percy, who didn't know anything, could tell that Nico was still far from getting used to this problem - but that wasn't the point.

"The sword cuts the ghost..."

Percy sighed, "You guys played a little too much, but it seems that Nick is also very happy, so I won't hold you accountable - but the sword that can hurt the ghost, I hope you can find it..."

A suspicious look appeared on his face.

"Wait...the sword that splits ghosts? Where did you get it? And this style and shape are very similar to...well, Gryffindor's sword!"

"But the sword was lost... No, according to historical data, Gryffindor's sword can be..."

"Of course, he was summoned by the great Sorting Hat!"

The Sorting Hat, who was blocked behind, responded happily, "Only Gryffindors who are in urgent need can get this magical sword with my help!~"

? ? ?

Percy was in a daze for a while, and then immediately became furious, "You two bastards actually sneaked into the principal's office and stole the precious Sorting Hat!"

"Stop your stupid talk, Percy Weasley!"

The Sorting Hat's tone became even angrier, "How could I be stolen? I left voluntarily to help Gryffindors in need!"

"You kidnapped the Sorting Hat!"

Percy looked evil.

"No kidnapping! I just went out for a walk by myself!"

The Sorting Hat's tone was even angrier, and he even retorted confidently.

Are Gryffindors so rude these days? Could it still be deceived? If it was passed back, how could he behave in front of those principals!

Moreover, he came here just because he thought it was fun!

How can this be called abduction?

Percy froze - the victim adamantly denied being victimized.

"Your opinion is invalid!"

He said something stupid out of anger, and soon learned the consequences - although the Sorting Hat has no rank and is not included in the scoring system, it has the greatest weapon.

"You didn't talk like this when you first came to school. Slug Percy, the third child in the family, the guy who no one pays attention to. Only by studying hard can you gain the respect of the family..."


Percy blushed.

"When you were sorted into Gryffindor, you should have been sent to Slytherin, bastard!"

The sorting hat goes directly to the top.

Such a fierce noise naturally attracted the boss, Madam Pomfrey. She ran over angrily and kicked everyone out except Sirius, even half a ghost and a head.

"Don't let him touch me!"

The Sorting Hat was full of anger. It leaned on George and threatened, and looked like it would explode if Percy tried again. It was so effective that Percy gave up.

Soon, the nearby prefects were notified by Percy's portrait, and Andrew was no exception.

When Andrew trotted up, he happened to witness this magical scene.

The entire Gryffindor prefects surrounded the two red-haired Weasleys, but no one dared to step forward.

"What's wrong?"

He trotted up, ready to be the peacemaker.

Catching the Weasley twins is indeed a bit surprising, but it's not impossible.

If it really doesn't work, everyone begs for mercy and lets these two bastards clean toilets for half a year - anyway, this matter can be big or small, unlike cheating, which will definitely lead to expulsion. If Professor McGonagall and the headmaster are willing to forgive, then the matter is actually just like that.

However, in any case, it is too much to let the prefects block the intersection and not let people pass - this will easily breed rumors, you should at least find an empty classroom.

Andrew stepped forward quickly after letting the prefects who were blocking the road.

"There is a big problem, Andrew."

Huffman stepped forward quickly, stopped Andrew with a serious face, and briefly introduced what happened - the maintenance of the Sorting Hat made everyone dare not really do it, after all, everyone really has a dark history.

'Dear Huffman, do you think I don't have it? '

Andrew just wanted to leave at this moment - what Sorting Hat? That thing is not to be messed with, get out of the way!

But at this moment, he could only bite the bullet and move forward.

Before the Sorting Hat opened his mouth, Andrew shouted loudly.

"We negotiate, negotiate, just negotiate, and we will not pursue your kidnapping of the Weasley twins."


The Sorting Hat was stunned.

"I just helped an excellent Gryffindor, how could it be kidnapped!"

But this word is very good - kidnapping, it is considered a big deal.

"Excellence needs to be evaluated, Mr. Sorting Hat, there must be a reason for excellence, right?"

"Gryffindors who can draw the Gryffindor dagger are excellent Gryffindors, this is what Gryffindor said!"

? ? ?

No, this is the Gryffindor defined by Gryffindor?

Andrew widened his eyes and looked at other Gryffindor prefects.

Percy and Huffman nodded, and the sixth-grade female prefect Sheila also nodded.

No? You really have?

Andrew looked helpless... So the twins are excellent Gryffindors?

This should not give the college 50 points? Just for this excellent title?

Okay, we can't expel the two anyway, just consider letting them wash until the end of the school year - the house that Gryffindor stayed in naturally can't expel Gryffindor just because Gryffindor proved himself to be an excellent Gryffindor.

No, why should I get involved!

I'm the only Ravenclaw here, okay?

Andrew looked depressed, but he still pulled Percy and the others over to explain the matter directly, and then several people implemented the idea at the same time.

'First take them back, and use the absolute no expulsion to give the Sorting Hat a way out, and then the professor will decide how long these two bastards need to be locked up for tossing people. '

The Sorting Hat is something that you can't afford to provoke but you can afford to avoid it - this kid is a backstab!

After learning that he had saved two excellent Gryffindors, the Sorting Hat loosened up - although Nick was used a little, the ending was good.

Nick's head fell off, the twins were not expelled, and he had the capital to brag.

'Happy journey...'

The Sorting Hat smiled.

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